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Read this article today, lawyer makes a statement to the effect that the law should change about free speech on social network sites like facebook and twitter.
I personally don't think it should change, now lets put another angle on this for a second, what if someone made a threat and carried it out? How would we all feel then? How would you feel if you was threatened through a network site? Isnt playground talk threatening? If I was at school and another person says "I'm going to kick your butt after school" is this not a threat you expect to be attempted to be carried out? When you are sat behind a screen and you see these messages, we have no eye contact no facial expression, no sound in a voice to measure, and no body language. When does a joke not become a laughing matter?
I think we need to have laws in place to protect people from these type of trolls whether their threat is real or not.
What do you guys think?