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Q/A on steam group 19/8/13 at 6p.m U.K time

upcoming Q/A for today with Steven Lumpkin

Originally posted by silent0siris

I'm caught up now, with full answers here:

 Thanks to everyone for their questions!  I'll do my best to keep answering them as they roll in.

 - Steven, Lead Level Designer


be always up to date about Eternal Crusade
WH40k:EC dev Tracker

Other EC Sites i'm in:
Dakkadakka Savij
Reddit EC Savij1337 Savij


  • SavijSavij Member Posts: 341

    oh it got canceled:(

    you can find the coms questions here:

    i tried to answer them:

    hi i will try to answer all questions i can answer (im not a dev. just a hardcore fan and stalking the devs everytime i can)


    will there be any lag in game ?s/m players will understand this question
    This is a MMO so you might have lag if your connection is bad or you are to far away from the serverBut the enemies wont jump across your screen, they will try to simulate the position of everyone else on the screen, so it might lag but you may not notice it



    From this vid it seems the Eternal Crusade looks pretty similar to Space Marine in regards to graphic style, but... are they using a console controller while testing it??
    yes, this game is plant on next gen consoles [fist launch will be on PC]. So you can play it with controller ;)



    All you can see on the PC screens is from eternal crusade!



    i have a few questions.1. the server tech you are useing clames to be able to hold up too 1000 players are you going too try and push that higher then that like closer to 1500 to 2000? i think planetside 2 has up too 2000.
    You got it wrong. 1000 is not the limit of the server, it’s the number of players that can fight in the same battle. Imagine like 400orks vs 200sm vs 200csm vs 200 eldars in a fight about the same fortress without the server lagging. PS2 starts lagging when you get like 400 players in the same area.


   close are you working with gamesworkshop and the people behind some of the races(jes goodwin phil kelly ect)
    Cant answer this for certain but as GW is very hard with they lore, they will have to work close with em


   have said in one or two interviews that the balence between the races well not be 100% symmetrical in that an ork is not as good at shooting and has less amour then a spacemarine but is better at melee. what about the classes of each race will they all have a unique feel too them with how the classes are set up and play or will they each play the same way and have the same classes?(tsm devs asm)it may work for chaos but orks and eldar don't always have a equivalent.
    They want to have a unique style for all the races and classes


   have said that the time too kill will be longer then planetside 2 yet shorter then most mmos will it be more like spacemarine?
    This will be adjusted while closed beta, but spacemarine is a good example


   will you handel heros and hq units?(farseer warlocks Exarchs sargents forcecommaders captens nobs warbosses ect)they should be a force to be reckend with and a lot more powerful then a baceline troop if just becouse of the equipment they have access too. they are limeted in that a squadleader is one for evrey five or ten(or sometimes twentey)troops of the squad type and a hq like a farseer unit for around three squads of troops or whatever you diside is balenced.
    There will be no waaarghbozz or SM captain classes. They want to keep everyone killable for everyone, so no superclasses.



    5.will race leaders be able to place things like sand bags and other sorts of cover and defences at places that are not being fought at at that moment and if so can they be destroyed?
    Most cover will be destructible, and there will be some way to get additional cover but that’s still being discussed


    Here is a quote from reddit:
    We intend to have some things like this, but the terrain itself will probably not be deformable. Setting up something like a sentry gun- maybe! Spending resources to upgrade static defenses on your faction's fortress- that's definitely something we want.


    6. you have said destroying the terrain is not that likely what about puting small too midium craters and holes in the ground? as long as you can't dig a ten foot hole of course.
    Well that deforming, so it’s a no.


   have said that there will be female eldar will you be able too chose what gender you eldar is as the only class that has more of one gender then the other is the baneshees and they are not 100% female. one thing a lot of people dont know is that a lot of female players play spacemarines orks and chaos so not evrey eldar player is a female.out of room.!/!/!/
    it will be like in the lore. Why should they limit it to 1 gender when it isn’t limited in the lore?


   will the eldar be balenced as the few games that have them they tend to be a lot weaker then the other races which is not true to the tabletop or the fluff. there weapons are deadly they are fast and they don't have bad armour there melee units are deadly and hard to pin down. and they can shoot whel runing yet are prebalenced in that a baneshee is doom to all in melee and are fast and can jump over cover as well as use there masks to stun but have light armour and only a sidearm for shooting so they are weak to mass ranged units that they cant close the gap with and nades. strikeing scorpions have heavy armour and are sneaky but are slower and don't have power swords so spacemarines are safer but orks are not. and so on all of the eldar units have somethings they are good at and somethings that they are not as good at.
    Eldars will be the fast, agile and highly specialized race. They armors are weaker then a spacemarine armor, but an eldar is much more agile. (spacemarine for example will not be able to jump, eldar might jump.)



    9.will there be phisics in the game for highend compeuters? i hate games that don't have them and have realy bad deathposes.
    Something I cant answer



    10.will the grapfics be better then spacemarine for high end compueters if so how good will they be?
    Something I cant answer



    11.what will the starting classes be, will it be guardians. scouts. cultist. and ork boyz or more like direavengers tactical spacemarins chaos tacticals and bigger ork boyz?
    Orkboys are only for f2players. The other orks will be nobs.



    12.when will you reveal the classes that will be at luanch, as well as the clans craftworlds ect that will be in?
    Next reveal will be orks, then eldar.


   big of a threat will nids be. will there be lots of them all over the place will they attack in the middle of a big battle, will they have more then one type like say a carnifexs warriors raveners?
    The nids will try to focus always the strongest faction. Since nids evolve as the hivemind wants them to be you can imagine that there will be different units.


   will squads work, as the way they are set up in tabletop is strict in that it has a min max number, a set amount of heavy weapons per squad, and all of the members have to stay close to eachother so how are you going to get this to work in game?
    Up to 10 members. They don’t want to limit the players (it’s a sandboxgame) so no restrictions for squadmemberclasses, they don’t need to stay close (tactics)



    15.will it be very gamey in the way most mmos are or will it be more realistic and imersive and more like planetside 2 and spacemarine?i may think of more latter
    more realistic for sure



    Will there be any particular classes on this game like on space marine (tactical,devastator,assult) ? or just 1 class but can choose to wear gear such as an assult pack, or if there is classes would you consider adding scout class for f2p as space marine and terminator class for high ranking players? (just ideas i had)
    There will be baseclasses and higher classes (don’t expect them to be way stronger, you will just get more options to kill others and to safe yourself!)



    A couple of Steam friends from New Zealand asked me to forward these questions as they will not be able to participate in the q/a due to the time difference.12:56 AM - The Cleaver: morning. :)1:00 AM - The Cleaver: a couple of questions if you have time. will/is there be an ongoing plan for DLC more campaings etc. is there a plan for players to be able to create content? what do they see as the future of the game?1:01 AM - The Cleaver: thats all I can think of see how you go. thanks :)
    Something I cant answer



     Canusastartes 16 hours ago  what vehicles will be available? will land raiders feature?
    Something I cant answer



    will there be a team speak specific to the squad?
    they want that



    how will command be issued from higher ranking officers?
    you can follow the commands but you don’t have to



    what happens if you usual squadmates are not online will you be able to join a random squad before dropping/deepstriking into a lz?
    they want that



    will you be able to toggle between first and third person?
    for vehicles maybe, Patrick said that



    will you be able to choose different companies in a chapter or will there be only 1 company available per chapter?
    they mentioned the dark angels biker company so I think it’s a yes



    what vehicles will be available? can you play imperium and or chaos in 1 account.
    a quote of Patrick: we are currently thinking about how we can prevent race/faction hopping, especially so that there won't be too much spying. but on the other hand there is always the possibility of someone having two or more accounts, so we will try to find a good way to make it still possible in some sort, if players reconsider what faction/race they want to play.



    will your skills be activated as soon as you choose them in your skill tree or will you have to equipt a set number of skills to make them active?
    you can see your “skills” as part of your loadout



    Canusastartes 16 hours ago  Hi Augustine can you please ask the developers, how many effective load outs you can have per account? will the command tructure be true to the table top for each specific legion like spacewolves will have a wolf priest instead of a chaplain/apothacary etc?
    yes, they mentioned long fangs for devastator



    how many players will be in a battle scenario at any 1 given time? around 1000 in the same battle will choas demons feature? and demon princes?
    no playable OPclasses



    will there be skycraft? thunderhawks etc?
    maybe not playercontrolled

    will titans be an option?
    not for certain



    will psykers feature?
    since they have eldar it’s a yes ;)



    and will the spells be the same as the codex/rule book entries?
    they want to stay to the lore



    will you be able to revive squad member in the game or if your helth bar decreases to 0 are you out of the campaign and have to drop pod back into battle?
    before you die you will get into a downstate, you can be revived or executed there



    will battles use a ticketing system like battlefield 3 's the bleed or will it be capture points or a combination?
    Capturing points like PS2



    Just a question I would be interested in:1. ) The War council will be choosen by the players, but who will choose the first council members, as I do think, that we will not wait for 2 months until the first council members will be of "High enough" rank.
    the first council will be from betaplayers



    Also is there a plan for how long can tha members of the War Council be in charge, so that there is an option for other plyers to get to the Council.
    to early to answer that but you can imagine that they wont be for ever in the council



    2.) The reason I stopped playing planetside is, you have like 3 secs to do anything in combat. Will the combat in Eternal Crusade be short like this, or longer where a player actually has a chance to fight. (I would like long fights, where you have a chance to make a difference, and don't die, in 3 seconds)
    can you imagine a spacemarine die when he get hit by 5 bullets? It will be way longer then planetside but shorter then in normal MMORPGs

    3.) Final question:Customization.If I play Ultramarines, hopefully there won't be a way to color the armor pink, or smething that crazy. Is there a plan to keep customization options at least a little serious?
    Yes the players will have to stay true to their chapter colors



    Is there a certain age or event timeline you are following, or is it just the general "Grim Darkness of the 41st millenium"?
    If the game is a success they will get a part in the lore of wh40k. since then its just a solarsystem somewhere in the universe



    Has there been any collaboration or content borrwed from the cancelled "Dark Millenium"?
    I don’t think so, sony bought all the rights.



    Will it be possible to start our own chapters, clans, sects, cults, tribes etc, as long as they adhere to the overall lore of that faction?
    they want that but thats still in discussion 



    be always up to date about Eternal Crusade
    WH40k:EC dev Tracker

    Other EC Sites i'm in:
    Dakkadakka Savij
    Reddit EC Savij1337 Savij

  • SavijSavij Member Posts: 341

    part 2:

    What is your plan to get non-warhammer fans into the game.
    delivering a game with lots of features which is fun to play
    and set into a beautiful universe ;)

    Finally (and in no way meant to be disrespectful, just a concern) in my research of your company (which was very quick so forgive any mistakes on my part) I have found your most known works to be for IOS, DS and some PC.
    From what I have seen the most notable are WET, Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise, Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime, the art for Mafia Wars: London and Get On Da Mic.
    You will have to forgive me when I say I am a bit concerned that you are trying to make a game of this scope with an ip of this importance with little to no experience in this area of game making. Which leads me to a three part question:
    1. Is there any members of the team or other games that I have missed in my hasty research that would better suit the general experience needed to tackle a project of this magnitude?
    he answerd this perfectly ;)

    i can answer this one a bit, there team is made from devs of the secretworld age of conan and a few other big mmos so they have soom good skills. and it will be ore like spacemarine in a mmotps with the campane of planetside in that you are takeing over a planet.

    2. Do you feel or hope that people's attitudes towards the finished product will not be based in a standard MMO mentality i.e WoW players, Rift players, Guild Wars players, or that this will be something that it generally more attractive exclusively to WH40K fans. (Which there will be plenty of enough to support the game financially without the help of the general MMO community)
    i think there are lots of people who love planetside 2 and games like this why shouldnt they like a better version of this with more deepth and a good theme?

    3. Alot of people I have been talking to are worried about basically having Planetside 2 with WH40K skins attached, what can you say to these people that will alleviate this fear?

    Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us and keep up the great work and community interaction. It seems that you are off to a great start and I wish you nothing but success on the project.

    as i said above:
    its a planetside 2 game but with more deepth.
    there is a war council for each faction which are the commanders who set objectives for the players.
    there is meleecombat! there is some kind of supply lines, cut them to get an advantage.
    there isnt a eternal fight over the same planet again and again with no winner.

    1. How will you adress the fact that space marines ,being the walking tanks proficient in almost every single form of combat, without them coming out too OP or way to underpowered?
    there will be some kind of asymetric balance
    SM will trust in thair armor, eldar will be agile and fast etc.

    2.Since the space wolves do not follow the codex astartes unlike many others and have around 13000 marines currently along with the different classes that are unique too them only. do you plan to follow their lore or just bland codex formations for them?
    chapters will have unique classes, like long fangs for devastator

    3. How brutal and graphic will combat be?
    its wh40k it will be very brutal

    4. Will the bolt rounds for bolters actually explode upon impact like they do in the Lore?
    would be heretic if not!

    5. Will the graphic style depict the grimdark universe we all know and love or will it be bright and colorful like the all predecessor games?
    no they will ride on pink ponys into the battle for the emperor!
    for sure it will be dark like wh40k have to be, the devs are hardcorefans!

    be always up to date about Eternal Crusade
    WH40k:EC dev Tracker

    Other EC Sites i'm in:
    Dakkadakka Savij
    Reddit EC Savij1337 Savij

  • grigdushergrigdusher Member UncommonPosts: 139
    steven lumpkin lost in the warp? (maybe they started a crusade for recovery the official forum)

    war 40K Eternal Crusade: refferal 4$ bonus: EC-9Y7IAZJ8UZN6I

  • patrickbalthazarpatrickbalthazar Member UncommonPosts: 133
    I picked out the questions which Savij could not answer or where I was not happy with the answer - THX for that Savij!



    9.will there be phisics in the game for highend compeuters? i hate games that don't have them and have realy bad deathposes. 




    There will be some physix - but not too much since it would kill our server performance.




    10. will the grapfics be better then spacemarine for high end compueters if so how good will they be?




    DX11 similar to next gen consoles - but definitly at par with Space Marine, more likely to be better! (we aim for much better, but too early to say)




    a couple of questions if you have time. will/is there be an ongoing plan for DLC more campaings etc. is there a plan for players to be able to create content? what do they see as the future of the game?




    yes DLC and expansions are part of our plan. content will be mostly created by players, since they can decide objectives and similar. future? all races, more planets, more fun!




    what vehicles will be available? will land raiders feature?




    too early to answer.

    Patrick Balthazar
    Tech Lead - Behaviour Online
    Lead Programmer - Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade - #eternalcrusade - @lordpada

  • grigdushergrigdusher Member UncommonPosts: 139
    Originally posted by patrickbalthazar
    I picked out the questions which Savij could not answer or where I was not happy with the answer - THX for that Savij!



    9.will there be phisics in the game for highend compeuters? i hate games that don't have them and have realy bad deathposes. 




    There will be some physix - but not too much since it would kill our server performance.




    10. will the grapfics be better then spacemarine for high end compueters if so how good will they be?




    DX11 similar to next gen consoles - but definitly at par with Space Marine, more likely to be better! (we aim for much better, but too early to say)




    a couple of questions if you have time. will/is there be an ongoing plan for DLC more campaings etc. is there a plan for players to be able to create content? what do they see as the future of the game?




    yes DLC and expansions are part of our plan. content will be mostly created by players, since they can decide objectives and similar. future? all races, more planets, more fun!




    what vehicles will be available? will land raiders feature?




    too early to answer.

    please call expansion/dlc  "codex" and "supplement".

    war 40K Eternal Crusade: refferal 4$ bonus: EC-9Y7IAZJ8UZN6I

  • patrickbalthazarpatrickbalthazar Member UncommonPosts: 133
    also sorry for the delay - Stephen is on the official answers on the steam thingy as well!

    Patrick Balthazar
    Tech Lead - Behaviour Online
    Lead Programmer - Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade - #eternalcrusade - @lordpada

  • SavijSavij Member Posts: 341

    be always up to date about Eternal Crusade
    WH40k:EC dev Tracker

    Other EC Sites i'm in:
    Dakkadakka Savij
    Reddit EC Savij1337 Savij

  • silent0sirissilent0siris Member Posts: 8

    Thanks for this Savij!   You've been paying attention!


    I'm caught up now, with full answers here:


    Thanks to everyone for their questions!  I'll do my best to keep answering them as they roll in.



    - Steven, Lead Level Designer

  • grigdushergrigdusher Member UncommonPosts: 139

    thys can help about the 1000 space marine each codex adherent chapter


    in fact if in EC there is arount 1500-2000 space marine for each chapter logged it's not an heresy.



    war 40K Eternal Crusade: refferal 4$ bonus: EC-9Y7IAZJ8UZN6I

  • SavijSavij Member Posts: 341
    Originally posted by silent0siris

    Thanks for this Savij!   You've been paying attention!


    I'm caught up now, with full answers here:


    Thanks to everyone for their questions!  I'll do my best to keep answering them as they roll in.



    - Steven, Lead Level Designer

    there is no need to thank me ;) im just following my passion! bring the imperial truth to all!

    be always up to date about Eternal Crusade
    WH40k:EC dev Tracker

    Other EC Sites i'm in:
    Dakkadakka Savij
    Reddit EC Savij1337 Savij

  • MibletMiblet Member Posts: 333

    That link has fleet crews listed as marines whereas I'm pretty sure lore wise the crew is human (optionally having a high ranked marine in command), in much the same way that much of the chapters day to day maintenance is not undertaken by marines whose skills are better used elsewhere.

    Equally the crew of vehicles are supposed to be drawn from the rank and file of the relevant company.

    Of course the codex is a guideline and is upheld to varying standards by differing chapters but a chapter of 1500-2000 would be censured as a clear violation of the codex and maybe even seen as a powerplay by the High Lords of Terra.

  • RazephonRazephon Member UncommonPosts: 628
    Err so is this over? Summary?

    Currently waiting for the MMO industry to put out something good.
  • windbringerwindbringer Member Posts: 16

    i don't know if they are done answering questions but i will post all of the answers for those of you who don't have steam.

    also here is the link to the thread.

    warning it will be a long post. its flaging my post as spam i will see if i can fix it by editing in the answers..

    Patrick, our tech lead, is hard at work even now optimising our networks to ensure the best performance. We're aiming for the best experience possible, and we're well aware of the latency issues that have been problems for other games.
    From this vid it seems the Eternal Crusade looks pretty similar to Space Marine in regards to graphic style, but... are they using a console controller while testing it??

    No way! It's awesome people think we look polished enough already that we could be a released game, but any footage coming from us will always be footage from our game. We're doing team playtests twice a week now, and new features are rolling in every day!

    Originally posted by mycatdillon: have said in one or two interviews that the balence between the races well not be 100% symmetrical in that an ork is not as good at shooting and has less amour then a spacemarine but is better at melee. what about the classes of each race will they all have a unique feel too them with how the classes are set up and play or will they each play the same way and have the same classes?(tsm devs asm)it may work for chaos but orks and eldar don't always have a equivalent.

    Originally posted by mycatdillon: will you handel heros and hq units?
    We have strong plans for these, but we're not ready to talk about them yet. Follow our website/ twitter/ facebook to find out that information when it's released!

    Originally posted by mycatdillon:

    7. you have said destroying the terrain is not that likely what about puting small too midium craters and holes in the ground? as long as you can't dig a ten foot hole of course.
    There will definitely be craters and holes and trenches that we've placed out, but if you mean "I shoot a shell and make a crater," our tech isn't able to do that unfortunately. But we're focusing our efforts on other areas of the game to give you a great Warhammer 40,000 experience.

    Yes, players will be able to choose male or female for Eldar. Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines, and Orks will be true to the tabletop, and all look masculine.

    Originally posted by mycatdillon:

    13.when will you reveal the classes that will be at luanch, as well as the clans craftworlds ect that will be in?
    (Phew! Mycatdillon, STILL GOING! Great to see all these questions from you, man.)

    Originally posted by mycatdillon: will squads work, as the way they are set up in tabletop is strict in that it has a min max number, a set amount of heavy weapons per squad, and all of the members have to stay close to eachother so how are you going to get this to work in game?
    Warhammer 40,000 is perfectly designed for a tabletop wargame. It's a great game, with a great set of rules that we all play and love. Unfortunately, some of those rules- like squad coherency, min/max numbers, set heavy weapons- don't make sense for a video game. We're trying to make our game be the perfect design of Warhammer 40,000 for an MMO-third-person-shooter - so when you want to play an Assault Marine with Lightning Claws and your pal wants to play a Devastator Marine with a Plasma Cannon and you still want to group together, we will let you.

    Immersive, immersive, immersive! Over-the-shoulder camera, you shoot where you point and click, you can sprint, charge, shoulder-bash, hack with your chainsword, and bloodily execute your opponent as he's bleeding out on the ground. Our entire team is tired of the gamey hotbar combat from classic MMOs.

    Mycatdillon, thank you for asking all these questions! :)

    Originally posted by Condog:

    Yeah, absolutely!

    Originally posted by St.Augustine.:

    will/is there be an ongoing plan for DLC more campaings etc. is there a plan for players to be able to create content? what do they see as the future of the game?

    Originally posted by Canusastartes:

    will there be a team speak specific to the squad? how will command be issued from higher ranking officers? what happens if you usual squadmates are not online will you be able to join a random squad before dropping/deepstriking into a lz? will you be able to toggle between first and third person?
    We're still evaluating in-game communication options like team-speak.

    Your Squad Leader's commands will probably be shown with an objective marker in the environment.

    If your usual friends aren't online, we want to make it as seamless as possible to find a new squad, join them, and then make your way to their location.

    We're primarily a third-person game, but certain guns (like sniper rifles and the like) may zoom into first person as a special feature of that weapon.

    Originally posted by Canusastartes:

    will your skills be activated as soon as you choose them in your skill tree or will you have to equipt a set number of skills to make them active?
    You won't have "active skills" like in classic MMOs. As soon as you equip a weapon, you'll be able to shoot it!

    Originally posted by Canusastartes:

    will the command structure be true to the table top for each specific legion like spacewolves will have a wolf priest instead of a chaplain/apothacary etc?
    The 'command structure' may adjust to work in a video game setting, but different Chapters will have access to different classes; for example, instead of Librarians, Space Wolves may have Rune Priests instead.

    Originally posted by Canusastartes:

    will choas demons feature? and demon princes?
    Chaos Daemons will be a post-launch race. Daemon Princes would naturally accompany them.

    These will be in the game!

    Originally posted by NemethR:

    3.) Final question:
    If I play Ultramarines, hopefully there won't be a way to color the armor pink, or smething that crazy. Is there a plan to keep customization options at least a little serious?
    Absolutely. While we want to let players customize their look, your choice of Chapter (or Craftworld, or Clan, or Warband) will define your possibilities for customization. Even the most customized Ultramarine will still be recognizable as an Ultramarine.
    We're a brand new game, and also are focusing on completely different things from "Dark Millennium Online." We're focusing on a player-driven war across the surface of a planet with true third-person-shooting mechanics.

    Originally posted by Murtle:

    Finally (and in no way meant to be disrespectful...)
    1. Is there any members of the team or other games that I have missed in my hasty research that would better suit the general experience needed to tackle a project of this magnitude?
    2. Do you feel or hope that people's attitudes towards the finished product will not be based in a standard MMO mentality i.e WoW players, Rift players, Guild Wars players, or that this will be something that it generally more attractive exclusively to WH40K fans. (Which there will be plenty of enough to support the game financially without the help of the general MMO community)
    3. Alot of people I have been talking to are worried about basically having Planetside 2 with WH40K skins attached, what can you say to these people that will alleviate this fear?
    1. Well, our core team has all worked on MMOs in the past! David Ghozland, creative director, has a long list of titles to his name- Ryzom, Splinter Cell, FIFA Online, The Secret World... I've worked on The Secret World... Brent (lead game designer) has worked on The Secret World... Patrick (tech lead) has worked on Age of Conan and The Secret World... so we have a lot of MMO experience and AAA experience as well. The Behaviour team members also bring a lot of expertise to this project, in Production, Project Management, Financials, Art, and more- especially from the rapid development cycles Behaviour has used in the past.

    2. Warhammer 40,000 fans are crucial to us, but we also need mmo fans and gamers. Warhammer 40,000 fans are wonderful, and we love them and we're making an experience that you will love, but wow you guys, games cost a lot of money. We want gamers and Warhammer 40,000 fans alike to love, play, and buy this game. Notice, however, that we're very different from the "classic MMOs" you've listed- we're more like Planetside 2, or Borderlands. We're hoping to attract our own vibrant and Emperor-loving (or hating) community.

    3. Planetside 2 is very much an inspiration for us, but we're doing a number of things differently. Conquering territory should be much slower, and the territory you own should matter a lot more to you. There will be NPC Tyranids harrassing undefended locations. We have co-op PvE modes in addition to our PvP. We're including vehicles, but we're focusing on the infantry experience more than Planetside 2. We have ongoing War Campaigns lasting 2 weeks to 3 months, where you'll be fighting over large scale objectives from your faction's High Command. We certainly don't think we're just "Planetside 2 with WH40k skins", and we hope you won't either.

    Originally posted by [EG:

    Leman Russ]2.Since the space wolves do not follow the codex astartes unlike many others and have around 13000 marines currently along with the different classes that are unique too them only. do you plan to follow their lore or just bland codex formations for them?
    While we're not forcing each chapter to conform rigidly to lore-accurate codex formations (only 1,000 Ultramarines characters total?), the different Chapters will have a unique feel, and may have unique classes as well- like the Rune Priest, for example. We don't want our Chapters to feel bland and generic, we want to represent them faithfully.

    Originally posted by [EG:

    Leman Russ]4. Will the bolt rounds for bolters actually explode upon impact like they do in the Lore?
    I thought Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine did a pretty good job with its bolt rounds! We're currently looking in this direction for our effects.

    I've been reading Dan Abnett's Eisenhorn, and the universe certainly seems visually colorful as he describes it! Heck, the new Codexes are beautifully colorful. Solid-color Space Marines will clash with the carnival of the Eldar, the Greenskins and the vibrant servants of Chaos will battle for ownership of Fortresses The world will have a wide color palette, but it will be a grim universe, where there is only war. The ruined surface of the planet and the shattered Imperial buildings around you will remind you of the horrors of eternal war.

    Originally posted by Danck:

    Do you plan on letting people take of their helms?

    Originally posted by NemethR:

    2.) You mentioned "Be sure to register on our website for a chance to be selected for our eventual beta!", now I would for sure be in for that, will there be a special registration for Beta, or is it just the register at our site (where I get the newsletters too).
    Nope, just register at the site, where you get the newsletters from.

    Originally posted by NemethR:

    4.) So we have this beautyful planed, we can wage war on.
    But how is this going to happen, for example, will we have multiple continents?
    (Lets hope so, it would also ease the load of the servers, you caould also maybe have starting locations, for real world locations. Example players from North America Start on Continent A, Europe on Continent B, and so on, and you can of course go to other continents.)
    Yes! We'll have multiple continents to fight over. We'll probably segregate starting locations by in-game race, instead of by real-world continent, but that's the idea.

    Originally posted by NemethR:

    6.) And final, as I would like to let others ask too (but I am full of questions), so:
    Will there be a reward for playing onyl 1 character?! You said there will not be a level system.
    So will it be rewarded in any way?! (I usually only have 1 character, this is for me immersion, I am that character. I can't split myself into multiple pieces.)

    Thank you again, and may the Emperor be with all of you!
    There's no levels, but there's still advancement and progression. You'll get more powerful and more specific gear, and you'll unlock new options for your build. Your one character will be able to spawn as any class for his race, and so if you get tired of playing in one style you can switch over and play in a different style (a different class), with all new advancement and progression.

    Originally posted by Deathbringer:

    Hey there! this is Rasako from twitter coming to ask if there will be a specific forum similar to warframe's top founder's package that will allow players who purchase this package to communicate directly to the developers and work with them to bring up suggestions and help guide the direction of the game...?

    Hey Rasako! We've talked about an idea like this, but we're still evaluating. We want to be sure to support the entire community in the best way possible.

    Originally posted by Jericho:

    Hi thanks for adopting the open house strategy towards your game, makes the waiting less painful.

    Can I just ask, do you have plans for a founders pack with exclusive items and beta access for those of us prepared to support the game before launch such as Neverwinter and Marvel Heroes did?
    Glad you appreciate it! It's great to interact so closely with you all, feels a lot less like hoarding secrets, and a lot more like just sharing our plans and excitement freely.

    Originally posted by Lithuex:

    For the Eldar, and Space Marines, will we eventually be able to use Dreadnoughts or Wraithlords or the like?
    This is trickier- your character can spawn as a number of different classes, but a Dreadnought or Wraithlord requires you to be dead! They're quite iconic, so we'd like to incorporate them somehow, but we're still evaluating how we can make this work.

    Originally posted by Lithuex:

    I know I asked a lot of questions, but considering this is the first time I've ever asked a question of a game dev directly, I can't containt myself.
    Keep going man! Don't stop now!

    Originally posted by Lithuex:

    One last thing, probably my most want-to-be-answered-question, you said you were going to stay as true as you can to the source material, even to at the expense of game balance, at least in terms of 1v1, etc. I wanna say, first of all, that I love this. Too many games destroy the lore of their worlds for the sake of balance. Anyway, I was wondering what extent you guys had planned this for. As in, Space Marine Bolters will 5-6 shot Orkz, a headshot while someone doesn't have a helmet on will one-hit-kill, Autocannons rip people to shreds, etc.
    Well, we're primarily aiming to retain the FEELING of the balance of the tabletop game. We don't want Ork or Eldar players to have a shit time because they literally can't compete 1v1, but Orks should still FEEL like a horde, and Eldar should still FEEL like an army of specialists. Even if one Ork Boy can press his natural advantages and kill a Space Marine 1-on-1, it should feel like he was able to do that because he's one of DA ORKS! WAAAAAAAAGH!

    As far as how many bullets it'll take to kill a target, across different weapons- we're tweaking this right now, every week! We do two playtests as a team every week just to see how the combat feels and plays, and time-to-kill and weapon power are two of the things we look out for.

    <blockquote with_author"="">

    Originally posted by Lithuex:

    Thanks for even reading 1/4 of this.
    Thanks for asking all these great questions!

    The mind of the Farseer is utterly inhuman in its depth and complexity. Without mercy or moral feeling, his consciousness stands upon the edge of spiritual destruction. That he does not fall must be a result of constraints and balances that only an Eldar could understand. To a mere Human it is yet another reminder that we are but children in comparison to that ancient and powerful race.

  • SavijSavij Member Posts: 341

    that need some editing ^^

    and if i remember right you dont need steam or steamacc to read it

    be always up to date about Eternal Crusade
    WH40k:EC dev Tracker

    Other EC Sites i'm in:
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  • SavijSavij Member Posts: 341

    what i notice when i read through it, is that there are questions that got answered somewhere else (interview or here from patrick) are answered in this Q/A differently

    does that mean you changed the way you want to do it? or is each dev different informated? ^^


    Q: Condog:

    Will there be any particular classes on this game like on space marine (tactical,devastator,assult) ? or just 1 class but can choose to wear gear such as an assult pack, or if there is classes would you consider adding scout class for f2p as space marine and terminator class for high ranking players? (just ideas i had)

    A: Steve:

    Hey condog! You will control one character who can choose to spawn as different classes, somewhat like in Space Marine.


    A. Patrick (31/7/2013):

    haha no - i didn't think of changing the 'role'/'class' in the way rpgs do, but you could equip a different weapon.


    i would like Patricks answer more :D

    wuhu sweet, 200 posts :D

    be always up to date about Eternal Crusade
    WH40k:EC dev Tracker

    Other EC Sites i'm in:
    Dakkadakka Savij
    Reddit EC Savij1337 Savij

  • silent0sirissilent0siris Member Posts: 8
    Originally posted by Savij

    what i notice when i read through it, is that there are questions that got answered somewhere else (interview or here from patrick) are answered in this Q/A differently

    does that mean you changed the way you want to do it? or is each dev different informated? ^^


    This is simply one of the consequences of having such an open communication strategy- people in different roles sometimes have different levels of knowledge on specific aspects of the game.

    In this circumstance, I've got the full scoop.

    You will control one character- Savij the Space Marine, for example- who can equip different loadouts to join battle as one of a number of classes.  Exactly how often and how quickly and where/when you can swap, we're still discussing.

    We've made this choice- even knowing that it's a little awkward to fit with the lore- primarily in order to let each player keep their character's progression and items and retain some of their general advancement, while still allowing players to specialize into different roles with very different battlefield functions, beyond simply picking up a different gun.

    Playing with a group of friends is very important for us- and when the group decides someone (you!) has to be the Devastator for the evening, we don't want you to have to go start a new character and put a ton of effort into leveling it up, just to play with your friends.


    - Steven, Lead Level Designer

  • grigdushergrigdusher Member UncommonPosts: 139
    Originally posted by silent0siris
    Originally posted by Savij

    what i notice when i read through it, is that there are questions that got answered somewhere else (interview or here from patrick) are answered in this Q/A differently

    does that mean you changed the way you want to do it? or is each dev different informated? ^^


    This is simply one of the consequences of having such an open communication strategy- people in different roles sometimes have different levels of knowledge on specific aspects of the game.

    In this circumstance, I've got the full scoop.

    You will control one character- Savij the Space Marine, for example- who can equip different loadouts to join battle as one of a number of classes.  Exactly how often and how quickly and where/when you can swap, we're still discussing.

    We've made this choice- even knowing that it's a little awkward to fit with the lore- primarily in order to let each player keep their character's progression and items and retain some of their general advancement, while still allowing players to specialize into different roles with very different battlefield functions, beyond simply picking up a different gun.

    Playing with a group of friends is very important for us- and when the group decides someone (you!) has to be the Devastator for the evening, we don't want you to have to go start a new character and put a ton of effort into leveling it up, just to play with your friends.


    - Steven, Lead Level Designer

    a space marine that spawn as assault/tactical/devastator/terminator(if veteran) it's ok with lore (space marine are trained for all duty know how to drive all veicle how to use all weapon etc etc) but spawn as chaplain/apothecary/librarian/techmarine it's lore breaking, if you are the same marine.

    Maybe a spacemarine can spawn as "savijnarus" the apotechary be a different marine but the same character slot.

    war 40K Eternal Crusade: refferal 4$ bonus: EC-9Y7IAZJ8UZN6I

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