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Square enix made a statement that their sales were so high that it had to shut down their online sales of the game temporarily until the servers are given greater capacity to hold many more players on 9/2-9/4, and they are adding even more worlds.
You can read more on the details here:
I guess I would compare the success of FFXIV to the PS3 sales, where everyone was standing in line overnight just to get one. Fortunatly you were able to do it from home and no one got hurt!
The procuder even said in a letter the other day....
"the game has evolved into something much bigger than we ever thought possible."
I applaud them for that. At one point WoW cut sales (2004-2005), making the game really hard to find even months after launch. SWTOR was supposed to do that, but instead went the route of accepting as much money as possible, as quickly as possible, then opening up more servers, which later had to be shut down, with forced transfers to servers not of the players choice.
GW2 had the overflow servers, which was really good.
Limiting sales accomplishes 2 major happenings: It lets people who already have the game enjoy it, and it increases demand for the next wave.
I'm glad SE is taking their relaunch seriously.
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Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
Pretty sure GW2 cut off sales a while too
Where in any of that corporate crap do they say sales so succesfull
In fact when i read it what i read was
"we ballsed up the possible volumes of sales"
the direct quote is
"the number of users logging in has been increasing at a rate that is much higher than what we had originally anticipated."
Now tell me where it says about sales figures or expected volumes, all it says is they misjudged the volume sold, which is as likely a ***k up on their part as it sales volumes....
please please please like the game but dont make up crap to make it sound like SE doing well coz hell no they doing bad mmmkay
This post is all my opinion, but I welcome debate on anything i have put, however, personal slander / name calling belongs in game where of course you're welcome to call me names im often found lounging about in EvE online.
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It did. They suspended GW2 digital sales for a time as well.
Wow.. The creativity and length they go thru to Not allow players to play amazes me. First you can't log into servers with friends. Now up can't buy the game even if you want to? How is this considered good? I imagine there are alot of pissed off individuals that were expecting to be able to purchase and now can't.
To sit here and say that SE didn't expect a large turnout of people is just ludicrous. As the saying goes a sucker is born every second. This entire launch has went really poorly.
I find it far more interesting that they put up a page blocker basically saying, "Sorry we don't want you to read this story. Would you like to go to our new user marketing department friendly page, or our returning user marketing department friendly page?"
Heh, you can't even close the blocker and stay on the page.
'Sandbox MMO' is a PTSD trigger word for anyone who has the experience to know that anonymous players invariably use a 'sandbox' in the same manner a housecat does.
When your head is stuck in the sand, your ass becomes the only recognizable part of you.
No game is more fun than the one you can't play, and no game is more boring than one which you've become familiar.
How to become a millionaire:
Start with a billion dollars and make an MMO.
When a game is released, they do projected numbers of people that will play their game. Each one of those people account for 1 log in. Each account can be counted as a Log-in.
When you set up your servers, you know how many people they will hold. What they stated there, was the orginal anticipation of log-ins, which would be how many accounts are logging into the game, was much higher ( which means a lot more players/accounts/log-ins).
Each account is a store bought game, and accounts for one Log-in each. So when they anticipated game sales, they knew what would be a successful amount of people. If the log ins/accounts/game buyers were higher then they had originally anticipated, it means the sales of games which equals log-ins/players on each account was more then they had anticipated? Then that means the sales were higher then they expected.
Which means Sales were so successful it had to stopt he number of sales to stop the amount of log ins.
I hope I covered everything, but there it is for you in more simple terms so you can understand it better.
In other words:
"We had low expectations for our game so we chose not to properly invest in a quality infrastructure. After realizing that people actually do want to play FFXIV, we are now going to throw up a bunch of new servers, most of which will end up being ghost towns in a month or two."
It's as if SE never launched an MMO before and never paid attention to the mistakes made by other MMO developers / publishers.
This is not said anywhere
let me explain this in laymens terms -
Some guy expected say 10,000 sales, but the game sold 100,000 this doesn't mean the sales were succesfull all it means is the guy who did the forecasts ballsed up...
MY point is simple. SE ballsed up, and not once have they said anything about sales been good, just that they sales had exceeded their expectations...
If your still confused how about this one
I need to drive 300miles I dont buy fuel for 300miles i buy fuel for 500miles in case of extenuating circumstance such as re-routed traffic etc.
SE did not expect as many logons they should of been prepared, it wasn't volume of sales being super uber all time record blah blah, it was just higher than some guy thought it would be.
This post is all my opinion, but I welcome debate on anything i have put, however, personal slander / name calling belongs in game where of course you're welcome to call me names im often found lounging about in EvE online.
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Sounds like they are upgrading the infrastructure to more powerful individual units, rather than throwing more servers at the problem.
Want a nice understanding of life? Try Spirit Science: "The Human History"
Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
If anything GW2 shows that this is a viable strategy because it didn't hurt them one bit.
Wonder if they plan to recode server lockouts on top of that? So people can actually log into a server of their choosing.
"To address this matter, we are currently working on introducing new Worlds"
Sounds like new servers to me. Servers meaning worlds / realms / shards, etc.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
server transfers start around mid september
it will eb both because the duty finder server needs alot mroe help
of course, what kind of mad developer wants their game to be sold and played...
Lol seriously that's a defense? I will not knock the game. However the whole launch has been poorly orchestrated and managed. Saying their customers can just suck it up and wait a month to play along with their friends due to server lockouts is about one of the worst things I have seen done in any launch since BETA of EQ1.
Blame it on new employees .. /duck !
Want a nice understanding of life? Try Spirit Science: "The Human History"
Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
im not defending there poor choice but it will be fixed and im sure we will be compensated it is what it is im not going to get a refund or nothing and miss out ona great game because of it thats just stupid. wait a month more like 2 weeks