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Fact is the market today is saturated with average at best multiplayers, thus making the audience scattered through many different MMO's due to uncertanty and lack of one clear and better choice. WOW was that choice until last few years and that's not longer the case, which of course has its pros and cons.
Guild Wars 2 I believe had something going, but for me it wasn't enough to commit to a purchase despite the massive hype I remember this site had for it. If you look at the current hype for all upcoming MMO's you'll notice one clear picture, it will be more of the same at least until the end of the year.
Last multiplayer I played was just to pass and kill the time until something bright comes on the horizon, but it will be longer than I hoped it will, therefore this poll fits perfectly to help the community deal with the current crisis.
So how are you handling the crisis?
For me if I do get involved with something from what's avaliable at the moment it must be free. I know I won't be committed to it and the ideas, executions, and the direction of todays MMO's do not cater to my preferences. Path of Exile was the best example of a short lasting MMO that helped me shell out a month or two. Then I had to do other things like catch up on TV series, and rarely, casually try some singleplayers, which these days do not appeal to me much.
As a someone who's been playing hardcore over the years, I must admit it's been an interesting change of pace and I'm curious to see how others are handling these MMO crysis as well.
If all is certain is the fact that at the end happiness does not depend on knowledge and I believe still a significant portion of the younger audience is enjoying many MMO's out there right now. I know this because when I was 6-7 years old and new to gaming I played virtually everything with passion and over and over. Games at the arcade, and most NES, SNES and PSX console games that were coming out last decades were my best childhood I could ask for.
I'm not that person anymore. I'm not 7-8 years old for better or worse, but I can still picture myself having a blast playing a game just like back in the days. If I had a choice between playing many of the F2P multiplayers today or paying $30-50 monthly for a next generation, massive, virtual mutliplayer world developed by a far larger team with far more features, complexity and overall depth and maturity behind it.
Companies and developers I believe should aknowledge that what's good sells and what's not, not so much. There are guilds merging to overcome bigger challenges, there are teams working together and I believe that's whats lacking the most in todays gaming industry. Companies not working together, not wanting to deliver something bigger in the picture than what's already avaliable and without big risks, there won't be big rewards, not for companies or players like me.
I admit, I'm probably minority, but I do believe one day I want to be part of a game so complex and massive that when mentioned most wont look down upon or consider just a "childs game" or "not good enough for the multi millionaires irl.
The sad truth is how we do have the technology today to deliver such pruduct, but the product is still missing. At the end I don't want to know that I was born 50-100 years earlier to miss on such epic game. I know one thing for sure thu, whoever will be behind it, designing that game will require massive love toward gaming, commitment and understanding.
You can't have a guy who chosed other things over gaming to be behind the development such game. You can't have a guy who put other things 1st like $ and family. It must be someone who's played most games out there over the last decades and not just played, but played like a champion.
Starcraft oldschool aka wise/04. SWG/UO aka Wise HeRo, Light Jedi Knight pre-cu (Bria)
Stopped reading here. Opinions aren't facts.
What crisis?
There is no "crisis" in entertainment. If MP games are no fun to me, i do something else. There are plenty of fun entertainment.
It's nice to kick start this thread with a troll. says otherwise though.
something that actually exists; reality; truth
And what makes my opinion if it's based upon what the definition above states?
Starcraft oldschool aka wise/04. SWG/UO aka Wise HeRo, Light Jedi Knight pre-cu (Bria)
<---- Look there
I just updated my quote, right before Op posted this one. I kinda agree with him...
There was so much wrong in that original post I just gave up.
No. Just... No.
I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been -Wayne Gretzky
Because your opinion is not based on the actual market, it's based on your subjective experiences and perceptions which makes it... not fact.
Personally I don't really agree with anything you wrote. Games today maybe average, however they are better than most old games (IMO)
GW2 has enough for many people to commit.
There is no multiplayer crisis
Companies are trying to make a game they believe will appeal to people and thus sell a lot.
Market spoke with it's preferences, which makes my opinion a fact. You believe otherwise your welcome to share it to the community with an actual fact, rather than your own "opinions".
Starcraft oldschool aka wise/04. SWG/UO aka Wise HeRo, Light Jedi Knight pre-cu (Bria)
Yes the market spoke with it's prefences, with many games making money, making profit, having hundreds of thousands of subscribers. That is the only fact.
But you didn't write that. You wrote there is a multiplayer crisis and the games are average.
Yes many games making money, making profit, having hundreds of thousands of subscribers, but making thousands when you can make millions and billions are complete two different things. And same thing goes with having hundreds or thousand subscribers, when you can have millions. And those with hundreds of thousands of subscribers aren't that "many".
At the end the poll itself will show if indeed there are crisis or not.
Starcraft oldschool aka wise/04. SWG/UO aka Wise HeRo, Light Jedi Knight pre-cu (Bria)
Oh I"m sure they would like to have even more subscribers and make even more money but they are still a success, that doesn't make it average, or a crisis.
Average is opinion
Crisis is unsubstantiated.
I just have hard time seeing MMO's growing over the time, which is the opposite of success. I too can make a MMO from my home within an hour building it for free and sell it for $20-30 to my friend and call it "success"
Starcraft oldschool aka wise/04. SWG/UO aka Wise HeRo, Light Jedi Knight pre-cu (Bria)
Because you don't know how to use google?
The number of total MMO players, in the US, grew from 13.6M to 46.2M from 2007 to 2012. Trippling the number of customers in 5 years .. is that not a success?
MMO revenue is up 14% from 2011 to 2012.
So both number of customers and revenue are up. Isn't that a "success"?
I will make it short and quick.
Developers have been pushing for the f2p model for two reasons.It allows them to make a cheaper product expecting less feedback for doing so.It allows them to secure less cost of development and less cost runnign the game.
Almost every single game right now smells of f2p quality,sadly they are being supported so it sends a real bad message.It tells devs they can just use mass marketing instead of quality to sell a game.There has been a lot more of the PR BS as well,telling the gamers what they want to hear like "We listen to you the gamer" "Your actions will change the world" "We aim more for fun because we listen to what the gamers want" ,you know all that those BS PR speeches.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
What you are saying is likely true.
However IMO the quality is better than in past games, whether it is as good as it could be is a different story, but it is better than in the past.
I've often stated there is a huge disconnect between gamers expectations and what is reasonable in the market.
Aside from the constant fighting over pvp, pve...
We expect great graphics, many expect great housing, flight, great crafting, fully customizable skills, great customizable armor skins... all that costs money. Games today cost 50 million + to develop with dwindling return. Something had to give.
Either players lower their expectations
or Game companies find a way to get more players, and/or get more money, and/or make a game cheaper.
The former will never happen, the latter had to.
Not all f2p's are shorting their communities. I think it is about equal for box, pay, and free as far as getting "feedback." There is also this silly idea that if you buy generic food at the store it will taste worse than Bran name foods. Dude, no idea what you're missing out on.
You obvioslly didn't get the point of my thread. There are many factors to increased activity in gaming than prior years that result in the revenue you show above. Facebook for example and other huge socia media sites didn't exist, mobile gaming wasn't that sophisticated.
Farmville and Zynga are surely one big success, cuz I bet when you open your facebook that's first thing you see on top of your page. Mass, big advertising that the other poster above stated as well.
Starcraft oldschool aka wise/04. SWG/UO aka Wise HeRo, Light Jedi Knight pre-cu (Bria)
I usually try not to complain much about free to play games considering I almost never put out any cash for them, but I do think you have a point about it sending a bad message to developers. It would help explain why the MMO/multiplayer market is the way it is right now.
There are options on the table. I choose between the options.
The fact that the industry has not made manifest my dreams is not a crisis ... in my opinion.
There are no crisis.
Things are changing thats all.Players dont want to be looking for groups all day long. You kill the dragon by yourself or with a friend. No more 6 houre forced raids 4 days every week if you want to get decent loot. Good gear is not anymore made for raiders only,that is good.
Nothing else really needs to be said after that.
So far only 21% are happy with their MMO and 47% are not playing anything. Looks like crisis to me. I have yet to hear from someone yet to actually share to the community how they handling the crisis, which was the point of this thread. Oh and beside watching TV series, I'm also very happy that the NBA playoffs are about to begin.
I really loved Game of Thrones, The Vampire Diaries and Once Upon a Time. Arrow afterwards was the best TV show I could ask for and now I'm near the end of season 3 of the Walking Dead, another great TV show. I also enjoy watching Anger Management and Two and a Half Men still and of course Family Guy. It would be nice if anyone else can add anything else that I could be missing Oh and yea I did watch some of the new Sherlock Holmes series as well as the new Hannibal series, which are good as well.
Starcraft oldschool aka wise/04. SWG/UO aka Wise HeRo, Light Jedi Knight pre-cu (Bria)
Can't really say it any better.
Throwing out excuses and finding blame for own failure to deliver a growing MMO that will last for decade is the exact type of thinking that shows ignorance and lack of experience.
Never say never. Look at Richard Garrot.
All told, Shroud will probably cost around $5 million. Something to the order of $5 million - plus or minus $2 million. That, incidentally, is how much Ultima Online cost to make ($5-6 million). "Tabula Rasa," was $10-20 million, something around there and failed big.
$ has influence of a games success, but not that kind you are trying to make the community to believe for all of the things I stated above.
Starcraft oldschool aka wise/04. SWG/UO aka Wise HeRo, Light Jedi Knight pre-cu (Bria)
It still doesn't prove a crisis, it just shows the percentage of the miniscule amount of people who are reading this thread opinion. Additionally, the title of the thread alone will cause a certain group to come and post their negative results as well as make a certain group completely ignore the thread outright. However, arguing those points is basically an argument in semantics, as it doesn't really get us anywhere.
I personally don't feel there is a crisis. I am happily engaged in GW2 with a large guild who participates in all aspects of the game equally and plays to the games fullest potential. GW2 isn't a perfect game by any means, but then what is the perfect game?
Where your perception of a crisis might come from is that the mmo genre is in a weird point of change and stagnation. This also happened right before WoW came out in 2004. At that point, nearly every mmo was based around grouping only mechanics, and standing around attempting to form groups for hours was the norm. WoW came out and changed how we looked at the genre, and how developers looked at the genre. Now we're at a point where soloability is king almost to the exclusion of grouping mechanics. You have gaming populations that consist of soloers or small groupers who don't really feel the need to be part of a group. In other words, we've gone from one extreme to another. GW2 made some small steps with the ad hoc grouping mechanics where you can just be around others and the game thinks of you in a group of sorts. Then we have games on the horizon like ESO that seem to be following a similar path as GW2, but keeping more of the classic mmo mechanics as well. Then we have games like Wildstar which are seemingly attempting to create a more vanilla WoW style game, but updated for todays market. Not to mention the numerous kickstarter games that are in development which are trying some interesting things as well.
What we are waiting on is the next "WoW", a game that makes enough changes for the game to be different, but not so many changes as to make the game unrecognizable. It's quite possible that the mmo genre will go into a period of severe stagnation before the next big change comes on a regular basis. It's happened at least twice now in the short period that graphical MUDs (mmos) have been in existence. We will most likely have the next "big game" come out soon enough, and probably from an unlikely source, and the genre will make a shift, and a few years down the line, we will be having a similar discussion.