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Not only will this launch go smoothly, this ain't their first rodeo!!.
all the years of know how, all the final fantasies under their belt .
The only thing thats got them by the gonads, is they had know idea
this many people would preorder ,,yet alone close to if not over 1.1 million peeps that would wanna give it another shot.
all the ps3 owners ,,im tellin ya this game will do good if they keep the new content commin. I mean its FF 14 it can only get better not worse oh wait,, do i see a BLUE MAGE on the horizon!! .
That feeling hit me about 18hours in to my grind session. The game is alright and decent enough to have a sub, but not up to my standards of what I look for in a mmo.
If the game is still doing well by the time I get my PS4, I may give it another shot.
Beta 3 and Open Beta left a very lackluster feel for me. I am an altoholic and the slew of fetch quests kinda kill the experience a bit. The story quests are well written and have depth, but I own 7 different final fantasy games, and I never spent over an hour being a courier in any of them.
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Yep, it's great, isn't it ?
It's kinda like getting drunk. You know you'll have a terrible hangover tomorrow, but right now it's way too much fun to stop !
Then stop doing the side quests! It's not the only way to level in this game like it is in most. Hell IMO it felt like the slowest.
I see what you're saying, but unless I'm in a group with fun people, I am not a fan of grinding either.
This may just not be the game for me, and after seeing the newest Destiny video, I may be ok with that.
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lol, no but this game is good. So long as theyre not counting on millions of players to keep a sub going, ill be happy here. If not then ... well ... Wildstar ans ESO also announced p2p.
Although they probably have a much higher chance of going f2p just like the other big corporate publisher owned MMOs of the last 5+ years.
Square Enix didn't exist until 2003 when the two companies merged. So, technically Square Enix didn't exist until after FFX-2 was released...
I will say though that from what I've played of FFXIV it certainly feels like a FF game, minus the party members. The music and atmosphere are outstanding and for some reason I just find the game relaxing.
I seem to recall a bunch of this back in September 2010....