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[Faeblight] <-Axiom-> Semi-Core Progression Raiding

AXIOM is the evolution of a group of players that have been playing together for nearly a decade. This group of players has changed as the years have gone by, and the name of the organization has changed to suite the desires and needs of those under its banner, but the core ideals and principles of these players has not changed, and remains the driving and defining force for all involved.

In its current incarnation AXIOM was founded to create a new home for those seeking a friendly and welcoming guild that still strives to overcome challenges and progress together through the end game content in Rift.

Core Beliefs

Family, real life and the world as a whole should always come first. Games are a form of entertainment and it should never be demanded of a person that they value the game over their health, family, job or daylight.

Community is everything, and no member shall ever be shunned or tossed aside because something better comes along. We are here to play and enjoy the game together, as such there is nothing more valuable to us than our members and their continued participation.

Drama is not an acceptable method for conflict resolution. Communities will always have bumps and hiccups, but there is a time and a place to settle things or work out issues. Making a scene in guild or in public is not acceptable. We expect our members to be adults and work out any differences in a calm and mature manner.

Plans and Goals

At the end of the day, we enjoy playing games together and experiences the challenges put forward by those games. Endgame raiding and progression will always be a primary goal for the guild, and as such we expect those who wish to join us in that goal to always strive to be the best they can be.

We welcome all types of players including Casual and Hardcore, and we encourage every person to do whatever makes them happy in the game. Those who do not wish to raid are welcome, and may always change their mind. There is no requirement to be a member of AXIOM other than being a good person and participating in the community in whatever way works for you.

Important Information

Raid Times

The current plan is to raid Th Su M from 6:30 to 9:00 Server Time. These times may be adjusted and we are currently joint raiding with another guild on a slightly different schedule to continue to gear people in 20 mans.

Current Raid Roster Needs

At this time recruiting for the roster is pretty open as we gather the last people we need to field a 20 man raid. 

Cleric - [DPS] [HEALING] [TANK]

Rogue - [DPS] [SUPPORT] [TANK]


Warrior - [DPS] [TANK]


Guild Leader


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