I had constantly been battling as to whether or not I should be a pc gamer. In light of the continuous flow of garbage that devs keep putting out and the mixed up world of just how to pay ( buy to play pay to play pay to win subscription buy to play with micro's free and ....... I just cant keep up with it all anymore. Ive sold out of pc gaming and it feels great.
Special thanks to Neverwinter the latest load of bs to hit the markets
Special thanks to a vocal community that loves f2p and allowed me to realize I need to sell out while the getting is good ie.. before next gen consoles hit.
Special thanks to devs that continuously strike out at the plate
Special thanks to devs for removing social aspects and putting old console games back in the limelight
Hats off to those that can put up with this crap and kudos to those like me that get out
Heres to the future of gaming enjoy
There are good and bad games everywhere.
I don't get why it is a bad thing to have more options even if a majority of the options suck.
Keep in mind that the ones that suck die in a timely fashion.
I use previews, Youtube and various websites to find games that interest me.
I am an avid gamer, both console and PC and I like them both for different reasons.
You do not have to try every game on the market. That would get very frustrating and would make me want to quit as well. You just do a little research about a game to see if it is for you before you waste your time on it.
There are good and bad games everywhere.
I don't get why it is a bad thing to have more options even if a majority of the options suck.
Keep in mind that the ones that suck die in a timely fashion.
I use previews, Youtube and various websites to find games that interest me.
I am an avid gamer, both console and PC and I like them both for different reasons.
You do not have to try every game on the market. That would get very frustrating and would make me want to quit as well. You just do a little research about a game to see if it is for you before you waste your time on it.
Couple of thank you's I forgot to mention.
Thank you kickstarter, I am absolutely blown away by the buzz you create for games that are merely games one could potentially play. You make me realize that this culture is one I do not want to be a part of. Its like a real life zombie apocalypse. Mention Dark Age of Camelot and the zombies just start walking toward Mark Jacobs. Now I hope it all works but I am just blown away by the culture that has to much trust. No offense Mark Jacobs but I am just amazed at this.
Thank you hardware developers. You crank out the latest and greatest on a daily basis for no reason whatsoever. How can I say that ? Well take a look at the games available. Sure would be nice to buy a new graphics card so I can pay to win on Neverwinter? Oh wait I can play this game on a 5 year old pc and it looks beautiful. Now why did I dish out that money for the card again? Oh thats right so I could brag about my pc.
Thank you super mario brothers, zelda, sonic, and pong for still being so much fun. Whike the rat race marches along in the pc gaming world you just keep plugging and chugging away as though its not even there. Well you know what? You're right.
One big blurry wall of txt so TL;DR
Im PC only gamer and there are so many games out there that choice is not that hard you just read pre-reviews-youtube and read forums then deside if game is for you.
It works most time for me buying games ive infest first for info and almost never have bad buy.
Last real bad buy was (i was blinded by bethesda as publisher) hunter what a terible game publushed by bethesda.
But Dishonored was one of my best buys in long time also published by bethesda.
PC Forever!!!
Er, unless your plan is to not game the whole micro transaction thing exists everywhere. It's just slightly different with other platforms. For instance, on the XBox, you have to purchase a membership just to access anything that lets you buy anything. On the PS3, you don't have to pay for access, but there are still cash shops and downloadable content to buy. They've only just gotten started with MMOs on other platforms too.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
I think all this micro transactions/DLC crap started with console games.. or at least thats where I remember it starting games releasing ltos of crappy DLC liek different camo for guns and stuff.. they fonud out that people actually spent tons of cash no this crap.. so it jsut expanded from there..
Not exactly sure how you can say this about all aspects of PC gaming sure it's getting harder to find that one Mo with all the F2P stuff polluting the market but some F2P games are going to beat the milk the customer dry trap.
And why on earth would you want to pull out at a time when PC gaming is once again at a golden age where devs own their IP and the community is actively involved,talking Kickstarters here albeit Star Citizen to The Repopulation to wasteland 2 to Planet Explorers no more are the bigger companies holding the smaller guys hostage,and there are companies like CD Project Red developing for the PC then maybe consoles,and now all the major publishers have some real competition and if they don't buck their ideas up and produce quality they will start to feel the pinch just like EA is right now.
<childish, provocative and highly speculative banner about your favorite game goes here>
"The problem is that the hardcore folks always want the same thing: 'We want exactly what you gave us before, but it has to be completely different.'
-Jesse Schell
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid."
-Luke McKinney
Exactly I could have carried on for 5 pages naming them and by late 2013 when all these games arrive I'm not sure where I will find the time to play them I have backed The Repopulation, Elite Dangerous,SC,Shroud of Avatar,Limit Theory,Planet Explorers and Divergence all to look forward to
Besides all the stuff coming for the future PC stuff as well Cyberpunk 2077,Witcher 3,WatchDogs,and of course that does not include games I might back in the future as for Mo's still have Origins of Malu,Wildstar,Archeage and Wulin to hopefully test as well so If you completely jump ship now it's kinda crazy imo.
Exactly I could have carried on for 5 pages naming them and by late 2013 when all these games arrive I'm not sure where I will find the time to play them I have backed The Repopulation, Elite Dangerous,SC,Shroud of Avatar,Limit Theory,Planet Explorers and Divergence all to look forward to
Besides all the stuff coming for the future PC stuff as well Cyberpunk 2077,Witcher 3,WatchDogs,and of course that does not include games I might back in the future as for Mo's still have Origins of Malu,Wildstar,Archeage and Wulin to hopefully test as well so If you completely jump ship now it's kinda crazy imo.
Unfortunately the f2p has destroyed mmorpgs. I see a thread here were someone says f2p just means we are not going to tell you how much we are going to charge ..... I feel that person is right on the money. So we have many many lackluster games. We divide up our base of mmo players and we have an uncertain cost associated with the games. And before you say well you dont have to buy anything, im going to call your bluff. I play games for enjoyment and relaxation. F2p just does not allow that to happen.
I know there are other great games for pc and some are also available on console as well, I just cant justify owning a pc at this point in time when f2p has littered the mmo market with pile after pile of trash, next gen consoles right around the corner, its summertime, and there are tons of cheap buy to play games I can enjoy on my ps3.
I do have an accumulation of reasons here listed. But the one that gets me the most is f2p. I payed sub fees for years and I didnt mind it at all. F2p just rubs me wrong enough to give up the pc and search for gaming elsewhere. Right now im playing Dead Space 2 , Skyrim, and black ops 2. I hop in and out of def8ance but console culture just isnt mmorpg ready yet.
There are good and bad games everywhere.
I don't get why it is a bad thing to have more options even if a majority of the options suck.
Keep in mind that the ones that suck die in a timely fashion.
I use previews, Youtube and various websites to find games that interest me.
I am an avid gamer, both console and PC and I like them both for different reasons.
You do not have to try every game on the market. That would get very frustrating and would make me want to quit as well. You just do a little research about a game to see if it is for you before you waste your time on it.
One big blurry wall of txt so TL;DR
Im PC only gamer and there are so many games out there that choice is not that hard you just read pre-reviews-youtube and read forums then deside if game is for you.
It works most time for me buying games ive infest first for info and almost never have bad buy.
Last real bad buy was (i was blinded by bethesda as publisher) hunter what a terible game publushed by bethesda.
But Dishonored was one of my best buys in long time also published by bethesda.
PC Forever!!!
Sorry about the wall of text. This website is somewhat mobile friendly but not completely
If playing pc game is your just a hobby I can expect that, but not for the hard cored gamer like us.. In choosing games to play its always depend on a player's preference.
Online games help professionals de-stress
He juggles hectic corporate meetings and numerous deadlines, but 28-year-old marketing professional Rajiv Singh never fails to plough his farm and water his plants. Surprised? Don't be. He plays the online game Farmville. Singh's is just one of the mushrooming cases of online game addiction - a trend that psychologists say is a good stress buster, if not overdone. For instance, in an environment where concrete buildings leave barely any space for trees, Farmville on...
When I get fed up with the huge selection of games that I don't have the system to play... I buy the system that plays those games.
I don't "sell out" of something that I didn't own.
I really have no idea what this is here.
I use my PC to play single player and co op games much more than MMOs now days. I can play most of the games that I would play on a console ( Skyrim, BS3, BL2, Batman AA/AC, ect ) on my PC with a controller and have maxed out graphics.
I may get out of MMO gaming, but I will continue to be a fan of PC gaming over console for sure.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
Well you even yourself said it. The majority of options suck. So why would anyone stay if they felt that way ? Honestly if it wasn't for great rpgs like Skyrim,Mass Effect series and great rts games like Starcraft along with a few others pc gaming would be horrific. There is still hope for the mmo genre but it certainly looking pretty grim. The quality of mmo gaming has gone down considerably since the end of vanilla WoW. I'll be following the OP when the new next gen consoles hit as well.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Well I give up if this is the attitude what's the point of even putting forward a persuasive argument bugger all really,just this the amount of new created PC content is exploding crowd scourceing has let the little guys think that much bigger and also take game play back to it's roots where innovation ruled,pretty sure if you dig through the so called crap you will unearth a gem or two.
I do enjoy those single player rpgs and skyrim is probably one of the best, I have it for pc and ps3 and though pc gives me more options, I just cant justify keeping a pc around for skyrim.
The best thing would be if microsoft opened the flood gates and allowed pc games to be played on thier next xbox. I would buy a ps4 for the sony exclusives and the next x box for pc titles. Then I justkick back enjoy my console titles whike the pc world figures out how to make games wworthwhile and charge people fairly.
It appears OP forgot to download steam.
"As you read these words, a release is seven days or less away or has just happened within the last seven days those are now the only two states youll find the world of Tyria."...Guild Wars 2
Step in the arena and break the wall down
Simply don't buy or play any microtransaction or riddled with insane amount of DLCs games. Of course that rules out practically almost every single mmo, many multiplayer games and even some single player games.
I still have lot of games to play - just not mmorpg's or generaly no mmos and many of mainstream games.
To know good honest games - you also need to take your game knowegedle not only from main gaming sites. If you only take knowegedle through mmorpg.com or IGN - then well you're fucked cause you only know about MMOS and mainstream titles (that are increasingly monetized or DRM-ized sadly and that's why avoid many of them).
Also PS4 and Xbox 720 will give you bad reality call - both of those consoles will have lots of microtransaction / DLC, etc games. Just like PCs.
My advice - research more and stop playing MMOs / MMORPGs, at least until investors will see niche of players like you or me and start produce some titles for us - wtihout shit microtransactions and casualized / lobby-like designs.
I am astounded that you even tried to play Neverwitner Online - it was and is CRYSTAL CLEAR that it is microtransaction game and practically lobby dungeon crawler and not mmorpg that is trying to create world and equal level playing field.
Or Indie Db,Desura,GamersGate,GOG,Greenlight,Kickstarter and Indiegogo to name a few.
Oh, so a true gamer is one who bends over and take it up the ...? When done getting raped, says thank you..?
Most people complain and say things like, if this or that doesn't change I'll do this and that, I'll quit gaming and never return.
It's nice to see someone doing it instead of just talking about it.
People who can see through all the bullshit in this industry are few and far between, and will ofcourse be missed.
I never had a console. I never felt the need to get one. Why should I? There are so many awesome pc games out there, I see no single reason why I should get a console. Some games are good, some games are bad. It's like that, everywhere, on each and every system.
Let's play Fallen Earth (blind, 300 episodes)
Let's play Guild Wars 2 (blind, 45 episodes)