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This is not meant to be a slanderous call out post. I've read your articles on they are well written and make good points. The problem I have with them is that as it pertains to Firefall sometime there is a discord between what you're saying and what is actually available in game at the moment. Those differences tend to not get addressed or lost in pages.
With that said, I would love to read an article written by you about what specifically constitutes challenge or difficulty in mmo game combat and directly explain what makes Firefall combat challenging.
My personal standpoint is that Firefall combat is not challenging and all that is being done to create a false sense of challenge is raising enemy npc volume, health, damage, and cheap accuracy while also adding gear checks.
It would be interesting to see an explanation of how you feel Firefall combat presents engaging challenge considering how integral it is to the entire experience. I would also love to be able to compare what you feel constitutes a challenge and what is actually happening in Firefall.
Best Regards.
Now Playing: DARKFALL Unholy Wars "Return to Open World, Full Loot PvP, Conquest in a Sandbox MMO with player driven economy! Just like classic MMOs!"
I suppose "My personal standpoint" is in the eye of the beholder as well. R.I.F.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Mikal&lang=EN&code=&code=TSwtLDUsLSw2LC0sMjksOSwyMiwyMywyNCwtLDEwMiwzNiw4MSw4NCw4OQ==
To some degree, but in context of Firefall no. The encounters don't change at all. An enemy NPC at Tier I isn't any different than its iteration at Tier IV. It's a contrived stat increase that can be quite simply circumvented by better gear and bigger group.