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I have been playing the game all day and I think its fine and I'm going to sub but I still find it funny, cuz you can be apart of:
free company (guild)
grand company order
scions of flame guild or what ever they are called (main story order you are apart of)
class guild "yes the setting is treated like a group/faction/brotherhood, don't deny it"
Did I leave anything out? (I don't count linkshells)
But thats 4 different orders/groups that you belong to. hahah. Kind of stupid in a way, not sure what guild or order would allow you to hold simultaneous membership in 3 other groups. I like how you can join the grand company and its a bit like the military with rankings, but then, oh wait, I got a call from my other job, I gotta go rescue someone, wait which group is it again, oh yeah the scions this time.
so I just think that part is a bit over the top. I get they are trying to create more ways to level up, but they should make it so you gotta be in only one of these things, that would make joining each "group" more meaningful, being in 4 at a time, well I can't really get into the role of it at all. (and yeah I know I don't have to join if I don't want to), but I'm pointing out the fact that you CAN join 4 groups at 1 time makes it less meaningful. It'd be like swearing allegiance to the navy, merchant marines, coast guard, and all while being a police officer. and also being in the secret service while juggling a career in the royal air force. So its a bit much hah!
EDIT - I left out crafting guilds, whoops, but lets leave those out haha.
They each have different roles though.
Grand companies - City states (like fighting for your country)
Free company - a Guild fighting for their own fame and glory
scions of fate - Fighting to save the world
class guilds - Kind of like training partners (like a boxing gym for example)
And I guess you could throw linkshells in there if you want :P.
Yeah man, I just wanna go out and grind on some mobs, but I can't even do that. I've got these idiots paging me telling me to head to the Sands area in Uldan every 30 frickin minutes. I can't get any time to myself, cuz I got too much responsibility. Every one of these groups wants a piece of me. I feel like I'm getting pulled in all these directions. Yeah I know what you're thinking, I don't have to do it, no ones making me do it, but you tell that to these guys when they come up here with this story about someone's been kidnapped/robbed/murdered and I'm the only hero that can help etc etc.
Its this stuff every 2 minutes. I can't walk 5 feet without someone with a light bulb over their head wanting me to do something.
the only other issue is, I'm level 22 or 23, but I still feel like im in the tutorial hah. That actually happened with the console version, where the tutorial lasted uber long, like into level 15 or 20 hah.
I feel like I'm gonna hit level 45 and they are going to say, ok the tutorial ls over, you can now unlock the 'meat" of the game hehhe.
I like all the individual pieces though, they alone, work well, its when they give you a blackberry that's the problem. I guess the story for each group is well written so you feel like you have to participate in everything (almost said you wanna ride every ride!! whoops that would have upset some ppl, JK!!!)
All in all, it was a cool 15 hours of gaming.
EDIT: I figured out what the issue is, I wanna be able to go in deeper into these groups, Like way deeper. I feel like the games factions/groups are broad which is fine, but I really want more depth, like colors, you wear for the faction your in, and like a barracks for each group should you choose to join it, group issued gear etc. that would make it more of a roleplay feel to it and it wouldn't feel so cheap.