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says theres nearly 2 hours left till EA im from australia btw and my phone app for arrstatus says 5 hours wut????
arr status definitely does not say 5 hours.
Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!
should be 7pm in Australia if we're all starting at the same time. That's should be about 18.5 hrs from this post.
your not listening i checked it on my phone app yes it says 4 hours now i currently checked it on my laptop which show's what i posted on photobucket i then went to my pc and confirmed it. the website isnt messed up?. so bassicaly 2 of my laptop's and phone just suddenly messed up or somehow my internet provider is playing a cruel joke on me by tinkering with it?.
deleted cache same thing..
I'd be interested to know exactly how the timer's programming determines what to show. What time is it where you are? Perhaps the program isn't designed to take into account all locations and time zones? Is it possible that the code is using your local time, but that it doesn't know enough to make the adjustment?
I mean, I don't know why they would do it that way, as opposed to just using their server time, but it's just a thought...
I'm just waiting for a F2P overhyped sandbox WoW clone with full PVP, epic raid bosses, instanced group content, and Crysis-quality graphics to come out. That, or something fun.
they clearly do use their server time, which is why people from all over the world still see 18.5 hours. he's literally the only person who's said anything about this. the fault is clearly on his end, either something wrong with his computer as i said or he's just a fail troll and tried to get people talking and going crazy that early access might start in 3 hours. eitherway the website isn't messed up.
Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!
If it works correctly for everybody else and is only screwy for you...then the problem probably lies with you, eh?
Premium MMORPGs do not feature built-in cheating via cash for gold pay 2 win. PLAY to win or don't play.
Probably a timezone issue.