Hi guys,
I have a question for all of you..
I recently bought ff14 for the ps3 and downloaded the actual game when I got home,but when I got to the main log-in screen,and started downloading the 2500mb patch,it would get to around 1500mb then crash with an error code(I can't remember..I'm at work at the moment).It was 4-5 numbers in 3 pairs of brackets across.I've tried downloading the patch 4-5 times and it does the same thing.People say to run it in adminstrator mode for pc's,but I'm unsure what to do with the ps3 version.
Can anyone help please?
Not sure, but one thing to check would be that you actually have enough HD space available on your PS3
Hi there, i have checked that part with space on hd..and i have over 30gb to use of free space. But thx for suggesting it mate.
I THINK personal that is has something to do with my internet connection. =(