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Human: Warrior, Stalker, Spellslinger, Esper
Granok: Warrior, Unkown Tank, Unkown Healer
Aurin: Stalker, Spellslinger, Esper, Unkown Healer
Unkown Race: Warrior, Stalker, Spellslinger, Unkown Tank
Cassian: Warrior, Stalker, Spellslinger, Esper
Draken: Warrior, Stalker, Spellslinger, Unkown Tank
Mechari: Warrior, Stalker, Unkown Healer
Chua: Spellslinger, Esper, Unkown Tank, Unkown Healer
Dominion = Exile.
This is a method I used to try to make everything as equal as possible,
The Aurin and Mordesh could switch between Class 1 and Class2.
Same for the Mechari and Draken.
The more I look at this the more I like it. It just makes sense from a development standpoint to restrict the new classes to less races.
Mordesh is undead and we see a lot of fighting oriented classes.
Chua is being based on magic, with one tank option.
We know the 2 new classes will be a tank and a healer. Lets assume,
Class 1 = tank
Class 2 = healer
Race1 & Draken = 3 tanks specs
Cassian + Mechari & Human + Granok = 2 tanks specs
Aurin & Chua = 1 tank spec
Total of 7 unique race tanks specs per faction
Aurin & Mordesh = 3 Healer (Cute races attract girls, girls heal)
Human & Cassian = 2 Heal specs
Granok + Race1 & Draken + Mechari = 1 Heal spec
Total of 6 unique race Heals specs per faction
All the numbers seem to line up perfect. Could be a huge coincidence, but I still think it is kind of cool.