Aren't getting legacy status or early access, IMO it would be in their best interest to let anyone who has subbed at least 1 month (paid sub not the free month) access early access and the release version for about maybe a week so they can decide if they wish to sub or not. I am subbing I just feel shafted that I'll probally not get into early access even thou I have like 3-4 months of paid sub time, it just wasn't during that special period. Oh well, guess I can find something to ammuse myself for a few extra days. It still pisses me off though. I just had to rant a bit thanks for reading.
Being a pessimist is a win-win pattern of thinking. If you're a pessimist (I'll admit that I am!) you're either:
A. Proven right (if something bad happens)
B. Pleasantly surprised (if something good happens)
Either way, you can't lose! Try it out sometime!
Every owner of FF XIV 1.0 ( not only the ones who subbed for at least 1 month ) , is playing the game starting from 27, with the option to pay 3$ for early access.
EDIT: For 2 weeks !
Reporter: What's behind Blizzard success, and how do you make your gamers happy?
Blizzard Boss: Making gamers happy is not my concern, making money.. yes!