Sony Online Entertainment has released a new pre-E3 video for Dragon's Prophet. Devs are calling it "face melting super metal" and it features the music by Cinderella drummer Fred Coury and guitarist Brent Woods, and lyrics by Ayzenberg Group. See what you think and let us know!
In a way i feel it's a corny video and the music reminds me of Quiet Riot for some reason.
Once you get past the cheesy and lame reaction,it actually is accurate to the gameplay and graphic's,go figure.I look at it like,at least they're not trying to make it look better than what it is.It's actually pretty decent with more polish and ummph coming in next few month's,or so I imagine!
Some day I'm going to put a sword through your eye and out the back of your skull!
Arya Stark
Oh God... really? I can't believe I gave these assholes $40.
THIS is metal:
THIS is metal:
And even THIS is metal:
This video is about as metal as a pink bonnet in a field of daisies (no, not flesh eating chrome daisies either). I will admit though that it's really cute how they tried to emulate the storytelling of Brutal Legend (and failed miserably) right there in the beginning.
Although, I can draw another parallel: You know the crappy teeny-bopper band (a parody of crap like Limp Bizkit, no doubt) in the beginning of that game? That's the kind of band that did the song for this video.
When your ad campaign is more of a joke than the one for Scarlet Blade, you've officially failed at marketing.
Edit: And yes, I'm aware that it's mostly done in parody. It still sucks.
It's a sad day indeed when a family is too afraid of reprisals to publicly thank somebody for saving their lives.
Huge 80's hair band fan.
Cinderella actually has some good tunes .
This not so much .
Was gonna mention about this not being Metal either . But you guys to seem to have covered that
I'm pretty sure the point is,compared to other mmo trailer's this is absolutely heavy metal.Don't compare it to actual metal music,compare it to the soft music we hear in other trailer's.Make's sense aye!
it doesn't need to be Ozzy when the best other mmo's do are like,A Flock of Seagull's.
Some day I'm going to put a sword through your eye and out the back of your skull!
Arya Stark
Queue the angst ridden , if it isn't angry GWAR , all black , and some lead singer trying to sound like a pissed off frog , it's not metal.
Reminds me of the early Metallica and Megadeth "I only own black t-shirts" crowd in high school in the 80's arguing about who's more "metal".
Not bad,some of the lyrics could have been a little less cheesy lol.
Over the mountains and magma ^^
Chickens NOT METAL haha
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
I really wonder if companies like SOE and such are really going for stupid anymore.Seem's ad's/trailer's are just plain dumb for many game's.The only trailer in the last year that I thought was really good,is the launch trailer for TSW.It really gives you a feeling of the ambiance and setting for the game.For me,it's the best I've seen since the launch trailer for WoW TBC and Wotlk.
Some day I'm going to put a sword through your eye and out the back of your skull!
Arya Stark
....Being Banned from MMORPG's forums since 2010, for Trolling the Trolls!!!
WOW!!! <-- shock not the game
I agree with most of the comments here. It seemed rushed and hastily written.
I have played DP and well quite frankly they should sneak out into the mmo world while they fix the game not come out kicking and screaming "HERE WE ARE!!!" unfortunately as stated already this clip really does represent the game accurately.
Clearly their ad campaign is working perfectly, 2 pages of you guys arguing over what is metal, now what better way to get peoples it or not ads are not about like or dislike, its about getting your attention, pretty sure its done its job.
As for all you guys debating what is or isn't metal all I can say is #NOTMETAL :P
(Retired)- Anarchy Online/Ultima Online/DAoC/Horizonsz/EQ2/SWG/AC1&2/L2/SoR/WoW/TMO/Requiem/Atlantica Online/Manibogi/Rift+(SL)/Lol/Hon/SWTOR/Wakfu/Champions Online/GW/Lotr/CO/TcoS/Tabula Rasa/Meridian 59/Vanguard/Shadowbane/Fury/SotW/Dreamlords/HGL/RoM/DDO/FFXI/Aoc/Eve/Warhammer Online/Gw2/TSW/Tera/Defiance/STO/AoW/DE/Firefall/Darkfall/Neverwinter/PS2/ESO/FF14/Archeage/Gw2
It's the 80's all over again :-)
I grew up in the 80's and it brought back all those good memories of the cheezy Hair Metal Bands... ROCK ON BABY!!!!
Hated it. Cheesy as hell. Sadly, it promotes the game as a JOKE.
Proud member since March 2004! Make PvE GREAT Again!
thats coz it is
hallo ~_~
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Sadly, this promo failed to do what it was supposed to -- which was to come off as ironic.
OK guys, look, this is a game which is essentially Pokemon in drag, amiright?
"gotta catch 'em all?"
Except you ride them, and they're all Dragons, and yes, you keep them in a stable instead of a starship but actually, shhhh, they are your crew for all intents and purposes of crafting just like SWTOR.
But yes, that was, in fact, a lot like a Pokemon era metal anime theme homage, the problem being half of you are too young to remember such things, the other half being... they did a really incompetent job (and wtf with the hashtags? was that an attempt to relate to the people too young to remember original Pokemon?).
But anything that says that the lyrics were written by their marketing company? actually states that? Lame.
They are so cool though, just ask them:
Obviously wild and crazy big hair metal kinds o' guyz.