Defiance is essentially a single player game with mmo add-ons. And the mmo elements are frustrating due to damage etc being handled client side with the effect that there is a huge amount of hacking; therefore pvp in particular is unplayable (there is also only one pvp build that works, cloak and shotgun).
When you look at the top 3 in any of the rampages/ time trials etc, the leader always has an unacheivable score if played within the rules.
But I agree that the trend towards solo play in mmo's is a shame. I want a populated world to play in, and yes I want to be able to solo content, but I do not want a single player game in mmo clothes.
Umm... Please explain your first sentence to me, because everything past that doesnt matter unless you can make sense of it.
If you like MMO's, you like interacting with people. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
If you do NOT like interacting with people, you do NOT like MMO's. Clear as day.
So why are you an MMO player? Why does your kind ruin these games and this genre because you are an antisocial MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE game player?
Go back to SPRPGs please!
I liked people once, when I first started playing MMO's I even dabbled with RP and had a great time. I just slowly went off people. I always found being social in an MMO more of a struggle, than a simple online multiplayer game. Majority of people are anti-social I find in MMO's unless you are part of a group, a guild etc. Their advice, find a group, a guild etc. Not much of the social aspects in an MMO feels organic to me, it feels strained and heavily segmented. But I like the MMO concept and for the most part the structure, so I like the games. I just don't like people any more. As I am also very opinionated I think the feeling is quite mutual in a lot of cases.
Umm... Please explain your first sentence to me, because everything past that doesnt matter unless you can make sense of it.
If you like MMO's, you like interacting with people. Period. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
If you do NOT like interacting with people, you do NOT like MMO's. Clear as day.
So why are you an MMO player? Why does your kind ruin these games and this genre because you are an antisocial MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE game player?
Go back to SPRPGs please!
I liked people once, when I first started playing MMO's I even dabbled with RP and had a great time. I just slowly went off people. I always found being social in an MMO more of a struggle, than a simple online multiplayer game. Majority of people are anti-social I find in MMO's unless you are part of a group, a guild etc. Their advice, find a group, a guild etc. Not much of the social aspects in an MMO feels organic to me, it feels strained and heavily segmented. But I like the MMO concept and for the most part the structure, so I like the games. I just don't like people any more. As I am also very opinionated I think the feeling is quite mutual in a lot of cases.
You know you really don't need to explain to anyone on why you play a game. They should be glad that you are supporting the same game they are playing so that it doesn't go tits up due to a lack of a PAYING customer/player base.
This isn't just isn't for Defiance, but all MMOs and those who play them. To many times we see certain groups of people feel that a genre should only cater to their playstyle. That's just simply narcissism at it's finest. They need to realize that devs aren't making games just for their playstyle, but for a wide margin of people to enjoy. It's called smart business.
In my nearly 8 years here, I am pretty sure I have only ever *started* a thread perhaps a handful of times.
This has nothing to do with the OP of this thread. It's just a thought, a thought that I didn't think warranted a new thread. Also a thought I have had for a very long time.
Anyone else ever get the feeling that some people wrack their brain trying to figure out a good Original Post to throw out there for us? Like they try to find things that are already tired of being beaten, or sublte trolling, etc? I suppose when I put it *that* way, it's hard to disagree. I guess I'm having a hard time putting into words my point.
Yeah, me too.
Anyhoo.. I know Defiance has been buggy since release, and they are working on it. I can honestly say, however, that I have never received a reward for doing an Arkfall. They were fun anyway, and many times involved a lot of deaths, but an end reward would be nice. At least *something* - more akin to Rifts in Rift.
So, you take that, add it into the mix, and I get rewarded more for solo/duo play than group play. This does not stop me from doing group play, but you can see why it would push someone that direction.
Originally posted by Whitebeards Atleast in AOC and SWTOR there is an option to take a friend with you if you don't want to solo story.. In Defiane you are forced to solo story missions.
Yeah I agree, if you can do them to their full potential with other people I'm fine with it. Guild Wars 2 almost had it but in some mission you couldn't do much as the one helping, just distract mobs etc.
You should be able to do the quest/mission at the same time with equal involvement from all the players and with difficulty scaling.
The co-op missions in Defiance are alot of fun. They should have made 20 more of those instead of the main story IMO.
From my experience in the game, you're both wrong. I had already done the main story mission with the lawkeeper and the sniper boss on the barn. The next day, I grouped up with my brother who hadn't done that main quest yet. He started it and I joined his phase for the mission. Resaw the cutscenes and everything.
So you're wrong, unless I experienced a bug lol. Or if the option is only there to repeat the main quest via a team member who hand't yet - makes no sense though haha.
Serious question, did you actually try to do a main mission in a team or just talking. That goes for everyone. What else do people want to randomly complain about next?
Edited: to address others than the OP solely
Easy there bro. Did you even bother to understand that we are talking about instanced solo missions here? yes we know that you can do story missions with others in open world but when comparison was made with games like SWTOR for example we were talking about instanced content. And yes you have no option to take your friend with you in there.
So yes we did play Defiance and we know what we are talking about.
Now I'm just confused. You state that you are forced to solo story missions (the big [!] ones) as if all the story missions are solo only. Are these accessable via the UI somewhere like the dungeons/co-op maps? I only have like 500 ego on my main, so maybe I'm missing something.
However, the Main Story Missions (the big [!] marks, not the small ones) that go into a phase/instance that removes you from interaction with the rest of the map are teamable - as my prior example explained how I joined a phase for the Lawkeeper one where the ark item is stolen and has that rocket launcher boss on a barn, where I pretty much just sniped him. Did it solo, did it in a group - how is that different than what you're saying as solo story mission?
So what is going on, what missions can't you team up for? Are you talking about Racing and Killing mass nunbers of baddies missions? Those aren't story missions.
Anyhoo.. I know Defiance has been buggy since release, and they are working on it. I can honestly say, however, that I have never received a reward for doing an Arkfall. They were fun anyway, and many times involved a lot of deaths, but an end reward would be nice. At least *something* - more akin to Rifts in Rift.
So, you take that, add it into the mix, and I get rewarded more for solo/duo play than group play. This does not stop me from doing group play, but you can see why it would push someone that direction.
Do you keep doing the arkfalls until they are cleared on the red area on the map. Sometimes this takes like doing 5 or so of them. I normally get some green drops at the lesser arkfalls (they appear right next to it), but at the end event a screen pops up with rewards and player stats. Sometimes that screen is buggy though
99% of the time I play solo.I'm not attracted to games that force a certain playstyle on me.I want ample solo content...or I won't play. It's that simple
I want to play when i want to long as I want to play....and not be forced to endure other players playstyle that is to dissimilar from mine.
why do you play mmo if you play mmo
Playing around people doesnt mean playing with them. In mmos i play alone most of the time, but i like to have people online wandering around, tahts why i personally love mmos. Otherwise i would stick to single player games. With that said, i still prefer multiplayer interaction in mmos.
Developers are adding both to mmos, multiplayer and solo content. The big problem is that they are doing it wrong. They focus on solo content and add multiplayer as an afterthought. It should be the total opossite, focus on great, innovative, fresh, and varied multiplayer content while adding solo content as an after thought for those who want to solo the mmo. Its an mmo, focus must be on multiplayer. Its OK to have solo content, but not as the main focus of an mmo
99% of the time I play solo.I'm not attracted to games that force a certain playstyle on me.I want ample solo content...or I won't play. It's that simple
I want to play when i want to long as I want to play....and not be forced to endure other players playstyle that is to dissimilar from mine.
why do you play mmo if you play mmo
Playing around people doesnt mean playing with them. In mmos i play alone most of the time, but i like to have people online wandering around, tahts why i personally love mmos. Otherwise i would stick to single player games. With that said, i still prefer multiplayer interaction in mmos.
Developers are adding both to mmos, multiplayer and solo content. The big problem is that they are doing it wrong. They focus on solo content and add multiplayer as an afterthought. It should be the total opossite, focus on great, innovative, fresh, and varied multiplayer content while adding solo content as an after thought for those who want to solo the mmo. Its an mmo, focus must be on multiplayer. Its OK to have solo content, but not as the main focus of an mmo
Perfect post, excatly what I meant with this thread. Ofc content should be soloable but it shouldn't be the main focus when deveolping an MMO.
That said, I really like Defiance. Co-op missions, defence events and arkfalls and the PVP is great combined with fluid shooting mechanics. Worth every penny and I suspect I will play it for a couple of 100 hours
True players can solo more these days but most mmo's i have played limit that by adding pvp and/or heroics. SWTOR for example sure you could solo but if you want best gear you have to pvp and/or group in some form. So there are still groups they are just giving players more options how to play.
When MMO developers started catering to the "Solo Content is MUST FOR ME" (And I'm a member of the American Entitled; so you MUST DO IT!) crowd. Thats when the MMO gamers began to get disgruntled.
It has only continued to plague more and more titles.
Then you throw in some dumbing down for the console crowd; and bam! Thats how classic MMO gaming died.
The current MMO is the equivalent of Facebook RPGing. You want to have a crowd of people to show of your solo achievements too..
GIve me a world dangerous enough that I MUST work with others to succeed at anything!!!!!!!!!!! Please!! I want to MMO again one day..
I liked people once, when I first started playing MMO's I even dabbled with RP and had a great time. I just slowly went off people. I always found being social in an MMO more of a struggle, than a simple online multiplayer game. Majority of people are anti-social I find in MMO's unless you are part of a group, a guild etc. Their advice, find a group, a guild etc. Not much of the social aspects in an MMO feels organic to me, it feels strained and heavily segmented. But I like the MMO concept and for the most part the structure, so I like the games. I just don't like people any more. As I am also very opinionated I think the feeling is quite mutual in a lot of cases.
You know you really don't need to explain to anyone on why you play a game. They should be glad that you are supporting the same game they are playing so that it doesn't go tits up due to a lack of a PAYING customer/player base.
This isn't just isn't for Defiance, but all MMOs and those who play them. To many times we see certain groups of people feel that a genre should only cater to their playstyle. That's just simply narcissism at it's finest. They need to realize that devs aren't making games just for their playstyle, but for a wide margin of people to enjoy. It's called smart business.
"If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor
In my nearly 8 years here, I am pretty sure I have only ever *started* a thread perhaps a handful of times.
This has nothing to do with the OP of this thread. It's just a thought, a thought that I didn't think warranted a new thread. Also a thought I have had for a very long time.
Anyone else ever get the feeling that some people wrack their brain trying to figure out a good Original Post to throw out there for us? Like they try to find things that are already tired of being beaten, or sublte trolling, etc? I suppose when I put it *that* way, it's hard to disagree. I guess I'm having a hard time putting into words my point.
Yeah, me too.
Anyhoo.. I know Defiance has been buggy since release, and they are working on it. I can honestly say, however, that I have never received a reward for doing an Arkfall. They were fun anyway, and many times involved a lot of deaths, but an end reward would be nice. At least *something* - more akin to Rifts in Rift.
So, you take that, add it into the mix, and I get rewarded more for solo/duo play than group play. This does not stop me from doing group play, but you can see why it would push someone that direction.
Now I'm just confused. You state that you are forced to solo story missions (the big [!] ones) as if all the story missions are solo only. Are these accessable via the UI somewhere like the dungeons/co-op maps? I only have like 500 ego on my main, so maybe I'm missing something.
However, the Main Story Missions (the big [!] marks, not the small ones) that go into a phase/instance that removes you from interaction with the rest of the map are teamable - as my prior example explained how I joined a phase for the Lawkeeper one where the ark item is stolen and has that rocket launcher boss on a barn, where I pretty much just sniped him. Did it solo, did it in a group - how is that different than what you're saying as solo story mission?
So what is going on, what missions can't you team up for? Are you talking about Racing and Killing mass nunbers of baddies missions? Those aren't story missions.
Do you keep doing the arkfalls until they are cleared on the red area on the map. Sometimes this takes like doing 5 or so of them. I normally get some green drops at the lesser arkfalls (they appear right next to it), but at the end event a screen pops up with rewards and player stats. Sometimes that screen is buggy though
Playing around people doesnt mean playing with them. In mmos i play alone most of the time, but i like to have people online wandering around, tahts why i personally love mmos. Otherwise i would stick to single player games. With that said, i still prefer multiplayer interaction in mmos.
Developers are adding both to mmos, multiplayer and solo content. The big problem is that they are doing it wrong. They focus on solo content and add multiplayer as an afterthought. It should be the total opossite, focus on great, innovative, fresh, and varied multiplayer content while adding solo content as an after thought for those who want to solo the mmo. Its an mmo, focus must be on multiplayer. Its OK to have solo content, but not as the main focus of an mmo
Perfect post, excatly what I meant with this thread. Ofc content should be soloable but it shouldn't be the main focus when deveolping an MMO.
That said, I really like Defiance. Co-op missions, defence events and arkfalls and the PVP is great combined with fluid shooting mechanics. Worth every penny and I suspect I will play it for a couple of 100 hours
I have to agree with the OP.
When MMO developers started catering to the "Solo Content is MUST FOR ME" (And I'm a member of the American Entitled; so you MUST DO IT!) crowd. Thats when the MMO gamers began to get disgruntled.
It has only continued to plague more and more titles.
Then you throw in some dumbing down for the console crowd; and bam! Thats how classic MMO gaming died.
The current MMO is the equivalent of Facebook RPGing. You want to have a crowd of people to show of your solo achievements too..
GIve me a world dangerous enough that I MUST work with others to succeed at anything!!!!!!!!!!! Please!! I want to MMO again one day..
/End Rant...