I don't know. Mesa day startin pretty okee-day with a brisky morning munchy, then BOOM! Gettin very scared and grabbin that Jedi and POW! Mesa here! Mesa gettin' very very scared!
Originally posted by issling All the body types are the same. They could just add a thousand silly faces and it makes no difference.
Welcome to Game-recycling. Invented by Blizzard in World of Warcraft. How many models did they actually took over from one expansion to another? Countless...
I've posted so many threads on this back in the days in their forums, how I felt like I was fooled by their developers. I mean it was and is such an obvious source of laziness.
Horrible, if you ask me. No real artist in the world who works with his heart would tolerate such action.
Did you ever see the movies? There were a ton of races in Star Wars that just had different heads..lol. In regards to the "no real artist who works with his heart" line... I can tell you have never had to make a living off of your art. Things change a lot when it comes to putting food on your families tables.
Originally posted by issling All the body types are the same. They could just add a thousand silly faces and it makes no difference.
Welcome to Game-recycling. Invented by Blizzard in World of Warcraft. How many models did they actually took over from one expansion to another? Countless...
I've posted so many threads on this back in the days in their forums, how I felt like I was fooled by their developers. I mean it was and is such an obvious source of laziness.
Horrible, if you ask me. No real artist in the world who works with his heart would tolerate such action.
How many races in WoW have the same charecter models/body types, just with different heads? Whats that you say, none?
Any chance to incorrectly throw WoW under the bus eh....helarious
Sorry to burst any person's bubble, but ANY playable toon is "just re-skinned".
Not sure what the difference is from EVERY OTHER GAME
Collision is no different no matter the skin. Targeting is really no different regardless of skin. Gear is no different regardless skin (with the grand exception of male/female gear skins)
So please, how is the introduction of the Cathar really any different than including Blood Elves?
Are trying to imply that blood elves have the same charecter model and animations as Orcs, trolls, Toren, Undead, goblins, humans, dwarfs, worgen, night elves, Drania?....please stop with the insanly wrong WoW comparisons.
For all of WoWs flaws, race diversity is not one of them.
Hern, so you are saying that at launch Gnomes and Dwarves didn't share same body type/movement? your saying that at blood elf launch they were completely different from a Night elf re-skin?
STO's races are all just reskins
Many other games do exactly this same thing.
All games do it.
To sit there and slam them for doing what all game companies do is just putting on those rose colored glasses
Play what you Like. I like SWOTR, Have a referral to get you going! --> http://www.swtor.com/r/nBndbs <-- Several Unlocks and a few days game time to make the F2P considerably easier
What.. why wow bash? They introduced some fun races of different body types! Goblins! Dreanei? Heck them wolf people..! Pretty decent. hardly the same as exactly the same body with different face paint.
Sorry to burst any person's bubble, but ANY playable toon is "just re-skinned".
Not sure what the difference is from EVERY OTHER GAME
Collision is no different no matter the skin. Targeting is really no different regardless of skin. Gear is no different regardless skin (with the grand exception of male/female gear skins)
So please, how is the introduction of the Cathar really any different than including Blood Elves?
Are trying to imply that blood elves have the same charecter model and animations as Orcs, trolls, Toren, Undead, goblins, humans, dwarfs, worgen, night elves, Drania?....please stop with the insanly wrong WoW comparisons.
For all of WoWs flaws, race diversity is not one of them.
Hern, so you are saying that at launch Gnomes and Dwarves didn't share same body type/movement? your saying that at blood elf launch they were completely different from a Night elf re-skin?
STO's races are all just reskins
Many other games do exactly this same thing.
All games do it.
To sit there and slam them for doing what all game companies do is just putting on those rose colored glasses
YES, thats is exactly what I am saying. If you are implying otherwise, you are either blatantly lieing to push your point, or have never played WoW. Why would you stress "at launch"? The charecter models in WoW never changed since launch, none of them. Whats in the game now (model wise) is the exact same thing that has always been there. Are they all different? You bet you @$$ they are.
I used WOW as an example as most people would have, at one time or another, played (been familiar with) it.
Now, things like a slight tweek to hieght or width is "not a different body". If that were the case then Cathar ARE a different model. Gnomes and Dwarves MOVED AND ACTED much the same.
Unless you are referring to the "universal 4" body types that SWTOR offers, then YES everything is a "re-skin" That is where my comment about STO and many other games come in. That is also where my comments on Blood Elves and Night elves came in. that is unless you think the tweek of the ears makes them unique. But then again, Blood Elves were a "hit" even though they are "just a re-skin"
In all technicallity the only race that is "truely" different in SWTOR is the Twilek, as it has the head tenticles that jerk around spasmatically many times.
Rift - Beyond a few hieght changes the model waling around is a re-skin as they all use the same basic collision and targeting. Hieght and width make NO difference when getting through tight spaces or hiding from enemies. SO when things are broken down to the basics, EVERYTHING is a just a re-skin of the "prime model"
Since you have obviously seen them move and act and can accurately judge that it is a "re-skined" human (from a static picture), and not a re-skinned Charr I guess I bow to your pre-cognition.
In the article about the Cathar, they flat out said that they were going to be re-doing ALL the Cathar character models in the game to reflect the released race. However this didn't seem to phase anyone, even though MOST of the races in Star Wars are just "re-skinned" humans with different noses and ears. So how is this a problem? especially since they are "keeping true to Star Wars?"
Heck all a Jawa is, is a midget in a robe
Heck all a Wookie is, is a harry guy - A slight reskin of a Talz...
All MOST RACES ARE, are a re-skin of another one.
Heck I can go into a Game like Aion, and recreate just about any race from just about any other MMO thanks to the player controlled slide bar. The only difference between a Gnome and a Dwarf is my sliding the hieght bar down, the nose bar up and get rid of the beard.
Play what you Like. I like SWOTR, Have a referral to get you going! --> http://www.swtor.com/r/nBndbs <-- Several Unlocks and a few days game time to make the F2P considerably easier
Pathetic as usual from Bioware. They are turning into Cryptic with their lazy half-baked dev work ever since EA bought their soul. I hope Disney shuts them down.
I used WOW as an example as most people would have, at one time or another, played (been familiar with) it.
Now, things like a slight tweek to hieght or width is "not a different body". If that were the case then Cathar ARE a different model. Gnomes and Dwarves MOVED AND ACTED much the same.
No, they do/did not. Stop clinging to this. Why are you also talking about it in the past tense? it has always been like this. Dwarfs and Gnomes, from the get go, had different charecter models, different offensive cast animations, different healing cast animations, different 2 hander swing animations, different block animations, different parry animations, different 1 hander swing animations, different walk/run animations, different wand cast animations, and the list goes on. the same goes with every other race in the game.
The models of both are also more than just "scaled down a bit"...their feet/arms/legs/hands/shoulders all have different porportions to the rest of their body, more/less polygons in they hands, legs etc...you know....the differences between what a gnome and a dwarf would be...
There are many MMOs out there that simply reuse a model, but change the face....but you sir, are blantly wrong about WoW here...Like I said earlier, for all of WoW's flaws, race/charecter diversity is not one of them...they may look like shit, but they are all different, and always have been since launch.
It's the fact subscribers have to pay at all to unlock this that is the killer and now the news the new barbershop will also require cartel coins (real money) to use, not impressed at all. If anything the Cathar should have been included with the ROTHC DLC not diced up and sold separate to make a quick buck.
No one has said the barber shop will be Cartel coins or credits or anything yet. Also the fact that , if you have spent all your stipend , all you have to do is wait a month and a day and you will have at least 1000 CC to play cathar / race change and barber shop with ( that's even if the barber shop requires CC).
PSO 4 years , EQOA 4 months , PSU 7 years , SWTOR launch ongoing , PSO2 SEA launch ongoing , Destiny 360 launch ongoing. "SWG was not fun. Let it go buddy." quote from iiNoSkillzii 10/18/13 The original propoganda pixie dust villain :[]
Originally posted by Deeter Are they recording all new voices for the whole game for this race? No excuse if they don't record some same sex relation dialogue with various characters this time around
No they didn't record new voice-overs for the Cather, the voice-overs in Star Wars: The Old Republic are class based not species based. Meaning every Jedi Knight will sound the same regardless of their species.
Because flying a Minmatar ship is like going down a flight of stairs on an office chair while firing an Uzi.
When SWTOR was coming out I was so very excited. I am a fan of Star Wars and it seemed like it was going to be a good game. However, I am amazed that any company would put out a new MMO that didn't compete with all the features current MMOs provided. When SWTOR came out it was lacking basic features that almost all other MMOs at the time had. The game did have some very cool ideas and features. The questing in SWTOR is very good, for example, and the dynamic dialogue should be the new standard in my opinion. Never have you had such immersion of character like you did in SWTOR. The problem with the game is it really is just a reskinned World of Warcraft.
Now they release a single new species. All it is is a reskinned human model, like all their playable species. That is really pathetic. I wish we could go back to when a MMO was released when it was done, not just when they decide it is time to make money.
To sum up, since the release of DAOC almost all other MMOs I have tried have been disappointing.
I know some people will say anything is just reskinned anyway, however people pay for lore and atmosphere they are not after all playing a DotA clone, or some Diablo clone. They could throw an apple or two for people that like slightly offbeat races like Ithorians, Bith , Manaan that Bioware actually created for KOTOR or Basically any race you would see at the Jek Jek Tar Bar.
Everyone knows it should have been Gungans.....
I don't know. Mesa day startin pretty okee-day with a brisky morning munchy, then BOOM! Gettin very scared and grabbin that Jedi and POW! Mesa here! Mesa gettin' very very scared!
Did you ever see the movies? There were a ton of races in Star Wars that just had different heads..lol. In regards to the "no real artist who works with his heart" line... I can tell you have never had to make a living off of your art. Things change a lot when it comes to putting food on your families tables.
Hern, so you are saying that at launch Gnomes and Dwarves didn't share same body type/movement? your saying that at blood elf launch they were completely different from a Night elf re-skin?
STO's races are all just reskins
Many other games do exactly this same thing.
All games do it.
To sit there and slam them for doing what all game companies do is just putting on those rose colored glasses
--> http://www.swtor.com/r/nBndbs <--
Several Unlocks and a few days game time to make the F2P considerably easier
YES, thats is exactly what I am saying. If you are implying otherwise, you are either blatantly lieing to push your point, or have never played WoW. Why would you stress "at launch"? The charecter models in WoW never changed since launch, none of them. Whats in the game now (model wise) is the exact same thing that has always been there. Are they all different? You bet you @$$ they are.
This is getting out of hand lol
Ya, totally the same charecter model...
I used WOW as an example as most people would have, at one time or another, played (been familiar with) it.
Now, things like a slight tweek to hieght or width is "not a different body". If that were the case then Cathar ARE a different model. Gnomes and Dwarves MOVED AND ACTED much the same.
Unless you are referring to the "universal 4" body types that SWTOR offers, then YES everything is a "re-skin" That is where my comment about STO and many other games come in. That is also where my comments on Blood Elves and Night elves came in. that is unless you think the tweek of the ears makes them unique. But then again, Blood Elves were a "hit" even though they are "just a re-skin"
In all technicallity the only race that is "truely" different in SWTOR is the Twilek, as it has the head tenticles that jerk around spasmatically many times.
Rift - Beyond a few hieght changes the model waling around is a re-skin as they all use the same basic collision and targeting. Hieght and width make NO difference when getting through tight spaces or hiding from enemies. SO when things are broken down to the basics, EVERYTHING is a just a re-skin of the "prime model"
Since you have obviously seen them move and act and can accurately judge that it is a "re-skined" human (from a static picture), and not a re-skinned Charr I guess I bow to your pre-cognition.
In the article about the Cathar, they flat out said that they were going to be re-doing ALL the Cathar character models in the game to reflect the released race. However this didn't seem to phase anyone, even though MOST of the races in Star Wars are just "re-skinned" humans with different noses and ears. So how is this a problem? especially since they are "keeping true to Star Wars?"
Heck all a Jawa is, is a midget in a robe
Heck all a Wookie is, is a harry guy - A slight reskin of a Talz...
All MOST RACES ARE, are a re-skin of another one.
Heck I can go into a Game like Aion, and recreate just about any race from just about any other MMO thanks to the player controlled slide bar. The only difference between a Gnome and a Dwarf is my sliding the hieght bar down, the nose bar up and get rid of the beard.
--> http://www.swtor.com/r/nBndbs <--
Several Unlocks and a few days game time to make the F2P considerably easier
No, they do/did not. Stop clinging to this. Why are you also talking about it in the past tense? it has always been like this. Dwarfs and Gnomes, from the get go, had different charecter models, different offensive cast animations, different healing cast animations, different 2 hander swing animations, different block animations, different parry animations, different 1 hander swing animations, different walk/run animations, different wand cast animations, and the list goes on. the same goes with every other race in the game.
The models of both are also more than just "scaled down a bit"...their feet/arms/legs/hands/shoulders all have different porportions to the rest of their body, more/less polygons in they hands, legs etc...you know....the differences between what a gnome and a dwarf would be...
There are many MMOs out there that simply reuse a model, but change the face....but you sir, are blantly wrong about WoW here...Like I said earlier, for all of WoW's flaws, race/charecter diversity is not one of them...they may look like shit, but they are all different, and always have been since launch.
No one has said the barber shop will be Cartel coins or credits or anything yet. Also the fact that , if you have spent all your stipend , all you have to do is wait a month and a day and you will have at least 1000 CC to play cathar / race change and barber shop with ( that's even if the barber shop requires CC).
PSO 4 years , EQOA 4 months , PSU 7 years , SWTOR launch ongoing , PSO2 SEA launch ongoing , Destiny 360 launch ongoing.
"SWG was not fun. Let it go buddy." quote from iiNoSkillzii 10/18/13
The original propoganda pixie dust villain :[]
No they didn't record new voice-overs for the Cather, the voice-overs in Star Wars: The Old Republic are class based not species based. Meaning every Jedi Knight will sound the same regardless of their species.
Because flying a Minmatar ship is like going down a flight of stairs on an office chair while firing an Uzi.
When SWTOR was coming out I was so very excited. I am a fan of Star Wars and it seemed like it was going to be a good game. However, I am amazed that any company would put out a new MMO that didn't compete with all the features current MMOs provided. When SWTOR came out it was lacking basic features that almost all other MMOs at the time had. The game did have some very cool ideas and features. The questing in SWTOR is very good, for example, and the dynamic dialogue should be the new standard in my opinion. Never have you had such immersion of character like you did in SWTOR. The problem with the game is it really is just a reskinned World of Warcraft.
Now they release a single new species. All it is is a reskinned human model, like all their playable species. That is really pathetic. I wish we could go back to when a MMO was released when it was done, not just when they decide it is time to make money.
To sum up, since the release of DAOC almost all other MMOs I have tried have been disappointing.
You make me like charity