I heard at one point that since SE hadn't designated any of the new servers as RP, 'the community' had determined a particular server would be. Since there won't be transfers or alts on different servers at the outset, does anyone happen to know which server is intended to be RP? Thanks
Id like to know as well.
Thanks Lafaiel
Go here to see how you ping: http://www.arrstatus.com/
Just to be clear, it's not how you ping, it's how arrstatus pings. He even put in a disclaimer to that effect.
Some people are still hoping that Square will make an RP server, but it's probably too late for that (despite Square repeatedly saying they would and they it was being researched in how best to do it). The biggest RP community is on Balmung as that's the original server for RP and is supported by the Role Playing Coalition. The non-legacy servers are split between five different servers at present:
Gilgamesh, Behemoth, Cactuar, Midgardsormr and Ultros (though I've seen a few posts regarding Adamatoise as well).
It's such a massive split of community that really the only hope of a longstanding RP group would be either just joining the Legacy server or hope that Square releases a server where RPers will naturally congregate.
Here's a video of RP servers from Gamebreaker (it may only be published by them as it's on their site) that's on XIVnation.com
Here's the Role Player's Coalition Website that was made years ago when all the RPers from all the servers came together to finally decide to work together and join a single server.