Originally posted by Precusor What's going to happen to Gamestop?
Looks like they are SOL. Given that we are in the depths of the IP wars, this was a predictable move on the part of Mickysoft. I'd be quite surprised if Mickysoft doesn't move to always connected games (and later, cloud only games) over a few years time. Given various trend lines, this may turn out to be one of the last (if not the last) console generations.
I usually keep up with whatever Sony releases console wise. however since both Sony and Microsoft decided to move to the CD Key route. I'm skipping this generation and hope a lot of people do. That way maybe, Just maybe, they will patch that crap out of their Software and allow us to go back to business as usual. Before anyone says anything. i have never pirated Console games in my life, however Buying new games is Rare for i am Poor (hear me roar)
Because i can. I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out. Logic every gamers worst enemy.
So far it's confirmed my decision to stick to PS4 / PC. I have all systems now, but my 360 sees no use outside the occasional Gears game with my bro-in-law, and my Wii collects dust. PS3 definitely sees the most use.
Beyond that, I'm hoping Sony does not pull a "fee for used games" move, especially not attaching a game disc to one account. It already annoys me that save games are tied to an account, so when I've tried to continue a save game at my work's PS3 during down time, I get c-blocked by that crud. If they do move to the same measure of tying the entire game to a profile, I'll skip PS4 as well. Luckily there's been no word of that.
I wasn't impressed with the reveal, I feel after watching the presentation that Microsoft is shooting themselves in the foot, the whole move from core gaming to an all entertainment system and, and social media hub, gaming seemed to be an afterthought in that presentation and the only time truly dedicated to any games was the new COD game which isn't even a non-exclusive game, with the paying a fee to play used games is also a deal breaker to a lot of people who cannot afford to drop 60$ or 70$ for a new game, I think Microsoft is doing everything possible indirectly to remove itself from the gaming industry with this reveal.
So far it's confirmed my decision to stick to PS4 / PC. I have all systems now, but my 360 sees no use outside the occasional Gears game with my bro-in-law, and my Wii collects dust. PS3 definitely sees the most use.
Beyond that, I'm hoping Sony does not pull a "fee for used games" move, especially not attaching a game disc to one account. It already annoys me that save games are tied to an account, so when I've tried to continue a save game at my work's PS3 during down time, I get c-blocked by that crud. If they do move to the same measure of tying the entire game to a profile, I'll skip PS4 as well. Luckily there's been no word of that.
They were pressured into accepting it. there is no fee for used games so to speak, however there is no such thing as used games anymore.
Edit : if i'm not mistaken it was Capcom and EA who pushed this on Sony, i Read about the Xbox being like that several months before i heard about sony giving in.
Because i can. I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out. Logic every gamers worst enemy.
Ah, that one's a bit old. I quickly googled this up which is more recent. Hopefully it stay as something the publisher decides, and I'll just avoid those ones. Thanks for the heads up, though. I actually hadn't heard of it until you mentioned it.
Ah, that one's a bit old. I quickly googled this up which is more recent. Hopefully it stay as something the publisher decides, and I'll just avoid those ones. Thanks for the heads up, though. I actually hadn't heard of it until you mentioned it.
Yeah i tried to correct it but my server crashed. i found this one from Feb 2013
I gave up on microsoft and the xbox after the first one and think they are going to pull a nintendo with this system they are just reaching to far to pigeon hole gamers into habits and practices they see as lucrative for them and not so much about what gamers are actually asking for.
Ah, that one's a bit old. I quickly googled this up which is more recent. Hopefully it stay as something the publisher decides, and I'll just avoid those ones. Thanks for the heads up, though. I actually hadn't heard of it until you mentioned it.
Yeah i tried to correct it but my server crashed. i found this one from Feb 2013
Ah, that one's a bit old. I quickly googled this up which is more recent. Hopefully it stay as something the publisher decides, and I'll just avoid those ones. Thanks for the heads up, though. I actually hadn't heard of it until you mentioned it.
Those links don't really discount the implementation of some sort of fee, though.
I agree that it should be up to the publisher. They have no business pressuring the console producers to apply such rules to their entire lineup.
So far it's confirmed my decision to stick to PS4 / PC. I have all systems now, but my 360 sees no use outside the occasional Gears game with my bro-in-law, and my Wii collects dust. PS3 definitely sees the most use.
Beyond that, I'm hoping Sony does not pull a "fee for used games" move, especially not attaching a game disc to one account. It already annoys me that save games are tied to an account, so when I've tried to continue a save game at my work's PS3 during down time, I get c-blocked by that crud. If they do move to the same measure of tying the entire game to a profile, I'll skip PS4 as well. Luckily there's been no word of that.
Update: Xbox support on Twitter has confirmed that there would be “no fee” associated with used games. Apparently there was a previous miscommunication with Wired:
As this has been going on for years now the reasons for killing the used game market it takes from developers.....same goes for music, and movies.
So am I to assume that people must purchase everything new? You would never buy a house you didn't have built and only go to concerts and theaters for your entertainment? By purchasing used music, you are taking money from the artists that created it (since most of the share of sales goes to the label and not the artists), but they get a bigger share of concert revenue (hence why there is a purpose to tour). Also the home builder that built the house doesn't get a payday if the house is used. The arguments is based on the assumption that a game is something completely different from other property and it isn't just flawed, it is flatly a lie. We know that disk content deteriorates, just because the rate is slower doesn't make that statement less true. So you cannot effectively make that argument either. The opinion is based on flawed logic and while it is fine for people to enjoy that ignorance, do not attempt to pass it off as anything but.
All this comes down to is greed and money not necessarily for developers but upper-management and shareholders.....like it always has been done across all industries.
If there is one thing I've noticed from Sony, they don't like to charge you for things if they don't have to. Their online has been free since the launch of the PS3, When they had the hacking instances they didn't blame the hacker and just walk away they gave everyone effected free games. and by effected i mean anyone who had a online account.
Business wise, i've always been on the side of Sony, i've preferred the vast majority of what they have released. with the new information (barring any dumb moves on account of Sony's used game idea) looks like i will buy the PS4.
Because i can. I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out. Logic every gamers worst enemy.
So far it's confirmed my decision to stick to PS4 / PC. I have all systems now, but my 360 sees no use outside the occasional Gears game with my bro-in-law, and my Wii collects dust. PS3 definitely sees the most use.
Beyond that, I'm hoping Sony does not pull a "fee for used games" move, especially not attaching a game disc to one account. It already annoys me that save games are tied to an account, so when I've tried to continue a save game at my work's PS3 during down time, I get c-blocked by that crud. If they do move to the same measure of tying the entire game to a profile, I'll skip PS4 as well. Luckily there's been no word of that.
Update: Xbox support on Twitter has confirmed that there would be “no fee” associated with used games. Apparently there was a previous miscommunication with Wired:
Reading it over. it sounds more to me like they pulled a "holy shit they REALLY dont like that idea... eh... eh... Miscommunication go go!!"
Because i can. I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out. Logic every gamers worst enemy.
So far it's confirmed my decision to stick to PS4 / PC. I have all systems now, but my 360 sees no use outside the occasional Gears game with my bro-in-law, and my Wii collects dust. PS3 definitely sees the most use.
Beyond that, I'm hoping Sony does not pull a "fee for used games" move, especially not attaching a game disc to one account. It already annoys me that save games are tied to an account, so when I've tried to continue a save game at my work's PS3 during down time, I get c-blocked by that crud. If they do move to the same measure of tying the entire game to a profile, I'll skip PS4 as well. Luckily there's been no word of that.
Update: Xbox support on Twitter has confirmed that there would be “no fee” associated with used games. Apparently there was a previous miscommunication with Wired:
Reading it over. it sounds more to me like they pulled a "holy shit they REALLY dont like that idea... eh... eh... Miscommunication go go!!"
Well it seemed fishy to me because most were saying it would work by tying the disc to the user account, that is exactly what sony patented http://www.gamespot.com/news/sony-patents-tech-to-block-used-games-6401992. As at odds competitively as the two companies are, I find it hard to believe that Microsoft swallowed their pride and paid sony for the rights to use the tech.
So far it's confirmed my decision to stick to PS4 / PC. I have all systems now, but my 360 sees no use outside the occasional Gears game with my bro-in-law, and my Wii collects dust. PS3 definitely sees the most use.
Beyond that, I'm hoping Sony does not pull a "fee for used games" move, especially not attaching a game disc to one account. It already annoys me that save games are tied to an account, so when I've tried to continue a save game at my work's PS3 during down time, I get c-blocked by that crud. If they do move to the same measure of tying the entire game to a profile, I'll skip PS4 as well. Luckily there's been no word of that.
Update: Xbox support on Twitter has confirmed that there would be “no fee” associated with used games. Apparently there was a previous miscommunication with Wired:
Reading it over. it sounds more to me like they pulled a "holy shit they REALLY dont like that idea... eh... eh... Miscommunication go go!!"
Well it seemed fishy to me because most were saying it would work by tying the disc to the user account, that is exactly what sony patented http://www.gamespot.com/news/sony-patents-tech-to-block-used-games-6401992. As at odds competitively as the two companies are, I find it hard to believe that Microsoft swallowed their pride and paid sony for the rights to use the tech.
I don't. think of it this way. you invent something that other people really hate so you decide not to use it. your competition steps up and goes "that's awesome sell it to us" What do you do, tell them how bad the reaction was and make it possible that they can get a leg up on you. or sell it to them and walk away laughing.
Or if they didnt buy it, looked at the idea and made their own version.
Because i can. I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out. Logic every gamers worst enemy.
So far it's confirmed my decision to stick to PS4 / PC. I have all systems now, but my 360 sees no use outside the occasional Gears game with my bro-in-law, and my Wii collects dust. PS3 definitely sees the most use.
Beyond that, I'm hoping Sony does not pull a "fee for used games" move, especially not attaching a game disc to one account. It already annoys me that save games are tied to an account, so when I've tried to continue a save game at my work's PS3 during down time, I get c-blocked by that crud. If they do move to the same measure of tying the entire game to a profile, I'll skip PS4 as well. Luckily there's been no word of that.
Update: Xbox support on Twitter has confirmed that there would be “no fee” associated with used games. Apparently there was a previous miscommunication with Wired:
Reading it over. it sounds more to me like they pulled a "holy shit they REALLY dont like that idea... eh... eh... Miscommunication go go!!"
So far it's confirmed my decision to stick to PS4 / PC. I have all systems now, but my 360 sees no use outside the occasional Gears game with my bro-in-law, and my Wii collects dust. PS3 definitely sees the most use.
Beyond that, I'm hoping Sony does not pull a "fee for used games" move, especially not attaching a game disc to one account. It already annoys me that save games are tied to an account, so when I've tried to continue a save game at my work's PS3 during down time, I get c-blocked by that crud. If they do move to the same measure of tying the entire game to a profile, I'll skip PS4 as well. Luckily there's been no word of that.
Update: Xbox support on Twitter has confirmed that there would be “no fee” associated with used games. Apparently there was a previous miscommunication with Wired:
That's great. I don't buy used games, but I've always been under the impression that the second hand market directly aids the first hand market, so I've never agreed to this ideology that used games should be blocked.
Having said that, the main issue for me personally is still tying the disc to the profile/account (as I mentioned taking my games to my work consoles to play on, which use a separate profile/account). No fee is still great news no matter which way you slice it, though!
Ill speak honestly, i am bias against Xbox. I have had one red ring, my friends on the other hand have had several... each. I learned after the first one that when my console broke, i didnt buy a new one. My PS3 Broke but was replaced because it wasnt the PS3 that broke itself, it was a dog who decided it was a fun new toy.
Because i can. I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out. Logic every gamers worst enemy.
Looks like they are SOL. Given that we are in the depths of the IP wars, this was a predictable move on the part of Mickysoft. I'd be quite surprised if Mickysoft doesn't move to always connected games (and later, cloud only games) over a few years time. Given various trend lines, this may turn out to be one of the last (if not the last) console generations.
Wow those ppl in the commercial look damn ugly...what kind of freakshow was that?
-Massive-Industries- Heavy Duty
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
So far it's confirmed my decision to stick to PS4 / PC. I have all systems now, but my 360 sees no use outside the occasional Gears game with my bro-in-law, and my Wii collects dust. PS3 definitely sees the most use.
Beyond that, I'm hoping Sony does not pull a "fee for used games" move, especially not attaching a game disc to one account. It already annoys me that save games are tied to an account, so when I've tried to continue a save game at my work's PS3 during down time, I get c-blocked by that crud. If they do move to the same measure of tying the entire game to a profile, I'll skip PS4 as well. Luckily there's been no word of that.
They were pressured into accepting it. there is no fee for used games so to speak, however there is no such thing as used games anymore.
Edit : if i'm not mistaken it was Capcom and EA who pushed this on Sony, i Read about the Xbox being like that several months before i heard about sony giving in.
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
Do you mean the PS4? And if so, would you by chance have a link to that?
Actually hold that thought, i found one of them denying it from Febuary 2013.
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
Ah, that one's a bit old. I quickly googled this up which is more recent. Hopefully it stay as something the publisher decides, and I'll just avoid those ones. Thanks for the heads up, though. I actually hadn't heard of it until you mentioned it.
EDIT: Fixed my link to point to the one I meant
Yeah i tried to correct it but my server crashed. i found this one from Feb 2013
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
Yupyup, saw your edit too. Check my fixed link though, it appears it was half-and-half.
Those links don't really discount the implementation of some sort of fee, though.
I agree that it should be up to the publisher. They have no business pressuring the console producers to apply such rules to their entire lineup.
XBOX One Reveal: Angry Rant
Actually the second hand games rumor has been updated http://www.ubergizmo.com/2013/05/xbox-one-will-have-a-pre-owned-game-fee-to-curb-used-game-sales/
Update: Xbox support on Twitter has confirmed that there would be “no fee” associated with used games. Apparently there was a previous miscommunication with Wired:
As this has been going on for years now the reasons for killing the used game market it takes from developers.....same goes for music, and movies.
So am I to assume that people must purchase everything new? You would never buy a house you didn't have built and only go to concerts and theaters for your entertainment? By purchasing used music, you are taking money from the artists that created it (since most of the share of sales goes to the label and not the artists), but they get a bigger share of concert revenue (hence why there is a purpose to tour). Also the home builder that built the house doesn't get a payday if the house is used. The arguments is based on the assumption that a game is something completely different from other property and it isn't just flawed, it is flatly a lie. We know that disk content deteriorates, just because the rate is slower doesn't make that statement less true. So you cannot effectively make that argument either. The opinion is based on flawed logic and while it is fine for people to enjoy that ignorance, do not attempt to pass it off as anything but.
All this comes down to is greed and money not necessarily for developers but upper-management and shareholders.....like it always has been done across all industries.
If there is one thing I've noticed from Sony, they don't like to charge you for things if they don't have to. Their online has been free since the launch of the PS3, When they had the hacking instances they didn't blame the hacker and just walk away they gave everyone effected free games. and by effected i mean anyone who had a online account.
Business wise, i've always been on the side of Sony, i've preferred the vast majority of what they have released. with the new information (barring any dumb moves on account of Sony's used game idea) looks like i will buy the PS4.
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
Reading it over. it sounds more to me like they pulled a "holy shit they REALLY dont like that idea... eh... eh... Miscommunication go go!!"
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
Well it seemed fishy to me because most were saying it would work by tying the disc to the user account, that is exactly what sony patented http://www.gamespot.com/news/sony-patents-tech-to-block-used-games-6401992. As at odds competitively as the two companies are, I find it hard to believe that Microsoft swallowed their pride and paid sony for the rights to use the tech.
I don't. think of it this way. you invent something that other people really hate so you decide not to use it. your competition steps up and goes "that's awesome sell it to us" What do you do, tell them how bad the reaction was and make it possible that they can get a leg up on you. or sell it to them and walk away laughing.
Or if they didnt buy it, looked at the idea and made their own version.
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
That's great. I don't buy used games, but I've always been under the impression that the second hand market directly aids the first hand market, so I've never agreed to this ideology that used games should be blocked.
Having said that, the main issue for me personally is still tying the disc to the profile/account (as I mentioned taking my games to my work consoles to play on, which use a separate profile/account). No fee is still great news no matter which way you slice it, though!
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.