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Sony has scored two victories in the past week. The first was their presentation at E3, and the second was Microsoft's turn around on used game DRM and the 24 hour console check in.
Every likes a winner, but will that translate into long term success for Sony?
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Sony has been successful since PS1, sure PS3 had a bumpy start but over time their console sales got up neck and neck with 360 sales, slightly higher now actually. IMO Xbox One will do fine in this generation but PS4 is going to be number one for a while. Cant say what it will be like in 5 years.
Remember, with the 360 vs PS3, a mere price difference of $100 meant Sony was playing catchup almost the entire generation. We've still got a $100 for inferior hardware, fewer games, an always-on kiNSAect, and a lot of lost goodwill.
The PS4 is still $100 cheaper.
Short term solution - Microsoft removes mandatory Kinect and makes Xbox One $400 at launch.
Long term solution - Microsoft price drops to same level as PS4.
Permanent solution - none
People may forgive Microsoft's short lived arrogance over DRM, people may forget bad word of mouth and people may prefer Xbox One games but people will never overlook price.
Price is by FAR the most important factor.
Or just Sony aren't a bunch of pompous douches that won't charge a ridiculous sum of money for a console? And actually play smart than play command and conquer?
I'm not even a console gamer myself but I respect Sony for their decision making and keeping consoles traditional and fun.
Xbox One can just kiss my --
Sony gets to say that they pushed Microsoft to be more respectful of gamers or something like that. It's like when Coke made "New Coke", and then switched back to "Classic Coke". Pepsi was all over that.
I can not remember winning or losing a single debate on the internet.
Im sure now that Microsoft is done choking on the foot that they shot and are now back tracking on their analism.
People will go back to the xbox one.Though I can see some people being left with a bad taste in their mouth.
I think all of this drama will give Sony quite a boost for a while. That's not to say that their competition won't do well in its own right, though.
I also don't think Microsoft's turnaround will have much of an impact at this point. People who were already convinced the PS4 was the way to go are probably unmoved. People will still be left with the impression that the Xbox is the one with a shadier business model, regardless of whatever backtracking they do. And of course people who were already planning on purchasing an Xbox will still do so. The number of people who were on the fence and actually could have been persuaded by this announcement is probably not significant enough to do too much in terms of damage control.
I think this cycle will be very interesting. Honestly it is hard to say, but I voted short term. I think that both consoles will be really fighting tooth and nail in order to secure sales. We will have to see what types of various price models they both offer besides the initial announcement. I can totally see Sony or MS offering versions of their systems where you buy a year sub for their service and pay less up front,ect.
I don't think either system is going to do poorly. I did up until the MS announcement, but with the changes they are making I think in the long run they will come out much better then they would have. I still am firmly set on a PS4 (pre-ordered,ect) because I feel like Sony has far superior in-house developers, a much stronger online service, and I could care less about Kinect. I won't say I will not eventually get an Xbox One though.
All this competition is really great for us.
Unless you want a face recognition camera zooming into your private living room i say PS4 is still winner.
Or you guys embrace Orwell's big brother is watching you box?
The intentions of Microsoft has caused a shockwave trough the world.
Evything was aimed to milk the players dry.
It will sell consoles iam sure of that, but Sony might just sell double their products due to this behavior.
I know many wil buy both consoles at one point, but Sony is clear victor already.
MS did many stupid things since they announced their Xbox one, people dont forget this kind of stuff that easely.
The only taught they had was $$$$$$$ and totaly forgot that Sony is also making a console and people can just ignore MS and buy Sony Playstation.
It takes a long time for them to repair that damage and many people will just say Fuck you MS you aint getting my money.
Quite simply stated gamers, Sony and PS4 will win the next generation console wars. Sony have put together a slick launch campaign and have superior console gaming hardware to both Nintendo and Microsoft, and at a lower price point to boot. PS4 has better launch games too, and most importantly for MMO players more mmos, and I think next gen console is going to be a platform that will be used for coming MMOs, and with many coming to PS4. M$ are more expensive, and with inferior gaming hardware optimised for TV. The DRM debacle just shows how badly M$ has judged the gaming market of 2013, they just don't get gamers at all. Don't give M$ any more of your hard earned bucks...go buy a Sony.
I dont understand the whole E3 gaming line up argument..
These consoles will be a mainstay for over a decade.Just because Sony's game line up at E3 was "weaksauce" doesnt mean they are never going to have great games.
i wouldnt be happy to have one of those in my living room, though thats not where our consoles are. In our home at least, the consoles are in the kids bedrooms, for sanity's sake as much as anything, so video camera in the bedroom, NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. The kids can either have a Wii U or a PS4.
This is a lesson from sony to microsoft, enjoy
I vote for Longterm.
Sony have been successful ever since in PS1 so I know that they will make it in long term.
Don't get why people say weaksauce if my memory serves me right didn't they mostly have the same games...? Only games that wont be on the PS4 is Ryse (we have God of War), titanfall (developer said it might some to ps4) and the M$ ips.
Below is where we can disscuss and come up with new ideas for Sandparks!
They mean, "their games didn't interest me."
Their turnaround on DRM is smoke and mirrors just like the change to the 24 authentication requirement.
It means nothing because each game company will still control the LEASE, still have to work with used game stores and give permission for you to sell...and the games are still mostly CLOUD GAMES THUS REQUIRING YOU TO BE CONNECTED!
I hope we shall its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." ~Thomes Jefferson
PS4 did go strong for about a week afther E3 because of all the DRM and Used game backlash but it was just short term.