So looking into getting one of these. It's come down to two, based on Amazon reviews. a no name brand - but when I Google it, I get stellar reviews - everything about it seems good.
12 reviews(4.4 average) but so few really...
This is 5$ more and...for some reason, even with Prime, will take 2-4 weeks to ship., this one looks better, and costs 59.99$ with Prime(Free shipping, but 2-4 weeks, I can wait.)
63 reviews - 4.3 average
It's tough for me as I don't really know Convection, but people are telling me how awesome these are to use versus my normal Oven. They also aren't that radically expensive, so I am willing to try.
Anyone have thoughts on Convection Ovens?
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Convection ovens were a big fad in the 80's. Or was it the 90's? Either way a lot of people paid a lot of money for convection ovens and then found out they would have to learn how to use them properly. The majority of people decided it wasn't worth the effort. Now you've got convection ovens sitting in kitchens where the convection part (basically just a fan) is never used.
Things may cook faster or more thoroughly but you have to learn to adapt non-convection oven recipes to convection oven recipes. As I said above, most people didn't want to have to work at being more efficient.
Deni's one is shipping early it seems, so going with that.
It just looks quite useful. I read up on the basic rule of the thumb is "25 degrees less than the recipe needs, and it also cooks 25% faster"
But yeah, I will be looking up guides.
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