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One of my biggest draws to WoW was the insane ability, through 3rd party mods, to customize your UI. I'm really hoping ARR will allow for this.
I know there is a huge debate over damage meters etc. but that's not what this thread is about! What i'm asking for is the ability to display the data that is already available in the game in a format that allows me to maximize my gameplay. I can spend hours tweaking every aspect of the UI to exact specifications.
Below are some examples.
Almost every piece of UI shown below can be scaled to taste including all bars, frames, hotkeys, text, amount of info to be displayed, colors used etc, etc.
Feel free to post your own!
Edit: Removed excessive blank space at bottom of post.
This is actually false.
They have said that they will allow add ons and custom UI and are planning to release tools to help people create them. I don't think it is making launch, but in one of the first patches after. I can find a link if you want, but it is the case: there will be 3rd party add ons.
i don't think that's true. I heard they will allow third party ui mods but nothing that will effect game balance... such as raid boss modes, or anything that predicts boss encounter mechanics.
One thing I always hated about WoW, was taking a simple interface and turning it into the HUD off a fighter jet.
If I can have more than 2 hotbars and keymap things, then I am fine.
Then they changed their stance since Gamescom last year, if you could provide a source that would be great.
I'm not saying you, but a lot of players seem to not know that there are 9 hotbars in XIV, you can turn them on in your character options>Hotbar settings. There are a number of vertical and horizontal bars.
One thing I wish for though is the ability to lose excess boxes when you scale them down as I don't want 11 boxes on every hotbar. Hopefully they either address this or I will have to use a 3rd party add on to fix this issue.
Pretty sure it has been in the roadmap/original documents announcing 2.0 from the very start, and I dont' remember any comments at Gamescom saying they wouldn't allow them. Here is a recent one (just copied it from an earlier thread here discussing this very topic):
Q: What exactly do you have in mind for community-generated add-ons? Also, how much game data will we be able to utilize?
A: The type of add-on I have in mind are those of the UI persuasion. For example, we can have players customize the UI with a skin of their choice, have enmity displayed graphical, and add windows to view useful information so players will be able to separate information that is otherwise displayed in one large, single window. Add-ons will then become active once they are downloaded and placed in the custom folder. As for the PS3 version, we'll make sure it doesn't trail behind the PC version.
We’ve received several requests for add-on tools on the Alpha forums as well, but we expect it will take approximately half a year after official service begins before we provide tools as we would like to ensure stability first.While it will be a bit in the future, we will make sure to keep you up to date with specific details when we can."
Thank you, the reason i said so was cause I was at Gamscom and I asked one of the guys at their booth about addons, and he told me it wasn't something they planned on, I guess he could have been some misinformed minion, but anyways thanks for the source, I wil consider myself schooled on this topic
One of the biggest draws to some, but one of the biggest drawbacks to others. Allowing great customization of the UI is one thing. Allowing mods that halfway play the game for you is quite another, and I don't want to go there.
Another problem with WoW's mods is that every patch would break them. This contributed to WoW having the worst MMORPG patching system that I've ever seen. While many games manage to let you log off, download the patch in a few minutes, log back in, and continue as you were, most patches in WoW turned into a multi-hour ordeal.