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Darkfall: Unholy Wars launched late last month and promised to be true hardcore and a true sandbox. Today we the final installment in the series, paving the way for next week's final review. See what we discovered in our next several hours in the game before heading to the comments to tell us about yours.
My third week began the same as my second week ended, farming items. Luckily this only lasted for a few hours before I was able to craft the next tier of Skirmisher armour. It felt pretty good to be able to craft the next tier of armour, but I still can’t help but feel that the crafting progression is still too slow. With most of my second week in-game spent farming and relentlessly crafting gear just to reach that twenty-five crafting rank.
Read more of George Dimmock's Darkfall: Unholy Wars - Review In Progress #3.
Bill, your reviewers need to play the mmo they are reviewing more. I have not played DF:UW, but I know 2k prowess is something that can be reached with very little time /played.
20 hours played seems to be a stretch. DF:UW guys correct me if I'm wrong.
You can get 2k prowess in a matter of hours.
So this week you went outside of the safe zone and got killed. Gotcha.
Hell i think i have played less than 5 hours as i hate what AV have done to the game but i have more Prowess points than that from just killing goblins.. i know people who AFK chop wood in the safe zones that ahve huge amounts of Prowess.
PS - All mammals have nipples.
Get over it already.
I hate it when people say that. Say what you like or don't like about it, but don't tell people to stay away. Yes the game has problems, but it also has a ton of potential, and it IS fun. It's only going to get better (in fact, I've seen noticeable improvement in my relatively short time playing).
I'm just waiting for a F2P overhyped sandbox WoW clone with full PVP, epic raid bosses, instanced group content, and Crysis-quality graphics to come out. That, or something fun.
You're absolutely right. That's next week.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
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Well you better really sink your teeth into it otherwise you're just going to piss a lot of people off. Get out of the safe zone, bind to a chaos stone. Try to get an agreement with the other people there to not kill you and maybe even group up. Go out and explore from that point. Be more aware of your surroundings and be more careful. This review reads like you are paralyzed by fear of getting killed. Embrace it. Bank early and bank often.
How in the world do you have 2k prowess after 20 hours in game?
My harvesting alt that has never left the safezone has close to 20k prowess, just from harvesting and crafting.
(Uzik ibnYaraq in game. Always willing to help.)
Games that don't have somewhat safe zones soon have very few paying customers. Even Eve, as hardcore as it is has somewhat safe zones. Games that don't have them, soon close down.
If you want to enjoy a game like Darkfall, get some friends together and play it together. Playing a game like this solo, quickly becomes very frustrating.
It always cracks me up when veterans criticize a reviewer for going slow. They conveniently forget when they were learning the game.
Also, why in the WORLD wouldn't they just have Ripper X review this?
After 2 weeks you've only just now left the safezone... You've only experienced like 1% of what the game has to offer.
I understand that lots of MMO players are casual, but the miniscule amount of content you've covered so far is going to make your review as meaningful as a WoW review with the player never having left the starter zone.
Unless you intend to spend the next week actually going out into the world and playing the game you are going to be doing DFUW, and yourself, a huge disservice.
(Uzik ibnYaraq in game. Always willing to help.)
Ripper, love the man, but he's a bit biased when it comes to Darkfall. I recruited George to do the review, because he's fresh into the game and hasn't played the betas or been rabid about the original.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
My Review Manifesto
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That's a very good point!
As for the current progress of the reviewer, it would be very nice if he could put some serious hours in to experience clan v clan PvP and the like. A review on the tutorial and the safezone wouldn't give an idea of what DFUW is actually about.
I am severely disapointed with this. 3 weeks and he's played 20 hours?
He finally steps out of the safe zone, and decides to mine ore between 2 towns like a nub. When he natually get's ganked, he's "infuriated"? SERIOUSLY??!?
George and I are talking often about this review, and if I feel he hasn't put enough time in, we won't publish the review next week, but rather will hold off until he's spent enough time experiencing the exact parts you mention.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
My Review Manifesto
Follow me on Twitter if you dare.
Good to hear, looking forward to his full review, good or bad.
Spot on there - hell he loves every game he gives first impressions on. I do not see what is wrong so far - he is reviewing this from a perspective of a brand new player to Darkfall 100% - where the half-ass tutorial does not really tell you but barely the bare basics for any new player...
Sure let him go bind to a chaos stone and get wrecked by the 30K+ prowess people.... He is playing the game like someone brand new to DF - just like all the other new steam players you see staying in the safe zones because the minute they leave the safe zone they get rolled by the gank squads patrolling outside. Instead of bashing the reviewer go let AV hear your voice to make the game much, much more new player friendly.
Tldr version... your reviewers should review after playing the game the way players play the game....
RIP Ribbitribbitt you are missed, kid.
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Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.
Dwight D Eisenhower
My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud.
Henry Rollins
Hi Everyone
It's George here. I'm very new to Darkfall: UW and that's probably why Bill asked me to review it. The amount of time I have stated I've spent in the game, IS what I've spent in-game. You've got to remember I've never played an MMO quite like Darkfall: UW, so I'm taking my time in-game.
As for the prowess with the amount of time spent in-game. A lot of my hours have been taken up just by exploring, and a lot by crafting too, from what I've experienced it's been a little bit slow progression wise. I'm taking on a lot of the Clan Warfare elements of the game before I get on with the full review, but I do hope to do the game justice as it has been very enjoyable so far.
As Bill said, if the final review doesn't dig deep enough, we'll be holding it off.
Til then,
I think you are doing just fine - as I stated above: "He is playing the game like someone brand new to DF - just like all the other new steam players you see" This is very common for people brand new to Darkfall; never having played it before.
George, I would also recommend getting into a well organized clan, it will definitely improve the experience and speed up things as you will get lots of help in what direction to focus your path in DF. Good luck with the final review, will be looking forward to reading it when done.