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There has been a lot of skepticism that the game could actually release this year because of it being "early in closed beta"
Matt Firor said in an article today I saw on Redditt
"Interestingly, Matt Firor told us that even the build we were playing is considered “old” within Zenimax itself. The build developers are playing is about two generations ahead of what the public has and will see throughout the summer."
So its not like the game is that far off.. What everyone is playing in closed beta is two versions behind. That sounds risky though to be 2 versions ahead of what the public is playing, but thats better than hearing "Oh yeah, the early closed beta is still the version we're working on" That doesnt seem to be the case, it would seem like the closed beta version is just to make sure the simple stuff works and edit it into the future versions if it wasnt fixed.
So closed beta isnt really a closed beta? Technically the limitations on the amount that get to play are, but its like "Test the basic functions of our game, because we have the near-launch ready product ready"
And they just have the Open beta version backlogged waiting to throw out there? In a lot of games Open beta is veryyyy similar to the release version of the game, except in open beta they cap how far you can go. Except in cases like Neverwinter where it wasnt really an open beta, its the release of the game, but that wont happen with ESO.
No, just sounds like they are being thorough with QA process.
I mean, we all know how trustworthy beta players are right? They surely wouldn't post anything online that would embarrass the company. Right?
Yeah no. Its always a good idea to internally QA before you release to random beta players who probably will go around telling everyone about the major bugs and problems with the game.
the company makes different iterations of the game. then they let players test stuff out and give feedback. the company will decide which iteration is the right direction to move toward. they work on more iterations of that iteration. so on and so forth. repeat as necessary.