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MMORPG research - player interviews for PhD research

Hi all,


My name is Leigh Klaver and I'm currently doing my PhD on video game players, most specifically MMORPG players, in Melbourne, Australia.

Now that I've introduced myself I should get to the point. A major part of my research is focused on why people play MMORPGs. Over the years I've read many articles and listened to fellow gamers telling me why they play MMORPGs, but I'm looking for more depth and information from as broad a group of gamers as possible. For this reason I've just completed and had approved a lengthy (!) ethics process so that I can conduct one-on-one interviews with MMORPG players.

Basically - I'm looking for MMORPG players to interview. The only requirement for interviewees is that they're over 18 and currently play an MMORPG (or several), other than that I'd love to hear from as broad a group of MMORPG players as possible. Interviews will be conducted either in-person (if you're in the Melbourne area) or via Skype. Participation is anonymous and interviews will likely last for around 20-40 minutes, depending on the interviewee. Interviews will be undertaken over the course of the next few weeks and I'm going to make myself as available as possible to undertake them at times convenient to interviewees. The results of the interviews will be used in my research and any associated academic publications.

If you have a half hour to spare and are happy to be interviewed you'd be doing me (and my research outcomes) a huge favour by participating. If you'd like to participate please email me at If you have any questions/queries please feel free to email me and I'll reply as soon as I can.


Cheers and thanks for reading,


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