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What is the hardest boss? hardest dungeons? hardest jumping puzzles, and anything else you might find challenging in gw2?
not looking for grind type answers here, not really concerned about how hard the grind is.
If it's not broken, you are not innovating.
My Asura just can't eat a whole one, there's always leftovers.
Not certain I'd say anything in particular about the game is the most difficult, but I might go with handling some of the unique monsters in the game solo. When you've been playing with a particular build for a while and the creature forces you to try something different it can be a bit awkward to handle the situation well.
"The knowledge of the theory of logic has no tendency whatever to make men good reasoners." - Thomas B. Macaulay
"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." - Daniel J. Boorstin
40+ fractals (very hard)
Arah dungeon (hard)
Everything else is medium to easy difficulty.
Guild Wars 2 Youtube Croatian Maniacs
My Guild Wars titles
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"
Despite more than a dozen attempts Ive been unable to win the Crab Toss Contest and only got my hands on the crab about half a dozen times. Im way too slow for this one.
The Southsun Cove Jumping Puzzle is also difficult, although most of the jumping puzzles are for me. I remember doing the EB Jumping Puzzle once and it took me all day.
Some of the dungeons are harder than others. I have yet to make it through Sorrow's Embrace explorer mode actually.
There are definitely some challenges in this game! Forgot to even mention Fractals at higher levels. Oh yeah, that can be real difficult.
This is not a game.
Finding others to help or help me!
Have not seen a map message of lfg ac exp, for weeks (or any other dungeon)!
Mad King Tower
probably the hardest think ever made in gw2 there was soo much QQ about it
and there are few other hard things like shrines if you get ppl that dont know what to do and dont listen
Havent played GW2 in a while..
but when I did, it was the jumping puzzles.For me,they were almost my bread and butter when to came to content in that game.
Especially the hard ones like Skipping Stones and the Clock Tower in the Halloween event..
couldnt get enough of em.Theyre challenging,which makes them FUN.
Winner: Fractals 40+, it starts getting pretty ridiculous at that point. Particularly the Dredge Fractal with either of the bosses at the end. The hardest boss is definitely the Ice Elemental version of the Dredge Fractal post 40 at least when I played after they buffed him.
Runner ups: Arah (Mursaat and Seer paths), Eternal Battlegrounds Jumping Puzzle on a Tier 1 server, certain Guild Challenges and Bounties, Mad King Jumping Puzzle (during Halloween)
The biggest challenge in GW2 is trying to get your business done in Lion's Arch when someone keeps spamming that dam bell.
Actually, the Dredge fractal is one of the harder instances. On the plus side, it's usually good for a shard or 2.
hardest boss: After doing a certain temple event, a certain giant monkey hangs around to one shot all the players who suddenly decide it's ok to go AFK to sell their newly aquired loot. Fuck that monkey. Maybe be bugged, gets 70 or so stacks of buff on him. Fuck. That. Monkey.
Hardest dungeon: Fractals of the Mist level 48. Better bring some dodge enhancing food and guards who know how and where to put walls. Wearing tanky armor aint stopping shit in that one.
Hardest Jumping puzzle: At first, Metrica's JP was hours worth of hair pulling, keyboard fisting, and screen yelling. Once you learn the jp's, they are cake. Pretty sure i can do them all without failing at this point.
Most time consuming thing ever(getting into grinding,sorry): T6 materials to make the gifts of Might and Magic for your legendaries. Some of the grief is ANETs 'brilliant' Diminishing Returns system. Want to farm them T6 mats from certain mobs? Dont do it for more than 2 hours, or you stop getting anything. That's not the start though, after 30 minutes of farming, DR begins to kick in and you get less and less until around the 2 hour mark when everything just stops. Oh and in that 2 hour time frame you'll only get 10-15 of them, and thats being generous. Buckle up kiddo, tis a long ride. 2000 mats combined for those two gifts alone(ya aint done yet, pls move onto the next tier of omgwtf do i need this many for)
But, i spose it's a legendary, so the grind should be as such
The Deep Web is sca-ry.
Actually, yes there is.
Unless you consider difficulty memorizing your rotation to kill something before the enrage timer goes off. I don't.
Mad king clocktower was a pain...
Hardest "Dungeon" to me was Arah, but it's totally do-able with a coordinated group. ((Specifically talking about Path 4 here))
Hardest Jumping puzzle? Mad king clocktower...
Hardest boss? Eh.....depends. Any of the Orrian temple-bosses are a pain, so probably those outside of dungeon-specific bosses. Dungeon-specific bosses..from what I've experienced Dwayna in Path 4 Arah.
ya that about sums up my feelings about GW2 as well.. very few fights are challenging.. Lupicus comes to mind as fun and challenging but thats about it... Fractals past 40 is hard but in a dumb way... just getting 1 shotted alot and it becomes a revolving rallyfest.. boring.
GW2 combat and AI mechanics are just not fun. They demand very little of the players in terms of build synergy or otherwise. everyone just gears and spec's Zerker and facerolls as fast as they can. And who can blame them? the game is such a huge grind - and just for particle effects and cosmetic gear. ya ya, i know, i know. the grind is optional lol. But what else is there to do? WvW and play revolving zerg base capture? the same jumping puzzles? meh
Decided to wait till i answer my own question, but Lupicus i found to be mad hard lol. Its not even just him, its finding a group that wont fall on their faces when its time to fight him.
Mad king clocktower JP Mikal&lang=EN&code=&code=TSwtLDUsLSw2LC0sMjksOSwyMiwyMywyNCwtLDEwMiwzNiw4MSw4NCw4OQ==
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
It is easy know someone that don't play a game and say that play it and come to forum for troll.
That's not hard obviously, but neither is the stuff in GW2, my first day 80 I did Arah, within first hour halloween mad king clock tower jumping puzzle was released I completed it...I actually ended up doing it a second time IN A ROW to see if I'd get loot again, no luck. But yeah, did it two times in a row no fails...nothing hard in that game.
Completing 34,217 jumping puzzles, all alike.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
The challenge there is collecting 15 random DPS PuGs who don't stand in fire, isn't it?
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.