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Hey guys. Just wanted to ask for you'r opinion on this. Lets look back 5-10 years, most people had 1-3m/bit connections. Today mostly everyone has that, but alot has 10x that speed or even more.
So my point is, general connection goes up which allows sites/even games to push more heavy content that rely on a good connection. So how does a 3-5m/bit 5-10 years ago compare to a 10-30 m/bit connection today?
Personaly my sites don't load faster or slower than 5 years ago.
Ofc, you can download things faster, but also files are getting bigger. (Well some of them^^)
Would like to hear some good explanation on this^^
Is it status quo?
Whenever I visit this site, I feel like I'm transported back to 1998 internet land. Seriously, how old and outdated is the software for this site?
Bandwidth still costs money. If a site performs as desired, why push more data to viewers? In some cases, you can optimize bandwidth by removing useless elements of a site once you know how users use your site.
I don't see MMOs trying to push to use more bandwidth either. They used to be playable on 56k modems. I would bet most of them can still be played with that low of bandwidth. The only technology I can think of that will increase gaming bandwidth significantly is physics morphing. If a MMO ever becomes adventurous enough to manipulate terrain in real-time and add destruction which is controlled by players and highly variable, the only way to ensure everyone sees the same thing without adding pre-set models and animations would be to send a chunk of data to clients to tell them the physics changes. I don't see this happening for at least ten years, though.
Not everyone has high speed internet.
In fact, I recently read a report that something like 20% of US households still don't have service that can be classified as broadband. Many rural areas only get satellite, which classifies as broadband, but with latencies over 1000ms makes it less than ideal for anything live (gaming, VOIP, etc) - and aside from that, a lot of people still use dial up (believe it or not, where I live, more than half the households on the internet are using dial up).
The "average" internet speed is still pretty low: around 7.4MBs, and that ranks about 8th globally.
Don't make the classic mistake of thinking that because you have great internet speed that everyone else does too.
Also, a lot of the reason sites don't seem to load any faster - they are now loaded with tons of tracking, flash/javascript/other scripting, streaming AV content, mouseover actions, and other items. A typical page load to the main MMORPG page goes out to no less than 15 different servers, of which more than half are advertising or tracking. 10 years ago, a typical page load may reach out to maybe 2-3 different servers, it's become a whole lot more invasive and interconnected.
I am no computer guy by any means, but this is how I understand it.
Think of a compact car going down the highway, and beside it a truck. They are going the same speed but the truck has more capacity.
I believe latency has something to do with the vehicles speed, and bandwidth the capacity. I will check back I am often wrong and someone will correct me, lol.
Latency would be more like:
That giant truck slows down, how long does it take the car behind it to hit the breaks as well.
Speed is, well, speed. That's how fast a single packet can move.
Bandwidth would be your truck: how many packets at once can you handle.