Low recruitment need does not mean closed. If you feel you have the background to justify a position in this FC, please do not hesitate to fill out an application.
For those looking to apply but are wary regarding a bench position, consider this:
As a guild going for firsts in all progression raiding categories, speed is essential. If a fight demands more of a certain class than another, we will need to make the necessary adjustments to best the encounter until average gear level becomes high enough where composition matters less.
[*]You are earning just as much DKP as raiders who are doing the fight while you are free to level another class (given you have a way to swiftly enter the instance for the swap in).
In most cases, you will be top loot priority as soon as you step in on main raid as others will have already received loot.
You will automatically be next in line for primary raid position when the opportunity presents itself.
Last bump before roster lock. Last chance to get an app in. If you are an experienced raider with the credentials to prove it, come put an app in at http://allotropyguild.com