I should just say diddo, but I will give a little more than that.
Great Graphics. Not the best, but cerainly better than almost every game out there. They constantly improve it at least once a year.
Awsome Community. There are only a couple of jerks I have met in the game but that is it. Never been harassed. Beggars are almost non-existent in the game.
Huge amount of content. There are things that I have yet to do and I have been playing this game since it went live. Not saying you cannot do it all, but there is a lot of conent and it keeps getting added.
Free expansions to the game
The best PvP (RvR system) on the market.
A huge amount of classes to play.
They seem to want to make a good game and actually listen to feedback. It is not that they go with the majority, but they do take polls and go along with the poll results. It just isn't about subscription numbers they actually care if people like the game and if they like the game.
Most importantly, what is it that these other games can offer me that I do not have here? So far if there is anything they have it either isn't done right, or I do not like it. WoW has less content, no RvR, fewer classes, worse graphics, server problems, horrible customer service, abusive GMs. I look at it this way, given the time I have spent and all the DAOC has to offer another game is going to have to offer me a lot more and there isn't one yet that can do it.
I should just say diddo, but I will give a little more than that.
Great Graphics. Not the best, but cerainly better than almost every game out there. They constantly improve it at least once a year.
Awsome Community. There are only a couple of jerks I have met in the game but that is it. Never been harassed. Beggars are almost non-existent in the game.
Huge amount of content. There are things that I have yet to do and I have been playing this game since it went live. Not saying you cannot do it all, but there is a lot of conent and it keeps getting added.
Free expansions to the game
The best PvP (RvR system) on the market.
A huge amount of classes to play.
They seem to want to make a good game and actually listen to feedback. It is not that they go with the majority, but they do take polls and go along with the poll results. It just isn't about subscription numbers they actually care if people like the game and if they like the game.
Most importantly, what is it that these other games can offer me that I do not have here? So far if there is anything they have it either isn't done right, or I do not like it. WoW has less content, no RvR, fewer classes, worse graphics, server problems, horrible customer service, abusive GMs. I look at it this way, given the time I have spent and all the DAOC has to offer another game is going to have to offer me a lot more and there isn't one yet that can do it.