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Can any one help me level up and do some quest

jonjoevjonjoev Member Posts: 4

I play in the kilrogg server my name is Jonjoev if any one is in that server could you help me do some Darkshore quest


  • SuperZwerverSuperZwerver Member Posts: 293

    Why dont you just use the looking for group channel in game? It's very easy. Just type this ->>

    "/4 Hey, <Insert your lvl here> <Insert your class here> looking for someone to do some quests with :) I know a lot of jokes"

    And then the people will come storming towards you, cause you know everybody loves a good joke ^^

    Flych - 70 Blood Elf Retribution Paladin - Tarren Mill (EU)
    Mediocre - 70 Undead Discipline Priest - Tarren Mill (EU)

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