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I just bought this game 4 days ago.
Out of the 4 days I've played, I've had at the least 10 different crashes or game stopping bugs.
The game in general plain stinks. Think City Of Heroes with even less content.
I have a high end computer that runs EQ2 and WoW at high settings. I'm an MMORPG Veteran.
No game I have ever played in my life is not only this bad, but this bug ridden.
I tried to go and cancel my account just now, YOU CAN'T!! They make you call an 800 billing number of which simply rings forever.
This game should be taken off store shelves and everyone should be refunded.
I'm so utterly pissed I paid $50 for this game. I could have more fun with a Calculator.
Now, not only do I have to come up with some scheme to return this God awful game (if you can even call it a game) but I have to wait until tomorrow to try and cancel my account.
Do not buy this game. If you do, do not say you weren't warned.
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ive been playing for about 4 days aswell and im playing from about half the world away from the servers and suffer no lag and no bugs u mentioned lol my pc isnt uber either it runs wow a bit slow and everuqest lags like hell.
The cancelling of account issue is a bad one i agree.
But this game has alot more content that city of heroes and telling people this is city of heroes lol is so false. It looks a bit like city of ehroes yes but it plays nothing the same. The combat system is the first of its type in an online game to start with. The dura on items is totally new and yes thats right..whats the 1 thing city of heroes doesnt have ..ITEMS thats right...
So plz explain apart from there being about 3 moves the sam e and some places looking the same as city fo heroes whats the same? Btw i dont wanna tax ur brain cells here but have u thought maybe the reason they look the same is coz there both based in citys? I know shock horror buts its true...
Actually I've cancelled my account over the phone. I was on hold for the most 20 seconds, and they were very understanding when I cancelled.
wow. you actually even KNOW what the game has for content after four whole days of playing?? You tried all the classes, and did things OTHER than missions? Saw the WHOLE game, and got bored in four days eh?
Ok could you then please point out what content you mean in more detail? Because IMO theres less contents in MXO then SWG >_<
ya know, I'm sure I've posted this in other threads, but here we go again....
Yeah, you can mission. There are several types of missions, also, i.e. assassination, infiltration, rescue, courier, etc. Plus the critical missions. Plus the mission contacts hidden throughout the city.
Then of course there's the collectors....
Dungeons/Hideouts (with bosses)...
Access nodes to get keys for and tap...
Constructs to PvP in and get xp/loot...
PvP in general...
The story/Events...
Mixing/matching/swapping profession abilities....
Lots and lots of hidden stuff and easter-eggs....
Clubs/social events....
all this before you even get to downtown, where theres even more things to find and do.
I honstly don't see how people can get bored of a game when they don't even know how to play yet, and havn't leveled past 10. Yes, the first 10 levels aren't teh most exciting, but once you get REAL hyper-jump, the whole game changes.
IMO, if you're bored in MxO, you need to stop standing around the HL and find something to do.
A good faction/clan can really liven up the game as well. It's not really a good solo game, IMO. But if I wanted a solo game, I wouldn't be playing a MMO.
Explore professions otheyr than the one you initially picked. Maybe you're just bored with your current can change classes at a HL with ease, provided you have the skills....but since you're so bored, why not spend the time to make the skills and gear yourself. I've self-coded every skill tree in the game....if I get bored of SMG, I can swap to rifle, or hand-guns, or one of the several trees of hacker, spy, or coder.
There's stuff to do...a lot more than you can find in four days.
ummm hello? theres more content in SWG than any other game ive played. dont even make me tell you what they are please.
Heres what mxo has to offer that other mmorpgs dont..
first off, its sci fi, so thats a big change
great community, the best community in a game ive ever seen.
roleplaying. no one goes omg ur a Rp'er nerd nubcake!@#4!
no one forces you to roleplay, and people who do roleplay all the time are fun to group with.
story. sure its scripted, but its still a story. a scripted story in WoW would be nice, or SWG, or any other game out there. sorry, but quests dont count as a story.
"New combat style" its new and fresh. its not hack and slash. sure it may "seem" hack and slash, but deep down at its core it isnt. you knock people over realistically, you hit them and they move realistically. you shoot them and they hunch over in pain, thats cool.
id talk more but i have to play the game, cya
crashes game stopping bugs? O_o
ive been playing for a few weeks now, and have had no crashes at all.
game stopping bugs, hmm with the exception of the bug which stopped you completeing the mission you were on(which as far as i can tell is sorted)i havnt had any game stopping bugs.
i dont have a high end comp and i can run MXO with full detail fine with no lag.
sure there are bugs, but there are other mmorpgs that i played at release that were bigger bug fests that MXO.
ya the having to call is stupid, most games allow online cancellation, and i think thats something they should sort
This game is new, thus it can be expected to have a few crashes.
personaly i have never had a crash.
This game does,however eat up ram... while you can play with 1/2 a gig , i dont reccomend it.
i have been playing this game since it came out, and its a very fun game.
the commuty is execlent. the gameplay if perfect. there are always events going on. its just a sweet game.
I've been playing it for about a week now and I'm enjoying it. I've never had a crash or computer problem either.
were do they announce whne the events will be comin out?
the events are announed on data node 1; u should also receive an email from MxO with the listing of dates.
to get back to the originator: I understand that it is frutstrating if a game doesn't work, I just had that with EQ2 trial. But if u r such an expert as u claim, then I don't understand the problem.
If the firewall is set up corrrectly, u will have crashes only *rarely* (like once every 20 days.... or more (days, not crashes... he he)!!!
You won't have lag eiither. Esp. if u have enough memory which u should as a rregular mmorpg gamer (I upgraded from 512 to 1gb - what a difference!)
Just because u r pissed off doesn't mean u cant write a more constructive post!
I dont think that theres a MMORPG out there without any bugs in it and chances are theyve all crashed at sometime or another. The game is only about 2 months old, give them a chance theres usually one or two updates a week which sort out many bugs. Playing for 4 days isnt long enough to get into the game youve hardly scratched the surface.
Just an update on the game having problems running. The other night was the first time I tried to alt-tab out of the game and open a web brower, very bad mistake. From that point on the game was jerky and would pause every couple of seconds. I got so frustrated that I shut the game down, closed the web browser and started the game back up. Game was running smoothly again.
I said I wasn't having problems running the game. That was changed when I ran another application as the game was running. I posted in case someone else was having performance issues it might be something as simply as running the game without running anything else.
I am curious as to when you became the spokesperson for the Matrix boards. Obviously you must be since you are telling me what everyone here cares about and what people should post. Next time I will be sure to pm you anything I post for your approval.
I have to second the OP, this game is complete horse pucky... The character movement is awful, everytime you pass a car in the street your toon starts having a seizure and keeps twirling around... Also, the combat system is flat out broke, I can't count the number of times my hacker was facing the wrong way in battle due to the broken mechanics... The GUI is absolute slop... I mean, that god awful blue color is just painful to look at... Also, the "spell" icons look like a 3rd grader drew them...
The only area where the Matrix excels is the music, there are some pretty cool tunes on that game, but other than that it is a trash heap of a game that was prematurely released (as most MMO's are)... For anyone who isn't a diehard Matrix fan, don't even bother... For those of you who are Matrix fans, I guess it could work for you, just don't expect to be climbing any walls, driving any cars or anything that actually happens in the Matris, more or less you can just expect a half baked MMO that is just trying to suck up your money through sub fees and petty in-game advertising...
The whole "call to cancel" thing is bull shit too... Luckily I had someone else call for me... MxO = Worst MMO evah!!!!!
all of the things you talk about are personal taste. i personally love the blue color. the graphics are extremly good. the hacker skills look bad in your opinion, but i love how the red boxes and stuff surround it and make it look very "hackerish".
how you can call MxO the worst mmo "evah" becuase YOU dont like things is pretty dumb. get over yourself.
inless you actaully have something thats bad about the game other than bad color of the ui, then i can see your point.
try and point out some obvious problems, not general ones that arent even problems in most people's eyes.
((btw, your just a bad player if you cant even face your opponet. jeez))
all of the things you talk about are personal taste. i personally love the blue color. the graphics are extremly good. the hacker skills look bad in your opinion, but i love how the red boxes and stuff surround it and make it look very "hackerish".
how you can call MxO the worst mmo "evah" becuase YOU dont like things is pretty dumb. get over yourself.
inless you actaully have something thats bad about the game other than bad color of the ui, then i can see your point.
try and point out some obvious problems, not general ones that arent even problems in most people's eyes.
((btw, your just a bad player if you cant even face your opponet. jeez))
You didn't at all address the fact that the combat system is completely whacked and at often times broken, this isn't a "taste" issue, but rather the bread and butter of any MMO... Also, character movement is stiff and rigid, and this too at times seems completely broken as well... And character customization is dull and boring... Nevermind the xp exploits that led to masses of lvl 50 players causing the devs to nerf xp, then un-nerf it due to massive player protests... Then there is the tying in of Vampires to the whole Matrix story (care to explain how vampires can play a significant role in a goddamned computer generated world?)... Again, the fact they make you call to cancel is the tip of the iceberg and I wouldn't be surprised to see Pepsi billboards in the near future... There... That should give you enough to go on in determining that MxO = Worst MMO evah!
oh please, stay constructive.
just because u don't understand the combat system....
it is like a turn-based strategy game (take Baldur's Gate, or, if u r old enough to remember, Bard's Tale), only u can't press pause... And the animations esp. in combat r very fluid. Ok, so it is not HL2. If that's hat u want play Doom3.
And the Vampires in a machine generated world - come on - u dont argue about hyperjump, or bullet time in a computer generated world.....
as a fun story somewhere on the web said, why did the machines use humans and not just cows? cows only need grass and sunshine, no complex worlds and interactions. a pentium II would be enough to run such a simulation (god, that story is hilarious - I think u can find it on
so please, go get a life in another virtual world.
I read this site every day, but rarely do I chime in with my .02 ...
I just need to jump to the defense of The Matrix Online -
Yes, the game is in need of some attention - So is every MMORPG, Hell Look at Star Wars Galaxies, EverQuest, any of them - They all have thier problems, and there will NEVER be a game that everbody will like, because people are just different.
So, if you hate the Matrix, that's cool, go back and play World of Warcraft until you say that game sucks, or is broken - There's a long list of games "nobody likes" apparently, yet they continue to be in exsistance year after year after year... Why?! Because obviously somebody does like them.. at least enough soembody's to keep the devs working and the game in operation... (Look at Shadowbane)
Yes, I was one who said the Matrix Sucked, but I took that from my impressions of a BETA TEST.
The final product is far better than I thought it would be, yes.. the game does need help... LOTS OF IT! But all that comes in time - These games are designed to grow and change based on Players and Technology.... I'm sure the Matrix will come of age sooner or later -
Until then, either enjoy it for what it is, or go play somethign else..
PS. The Matrix is best suited for the CASUAL GAMER - If you're an Ub3r L337 Ki113R who plays 16+ hrs a day, yes I can see how this game would bore you to tears.
Hey TSW Players for Mission guides, Lore Locations and stuff....
ummm hello? theres more content in SWG than any other game ive played. dont even make me tell you what they are please.
Heres what mxo has to offer that other mmorpgs dont..
first off, its sci fi, so thats a big change
great community, the best community in a game ive ever seen.
roleplaying. no one goes omg ur a Rp'er nerd nubcake!@#4!
no one forces you to roleplay, and people who do roleplay all the time are fun to group with.
story. sure its scripted, but its still a story. a scripted story in WoW would be nice, or SWG, or any other game out there. sorry, but quests dont count as a story.
"New combat style" its new and fresh. its not hack and slash. sure it may "seem" hack and slash, but deep down at its core it isnt. you knock people over realistically, you hit them and they move realistically. you shoot them and they hunch over in pain, thats cool.
id talk more but i have to play the game, cya
i do not want to start discussing about the game in itself and i do not doubt about the RP aspects (as i have no access to the game itself), but when i saw the names of the guys involved in the official events and one of them was called something like "GokuSSJ3" i was honestly shocked.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
care to tell me how its whacked? free fire is BS? is that your argument? get some +# dodge ranged clothes. or maybe even hyper dodge. character movement is stiff at times, but that doesnt mean its the worst game ever.
((ps,volkmar, play the game before you bash it, WoW junkie.))