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EverQuest Next and Planetside 2 share the same engine. I could be wrong but I think it would be a very safe assumption to think EQ next will look a lot like PS2.
I just went and downloaded PS2 and set the game on its highest possible settings using 3.4Ghz i7, 16GB DDR 1600Mhz and an nVidia 680 card using a 2560x1440 True IPS monitor. The game ran smooth as butter. No issues there, but....
I have to say, after seeing the terrain and lighting (especially at night) I am not all that impressed
I know many don't like cartoon-ish graphics, or think they don't because WoW immediately comes to mind as soon as the word "cartoonish" is mentioned. I downloaded FireFall yesterday as well and set the game on highest setting possible just like I did on PS2. Firefall looks better. (IMO)
FireFall makes WoW look old and dated just as PS2 graphics makes EQ2 graphics look old and dated.
Both games are Free to download and try. Try both. Night scenes and lighting effects look WAY better on FireFall when compared directly to PS2. In the tutorial of FireFall, they tell you to turn on your flashlight at night. Awesome lighting effect.
Stop telling yourself that you hate cartoony just because you don't like WoW. Download and try both and be Open Minded.
I don't like either game personally. I don't like shooter games. But I wanted to look at the graphics of both. I won't ever play either game, I just wandered around to look at lighting, details of the screen, what Trees and grass looked like etc
Hm, I don't hate cartoony graphics. I just don't think they fit into the EQ universe.
The world of Norrath is a pretty serious world, it deals with religion, good and evil, racial issues. I just don't think cartoony graphics fit EQ.
The environments of PS2 look pretty good for an Everquest game, they would fit fine.
I looked at Firefall and it looks much worse than PS2.
PS2 looks fine to me at night, if that's what EQNext terrain will look like, sign me up
The thing is, FPS games are tweaked for completely different gameplay dynamics. Also, engines are more or less empty shells until game art is added. There may be some slight resemblance, but other than that they will likely be completely different.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
Planetside 2 looks a lot better than Firefall, imo. But I like the more realistic textured, serious game look.
The lighting in PS2 is great, and night time looks awesome.
If EQ2 looks half as good as PS2, I'll be impressed.
Legends of Kesmai, UO, EQ, AO, DAoC, AC, SB, RO, SWG, EVE, EQ2, CoH, GW, VG:SOH, WAR, Aion, DF, CO, MO, DN, Tera, SWTOR, RO2, DP, GW2, PS2, BnS, NW, FF:XIV, ESO, EQ:NL
if you knew anything about gaming machines you would know that ram speed makes VERY VERY little difference in FPS.
SO you have DDR 2133 in your machine. you MIGHT get 1 to 3 FPS more than I do..... jokes on YOU
When you are already pushing 100 FPS on the highest settings possible on every game on your system, spending more for bragging rights is just childish...
You can LOL all you want. but don't act like you have better or anything above a cheap Best buy monitor TN panel hooked up to your system.
why would he want to go past 1600mhz for? You must be new here? Most gamers will only use 1600mhz...jokes on u?
You are confusing the engine with art assets. The engine only displays the 3d models, textures, and effects designated by the developers. It does not determine how a game looks artistically.
It also does not determine how dark the night is. Planetside 2 was pitch black at night during beta and you needed a light source or night vision to see anything. They lightened it towards the end of beta.
It is actually not a safe assumption, Besides sharing the same engine(which is the guts of a game, the infrastructure) The games will most likely look nothing alike. Art direction as well as many other factors go into what a game will look like. The engine having only to do with polygon count. Beyond that, the Skins over the polygons dictate everything about the look.
TRay is not the art director on EQN, Rosie Rappaport is. The art style is going to be very different from PS2. Maybe still photorealistic, but different non the less.
in the end, graphics are next to meaningless (unless it looks like Asheron's Call or something).
In fact, the closer the graphics are to something that would have come out 7 or 8 years ago, the better because that will probably allow more content to be created faster.
Fancy graphics are very, very, very bad for an MMORPG. Less people can play it and it takes longer to develop content for. not worth it.
Stop telling me not to hate cartoony graphics :P
It's really all a matter of opinion. I think what a lot of people feel (including myself) is EQ always had a more serious and mature feel to it. The way the original art was portrayed gave it this feeling. The new art style doesn't set that kind of a tone.
I realize when you look at EQ now its looks bad, but back then it was state of the art stuff. I personally don't care for the cartoony look of Firefall. I played it and it just doesn't pull me into the game. Planetside 2, however, does.
I'm not saying your wrong in your opinion though. Some people are going to like the new art style and some people won't.
I agree with all of this.
EQ was a dark, gritty, and fairly brutal world. Giving it bright cartoon graphics just doesn't sync up with the lore and bloody harshness the world is founded on.
I think PS2's graphics were a decent bridge between realistic and cartoony, and most likely what they'll go for. But, at this point, I don't think anyone has the slightest clue what the graphics are actually going to be like. Hopefully they've found something appropriate for the atmosphere of Norrath.
WoW deals with religion, good and evil, and racial issues too.
Agreed. PS2 looks amazing at night, turn those settings up and look around.
Were you in the War-gate all day on Indar or something? Planetside 2 can look pretty damn beautiful or I must be blind. Did you try AMERISH or ESAMIR? Those continents look really nice, especially Amerish.
- SneakyTurtle
PS2 is a shooter, and if you're out and running gunning down people and stuff, I'm sure most of the times you will miss how amazing the place is. Once EQN comes out, I'm SURE it will have much more detail and look a'lot nicer than PS2 will. I also never liked cartoony graphics either, makes me feel uncomfortable? That's just me though I likey EQ2 graphics hehe
- SneakyTurtle
Philosophy of MMO Game Design
FPS games and MMOs have the same problem and that is rendering live, dynamic players, many of them, in an MMO you will have even more to render, so I am certain FL can handle EQN.
Also the graphics look more "realistic" but stylized, like a soft chalk art look and really nice and realistic up close. I think we will be pleased.
Plantside 2 reminds me of an updated Vanguard, I mean just look around, it is exciting to me
"Soft chalk art look", nice turn of phrase. I have been trying to describe the look to a number of people in real life and I am definitely going to use that in future it really sums it up.
Up past 1600MHz clock speed on RAM, there is no real measurable return when using a graphics card. The only time you'd want to spend more money on the higher frequency is if you're planning on using your CPU to run games. And the extra that you're going to pay for 2400MHz, you could have bought yourself a video card that would get you better results.
Jokes on you for spending your money on something that you'll get no use out of.
- - "What if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?" - -
You won't see much of a difference even between 1333mhz vs 1600mhz, so going over that is kind of pointless unless you plan to overclock.
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