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Played Beta

lllco2llllllco2lll Member Posts: 10

I played the beta and was really hyped... Overtly hyped, but I just think the over all environment didn't do it justice to call it the next installment. Blue pills were supposed to remain unaware, but its hard to see that when you have people hyperjumping nonstop... I really want to join MxO, but I'm a little worried that the roleplaying aspects (that are really the strongpoint in the game) isn't that massed.

Now my question is... Do a lot of you really see a lot of roleplay involvement with the MxO? Because if there is a really big definite with roleplaying then I'll give it a go again, because from what I hear with peoples experiance about the actual human runned npc just sounds amazing.

Is there enough of that to come by and do most factions have a lot of roleplay in them? Last thing I want are just another l33t players that care only about combat and pvp aspects.

If MxO's community great with roleplay then I'll hop on board... ::::04::

So hopefully all of you there can tell me your experiances to what you've seen.
And also I believe in Exiles point of views that we should all take the matrix to our advantage and live as gods in there.... hehe::::07::


  • lllco2llllllco2lll Member Posts: 10

    hmmm this long and no replies... I guess the community isn't good then ::::07::

  • LanmoragonLanmoragon Member Posts: 994

    heh, it doesnt mean that our community isnt good, it just means that your topic slipped by unnoticed.  It happens sometimes.

    Anyways onto the community and roleplaying of MxO, so far it is one of, if not the best of any MMO I have played.  I dont even play on the Linenoise server yet my faction still roleplays a bit and I run into alot of people that do the same.  So yes, the community I have experienced is great (except for on Enumerator where I play there are gankers) and RP is the best of any game I have played.

  • Wharg0ulWharg0ul Member Posts: 4,183

    the RP in MxO is HUGE.

    I suggest either Method or Linenoise for servers.

    The story's great, and the events (major and minor) are a lot of fun.


  • jackman11118jackman11118 Member Posts: 399
    I cant go a single day without see'ing people role playing on linenoise. theres a lot of it. the zionists act like the truth is thier bible and they live by it. theres just a lot of small things that people do to increase the RP'ing factor.


  • fulmanfufulmanfu Member Posts: 1,523

    i play on euro server outpost, and there usualy alwasy rp disucussion going on at the main gathering places.

    there alwasy one or 2 moron kids yelling that everyone higher lvl then them is EXPLOITER!!!!!!11 but you will have that anywhere.

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