It's good for a lot of people as it will allow them to play with friends who don't own powerful computers. In addition one might just want to sit on the couch from time to time as opposed to a computer chair. Though when it comes to PvP, I would definitely recommend the PC simply because you are able to give yourself some very expensive advantages and even future addons (three screen display will also give more situational awareness in $3,000 rigs; it really up'd my PvP game on WoW way back to the point where I became almost useless without it since it was such an exceptional advantage).
It's usually only unfair when a PC players goes against a console player when the game is a first person shooter. Though there will be definite advantages that range from potentially having 10+ years of PvPing in this genre to having a full on custom setup of $200 keyboards and mice. Macros will also be easier to make on the PC version, though I'm sure an experienced PS3 user would be able to use them to help bridge the gap (though this is also dependent if the PS3 user is willing to shell out almost $500 for these things as well if the PS3 is capable of running the custom software for it)
With regards to control setups, you can easily change how quickly you move out of AoE on the computer by simply changing a few systems around. Even setting the options to "Legacy Controls" will allow you to instantly move in any direction. Also, if the PS3 user uses a wireless gamepad then that will be a handicap as well (as small as it is), in the same way the location of the servers would be (the lag you get as it just adds to the recognition).
My keyboard, for instance is specifically setup for games like this. There are multiple attachments depending on what type of game I'm playing, but overall I have about 50 extra buttons in short reach to the additional WASD movements that are placed to the side. In addition I have about a $150 mouse that has some 20 extra buttons on it.
Though advantages do not mean domination. It's very easy for a skilled player -- with a lot of practice -- to overtake mediocre players despite them having advantages. When it comes to the top of each tier, though, I'm not entirely sure. I'm by no means a great player, though I can maximize efficiency incredibly easy with my setup no matter the conditions or rotations needed. There's even a on screen display with my keyboard that gives me information so long as there's a profile for said game (as well as timers and the like if there are timed phases or to tell me when a cool down is over).
So as a whole I have access to easily 100 quick buttons without even having to press another button to access the skill (I.E pressing L2 to change the subset or holding down alt or control). Add to that there will be computer specific addons allowed in a future patch to further allow PC players to customize things and basically play the game for them with millisecond efficiency (still subject to the reflexes of the individual).
This is usually why they are split, along with potential problems with the owners of the consoles who may want their own servers for their own reasons. It did not affect FFXI simply because that game had no real PvP to speak off. It will only very slightly do so in FFXIV since that is very much organized PvP whereby the cooldown helps make it so controllers have at least a slight chance to keep up. With time the gap could either be increased with mods or decreased by further developer systems and whatever they have played with the DX11 for both the PC and the PS4 version that's supposed to be for the game.
While there may be exclusive Free Companies for the raiding elite (it's their right to do so even if at the surface it looks bad publicly), it all goes down to how much time and effort you want to put into learning things. If you practice a lot and show you're awesome despite the system you play on, it would be hard for me to believe any guild of worth would deny you a place with them (speaking with raiding in mind). Though it may take some extra work to show them that you're the real deal.
But most of all don't forget that it's a online game. It's there as entertainment and to have fun. Make friends and don't worry about the different types of people that you personally won't fit in with.
Due to frequent travel in my youth, English isn't something I consider my primary language (and thus I obtained quirky ways of writing). German and French were always easier for me despite my family being U.S. citizens for over a century. Spanish I learned as a requirement in school, Japanese and Korean I acquired for my youthful desire of anime and gaming (and also work now). I only debate in English to help me work with it (and limit things). In addition, I'm not smart enough to remain fluent in everything and typically need exposure to get in the groove of things again if I haven't heard it in a while. If you understand Mandarin, I know a little, but it has actually been a challenge and could use some help.
Also, I thoroughly enjoy debates and have accounts on over a dozen sites for this. If you wish to engage in such, please put effort in a post and provide sources -- I will then do the same with what I already wrote (if I didn't) as well as with my responses to your own. Expanding my information on a subject makes my stance either change or strengthen the next time I speak of it or write a thesis. Allow me to thank you sincerely for your time.
I think I am going to dedicate myself to being the best PS3/PS4 platform PvP player in the world... just so I can smack up PC elitists and then laugh and say "OK, I'm on console. What is your excuse now?"
You.... you. Just you. For this comment. Can I give you an award or something? I've played FFXI on both console and PC, and there really wasn't much difference to me, except for the movement.
And for PC purists, did you know with the PS3 controller it's easier to move out of the monster's AOE ring? Because when you back up, you actually run backwards. No need to move the camera at all , and there is no slow backwards walk when hitting the S key.
So yeah, I'll be playing on both, but depending on what I'm playing at the time, who I'm playing with, and how lazy I want to be, I may just be on my couch instead of on my monitor.
Though I hope they can make targetting a little more fluid on consoles.
Mmm yes, turn your back to the enemy
I prefer to just strafe left or right out of aoe rings, rather than turn my back.
I play on PC with a wireless keyboard , Mouse , Controller , and wireless turtle beach headset . my wife plays on PS3 . We use Mumble for or voice server . She uses her laptop for that. And i think a controller is better ( but i am biased because i used one to play XI for 7 years )
lol , I think thread should be closed now hahahaha.
It's good for a lot of people as it will allow them to play with friends who don't own powerful computers. In addition one might just want to sit on the couch from time to time as opposed to a computer chair. Though when it comes to PvP, I would definitely recommend the PC simply because you are able to give yourself some very expensive advantages and even future addons (three screen display will also give more situational awareness in $3,000 rigs; it really up'd my PvP game on WoW way back to the point where I became almost useless without it since it was such an exceptional advantage).
It's usually only unfair when a PC players goes against a console player when the game is a first person shooter. Though there will be definite advantages that range from potentially having 10+ years of PvPing in this genre to having a full on custom setup of $200 keyboards and mice. Macros will also be easier to make on the PC version, though I'm sure an experienced PS3 user would be able to use them to help bridge the gap (though this is also dependent if the PS3 user is willing to shell out almost $500 for these things as well if the PS3 is capable of running the custom software for it)
With regards to control setups, you can easily change how quickly you move out of AoE on the computer by simply changing a few systems around. Even setting the options to "Legacy Controls" will allow you to instantly move in any direction. Also, if the PS3 user uses a wireless gamepad then that will be a handicap as well (as small as it is), in the same way the location of the servers would be (the lag you get as it just adds to the recognition).
My keyboard, for instance is specifically setup for games like this. There are multiple attachments depending on what type of game I'm playing, but overall I have about 50 extra buttons in short reach to the additional WASD movements that are placed to the side. In addition I have about a $150 mouse that has some 20 extra buttons on it.
Though advantages do not mean domination. It's very easy for a skilled player -- with a lot of practice -- to overtake mediocre players despite them having advantages. When it comes to the top of each tier, though, I'm not entirely sure. I'm by no means a great player, though I can maximize efficiency incredibly easy with my setup no matter the conditions or rotations needed. There's even a on screen display with my keyboard that gives me information so long as there's a profile for said game (as well as timers and the like if there are timed phases or to tell me when a cool down is over).
So as a whole I have access to easily 100 quick buttons without even having to press another button to access the skill (I.E pressing L2 to change the subset or holding down alt or control). Add to that there will be computer specific addons allowed in a future patch to further allow PC players to customize things and basically play the game for them with millisecond efficiency (still subject to the reflexes of the individual).
This is usually why they are split, along with potential problems with the owners of the consoles who may want their own servers for their own reasons. It did not affect FFXI simply because that game had no real PvP to speak off. It will only very slightly do so in FFXIV since that is very much organized PvP whereby the cooldown helps make it so controllers have at least a slight chance to keep up. With time the gap could either be increased with mods or decreased by further developer systems and whatever they have played with the DX11 for both the PC and the PS4 version that's supposed to be for the game.
While there may be exclusive Free Companies for the raiding elite (it's their right to do so even if at the surface it looks bad publicly), it all goes down to how much time and effort you want to put into learning things. If you practice a lot and show you're awesome despite the system you play on, it would be hard for me to believe any guild of worth would deny you a place with them (speaking with raiding in mind). Though it may take some extra work to show them that you're the real deal.
But most of all don't forget that it's a online game. It's there as entertainment and to have fun. Make friends and don't worry about the different types of people that you personally won't fit in with.
Mmm yes, turn your back to the enemy
I prefer to just strafe left or right out of aoe rings, rather than turn my back. Guild Website and Recruitment link