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I used to play on radiant and intrepid. I was curious how the population is on the servers these days. The changes they've made are intriguing and I plan on giving it another try after the Rage of the Wookies patch comes out.
I cant exactly anywer your question, but as I believe that most server have the same "problems" atm I can tell you for my server, to which I cam back last week after 1 year of abscence: Its empty. Back when I first started with SWG you could find people everywhere, especially south of coronet. But you are lucky if you meet more then 1 person there. I can remember times, where there were 50 people at the starport in Coronet...but yesterday at ptimetime there were 20, max. On naboo its even worse. The main action takes place on dantooine or dathomir, where the grinders go for xp.
The Cantina is full of afk-dancers/musician, only very rare roleplaying anymore.
But I hope that'll change with ROTW and the combat revamp. Right now the best thing you can do is to use the remaining time until then to get your skills rdy, before the CU hits the live servers.
So give it a try, but dont expect too much until the expansion goes live.
I would never call the servers empty. Numbers are down a bit due to WoW and MxO. But there are still plenty of people around ...
Many are already back from WoW and many new players enter the game atm. Theed and Dantooine are reducing the importance of Coronet. The Galactic vendor search has also reduced the importance of Coronet as a center for trade and commerce, so judging numbers by looking at Coronet starport is no longer valid.
I expect MANY new people coming (back) into SWG with the new expansion and the combat overhaul.
If your old server feels empty ... why not join others at servers and guilds where things are active and fun ?
Have fun
I agree with that one. I have my quasi-main character on Ahazi, a highly populated server, and alts on Naritus, a server with I'd say a medium pop, and Wanderhome a lower populated server.
Now I can certainly tell the different in pops between those 3 servers, but I wouldn't call Wanderhome or Naritus underpopulated at all. You just have to know where to look for people. It doesn't matter how high a servers population is, if you're standing in Bela Vistal on Corellia or Wayfar on Tatooine you won't see many people.
Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.
Maybe thats why its called "Wayfar" :-)
In times past the crowd hanging out at Jabbas palace was there getting cloned and healed. Now there are usually player cities nearer to Jabbas offering these services.
On Naritus there is an informal "Wayfar" club of those who stayed there in the first months of the game. Darn, I first left Tatooine after 5 real months :-) in the game !
Have fun
You have to look for people - thats pretty much the definition of underpopulated.
btw how are the player made cities looking.
You have to look for people - thats pretty much the definition of underpopulated.
--> Or it means that 11 planets and 13 space regions are an AWEFULLY large area to have your adventure in. Or it means that finally people realized that there is more to SWG then the square in front of Coronet Spaceport or the Dantooine Outpost. Planet chat channel is your friend :-)
btw how are the player made cities looking.
--> Awesome. After they quadrupled the distance at which you can see player structures you can now see whole player cities with hundreds of structures, which just looks incredible when seen from a hill nearby. Especially when you are an architect and crafted most of these structures with your own hands.
--> have fun
--> Erillion