The people who says they are stopping to play are the minority... WOW was the same or worse but of course people don't remember it now, and because of the same issue to many people... but the amount of people who stayed was a lot more than those who left and in FF XIV is the same, so for everyone who leaves because of a week of difficult access, there are many to occupy their space.
So all these bitching posts are really unecessary...
The amounts of bs i read in this forum is amazing, its not even a month of the game launch, was the game so good you guys need to bitch and moan just because you didnt like it or couldnt login when you wanted to?
Well im sorry guys but the vast majority got in and played and the update probability almost everyone will have no problem now lets see.
And, I dont play it, just hate guys bitching all the time about the same thing all over again...
Oh I remember WoW all too well. However, your last statement sums it all up pretty well, I think. Are we seriously still having server issues at launch? IMO, if you launch a game that requires a subscription to play, you better damn well be ready to handle the load. Sorry, FFARR isn't WoW and they can't treat their users like they are disposable, only WoW gets to do that!
Fact of the matter is that if your infrastructure is so bad that you've got to literally stop selling your game because you haven't accounted for the possibility that you might actually be successful, then I think that the people have every right to bitch about it, if not for the simple fact that we're talking about a problem that has existed for a DECADE!!! If you've got to start with more servers and then merge them later, that's fine, but you should never look as unprepared as Square. Sorry.
Well you right, they were to damn careful on their approach to the possible number of players, and yes it did hurt them a lot, I'm not defending them nor I'm cursing them, I just think its a pretty normal human mistake.
Humans only believe it will happen when it happens. They prefered to play safe and got overwhelmed.
But I'm glad there are still people who can write decent posts besides the normal bitching.
The people who says they are stopping to play are the minority... WOW was the same or worse but of course people don't remember it now, and because of the same issue to many people... but the amount of people who stayed was a lot more than those who left and in FF XIV is the same, so for everyone who leaves because of a week of difficult access, there are many to occupy their space.
So all these bitching posts are really unecessary...
The amounts of bs i read in this forum is amazing, its not even a month of the game launch, was the game so good you guys need to bitch and moan just because you didnt like it or couldnt login when you wanted to?
Well im sorry guys but the vast majority got in and played and the update probability almost everyone will have no problem now lets see.
And, I dont play it, just hate guys bitching all the time about the same thing all over again...
The only BS on these forums are from people like you who think just because this is a game it is okay to get shit service. If this were a car maintenance shop, an internet provider, a restaurant, or any multitude of other services you would be calling the better business bureau over paying for something and not receiving what you paid for.
Vast majority are not having issues you say? Prove it. Anecdotal evidence ftl.
Just because you accept mediocrity and would let this company crap in your bed if it meant you would be able to play this game don't expect others to. We are here to vent, why are you here? What purpose do you have here? If you can play the game go play it, why spend time reading about us bitching?
The service hasn't been great, no one is accepting it, SE is certainly aware of the negativity and is trying to make it up to angry players by giving away more free time.
It's good to vent frustrations, but it really doesn't do much good here on - it just seems like whining / bitching.
Yes, you can't post in their general forums until you "level up" a bit, but that is to avoid too much UNCONSTRUCTIVE criticism/feedback from the loudest most ignorant and reactionary voices.
Want to help?
Add to existing threads. Post constructive feedback - you did X then Y at this time in this way on this platform and Z happened, provide data, facts...
Screaming like a child only makes you look stupid.
If you are capable of voicing your experiences on the official forums, do so in a way that actually helps SE make positive steps forward.
I don't think anyone who isn't lying to themselves is happy about the service issues and/or interuptions, but SOME of us understand that screaming about it on a 3rd party forum doesn't do anything but turn people away from an otherwise great game - and make the screamer look like an immature child.
The service hasn't been great, no one is accepting it, SE is certainly aware of the negativity and is trying to make it up to angry players by giving away more free time.
It's good to vent frustrations, but it really doesn't do much good here on - it just seems like whining / bitching.
Yes, you can't post in their general forums until you "level up" a bit, but that is to avoid too much UNCONSTRUCTIVE criticism/feedback from the loudest most ignorant and reactionary voices.
Want to help?
Add to existing threads. Post constructive feedback - you did X then Y at this time in this way on this platform and Z happened, provide data, facts...
Screaming like a child only makes you look stupid.
If you are capable of voicing your experiences on the official forums, do so in a way that actually helps SE make positive steps forward.
I don't think anyone who isn't lying to themselves is happy about the service issues and/or interuptions, but SOME of us understand that screaming about it on a 3rd party forum doesn't do anything but turn people away from an otherwise great game - and make the screamer look like an immature child.
Except I think that the whole premise of the thread WAS to turn people away from it Just sayin'
The op is doing a service to everyone by keeping people from this game until the issues are resolved. Those of us who already purchased can have a better chance to play, and would be buyers are saved from experiencing this mess.
you do realize your moaning about not getting into the game, but you finish of with criticizing the game for being a themepark MMO. Obviously someone is annoyed, they cant play this "themepark" mmo... sad
I know some are still having problems but personally, I've not had a single problem since Wednesday. Is say the game is finally ready so go ahead and buy it I say. If you can fine a copy that is.
So far no issues, I tested log in at primetime got right in, no queue even. Looks like SE has fixed the issues regarding login at least on my server Malboro. While I was pissed it took them almost two weeks to correct the problem, when you include early access, thing seem to be running smoothly so far. If they maintain this then I will admit some of my early criticism might have been a bit harsh. So no real reason to stay away now.
I have had no issues since they did the big maintenance, I have logged in and out throughout the day both on EU and NA prime times. Not a single issue, I did get in a queue once with 10 people in it and was in the game playing within 30 seconds of the queue.
Personally, I found the login issue frustrating, but, not screaming bloody murder over it. Just was patient and I knew they would fix it. Some people seem to be really hurt about it, but in honest I kinda expected it from my experience with othr rocky launches of MMO's I have played.
So, yes please, i'll take all the free time they wish to throw my way.
I'm going to buy it once the digital sales resume. I'm assuming they will not resume sales until the server issues have been mostly addressed.
I'm hearing too many good things about this game not to buy it. But I'm glad I didn't pre-order. Instead of spending the Weekend trying to log on, I spent the weekend watching football, walking my dogs, and playing a little WarThunder.
You still feel this way, now that it is Friday and DL sales have NOT resumed?
Yeah me neither. I'll give it till the end of the day. If they don't have DL sales up by then, I'm out.
Sorry SE, not that you care if 1 player walks away.
Yep, stay far away for 5 days. Time to check it out, folks. Things seems to be working very well right now - even without auto AFK kick, which is coming.
For now, stay far away from the title though. Why? Because Square is showing a complete lack of ability to handle their servers.
I disagree. The game has done remarkably well considering the amount of concurrent use it has had to cope with. Their system was designed to operate with a specific load (amount of people) and anything in excess of that has been handled appropriately.
Them not knowing what they are doing would be them not denying people entry at login. It would be continuing to sell the game even though they have too many players already. It would be letting people into a laggy server rife with exploits like duping due to the obscene load placed on the databases and bad coding. The game would not only be unplayable but the few that are able to actually do anything are probably exploiting things that are going wrong due to the intense load. And that's if things go well! If things took a turn for the worse you're talking about them having to do roll-backs because the situation gets so out of hand, if they care about it enough mind you.
The RMT issue the game has I think has also been handled rather well. They are communicating both how many accounts they have banned and how much Gil they have frozen in the process. The fact that they have done as much as they have with the anti-RMT so far tells me that they planned for it to happen and had good and proper processes in place ready to deal with it. If they hadn't thought it through then you would either not be hearing about them banning these accounts at all or else you would have people bitching about being banned falsely because the process for dealing with it was poorly thought out.
You sound angry, and that's fine, but you need to think things through and take a step back. It's not ideal, no. They underestimated how many people would be interested in the game given the previous disaster they had. They have had safeguards in place to stop that from possibly hurting those who *are* getting to play while working on resolving the problem as best they can.
Everyone expects this to be done at an incredible pace but it just can't be, it isn't going to happen no matter how much you bitch about it on forums because you know what would happen if it was as fast as you want it to be? You would be complaining about being banned, or your friends being banned, or having buggy content updates, or having things vanishing from your inventory or being duped or quest completion not being recorded. Take your pick, login issues while the game launches or a completely unstable game at the core. One is relatively easy to fix (although time consuming) and doesn't hurt you while you actually play. The other might just put your progression or character at risk, or if you are unlucky it could cause you to lose your entire account.
I know which one I would pick.
Also I just wanna pick out this part of your post here;
'Square claims to be adding more servers this week and upping the amount of players allowed per server in at one time. That's great. But why wait a week to do it? Don't tell me it takes a week to set this up. That's pure bullshit. Smaller companies with less experience have handled the same issues within a day or two.'
Yes, it does take a week to organise and test this sort of thing before going live. In fact a week is a pretty good turn around time assuming it works and goes to plan. Your rant on this forum not only displays your own ignorance but is disrespectful to the people working on the game who are more than likely working their asses off (12 hour+ shifts are not uncommon at all) and the best you can do is take it to forums and insult them rather than trying to be understanding about it. And people wonder why products always get rushed out without things being done properly...It's because people don't want to be understanding about how long it takes to do things and that sometimes no matter how much you plan it's just not going to go right first time round. People would rather just have it now anyway. They might say otherwise but what people say and how they act are two very different things.
There are spammers in the game already, their easy to block, though they really need to do something about being able to report them in game, which doesnt seem to be possible at the moment, but to block someone, just hit the social button, and select blacklist.
As for staying away from the game, sorry, but im having fun, i ended up on the new server Liche in the end, the other servers are just too populated, maybe once things have settled down i'll be able to play my other toons, but for the moment, i'm able to get in and play which is great. SE are still working on improving things, but i guess its all a sign of just how popular the game really is, i won't say the 'immortal words' its a XXX game killer, because that kind of thing is the kiss of death for any game, but i know which one i prefer
I'm going to buy it once the digital sales resume. I'm assuming they will not resume sales until the server issues have been mostly addressed.
I'm hearing too many good things about this game not to buy it. But I'm glad I didn't pre-order. Instead of spending the Weekend trying to log on, I spent the weekend watching football, walking my dogs, and playing a little WarThunder.
You still feel this way, now that it is Friday and DL sales have NOT resumed?
Yeah me neither. I'll give it till the end of the day. If they don't have DL sales up by then, I'm out.
Sorry SE, not that you care if 1 player walks away.
Yeah because you would rather let them continue to sell the game before they are ready to have extra players in the servers.
You would also probably come back onto these forums to bitch about not being able to login after you spent so long trying to find a copy in the first place, wouldn't you? And just to be sure you would make 10 posts about it just like you have about you not being able to find a copy.
I'm going to start out by saying this is one of the most fun themepark MMOs I have played in a while. When I'm actually able to play which isn't often.
For now, stay far away from the title though. Why? Because Square is showing a complete lack of ability to handle their servers. This is probably if not without question one of the worst launches to date. The problem started in early access. A 1707 error, world is full. Oh there is a queue system. The amount of people who actually see the queue is so small though that most never even see it. Its not a live queue either. You will see your number in line initially and that's it. It will either let you in or in my experience you will get another error a few minutes after entering the queue. They have restricted each server to 5k people. Seems reasonable right? Well no not really. There is no auto afk boot. That's right, if a server issue doesn't kick you out of the game, or you have a stable internet connection once your logged in you can stay logged in indefinitely. They are also not kicking gold spammers in a timely manner and bots are running rampant. Even after being reported. How do I know? The ONE day I managed to get in without much issue I played for nearly 10 hours before having to go do real life things. As soon as I logged on I was spammed by gold sellers in nearly every chat possible including whisper. The whisper was actually as soon as I logged in. When I logged in the next day after 3 hours of trying I got a tell BY THE SAME SPAMMER. The same with a group of bots. 7 archer bots all killing stationary in the same area. There one day, still there the next and I know a large amount of players had reported them. All of this leads to even larger problems trying to log in. Square claims to be adding more servers this week and upping the amount of players allowed per server in at one time. That's great. But why wait a week to do it? Don't tell me it takes a week to set this up. That's pure bullshit. Smaller companies with less experience have handled the same issues within a day or two.
But no, this is not the only server issues. Half the time you will see your start button greyed out after you log in until it simply says it was unable to connect. This problem has steadily gotten worse over the last week. Don't believe me? Go check the tech forums. Its gone from maybe once a day prime time to several times a day. Not only that but they claim they fix the issue and by experience I can tell you no, they don't. They may bandaid it to work for a bit but the problem quickly comes back. Ok so once you get through to actually get to character selection nope, a good portion of the time then it simply wont find one server list or the other. If its the US/EU list you may as well close the client and try again. It doesn't just sit there and keep searching for the servers. You have to restart the client and hope you can even get to that point again.
Once all that works out for you, you may get VERY lucky and get in (not getting a 1707 error saying servers are full) but most likely you will be spamming the 0 button trying to get a spot in queue (and hopefully not getting an error there) or straight to the game. Oh and once in game you best hope you don't run into a 90k error when switching zones or in a dungeon. That boots you and you get to start the whole process over. Also, don't bother changing characters or making a new one. Changing a character will result in all of the hassle all over again and they have disabled making new characters. To give you an idea on how extreme it can be to try and get in I sat for 4 hours yesterday trying to log in every min or two while watching football until I got pissed off and took a nap. Yes, that's an extreme case and I had several friends get in, in that time. But that was my experience going from noon est. until 4:30 when I gave up.
One last complaint. Don't bother trying to post on the forums unless you have a medium to high level character. I've managed to get to 18 in my limited playtime. Forums are restricted based on character level. I cant tell you when I was finally able to post but even at 18 my posts where restricted to 10. It claims its daily but I hit my limit early yesterday replying to posts and I'm still not able to post today. Even in the tech forums. I tried making a post when I got an error they claimed to have fixed and I wasn't even allowed to MAKE a post in the tech forums. It is probably the worst forum setup I have ever see.
All of that said I would say if you like themepark MMO's and are even slightly interested in FF14 I would highly recommend this one. Just not until you hear the server issues are taken care of. At this point its more frustration than its worth.
I have been on just about every single (that I have tried to play) night since the 24th. Before the Sept. 3 patch, I did have to spam the 0 button to get in, but since the patch, I have gotten in with no issues on Exodus.
I'm going to buy it once the digital sales resume. I'm assuming they will not resume sales until the server issues have been mostly addressed.
I'm hearing too many good things about this game not to buy it. But I'm glad I didn't pre-order. Instead of spending the Weekend trying to log on, I spent the weekend watching football, walking my dogs, and playing a little WarThunder.
You still feel this way, now that it is Friday and DL sales have NOT resumed?
Yeah me neither. I'll give it till the end of the day. If they don't have DL sales up by then, I'm out.
Sorry SE, not that you care if 1 player walks away.
I'm not sure if you realize how silly this sounds.
I'm going to buy it once the digital sales resume. I'm assuming they will not resume sales until the server issues have been mostly addressed.
I'm hearing too many good things about this game not to buy it. But I'm glad I didn't pre-order. Instead of spending the Weekend trying to log on, I spent the weekend watching football, walking my dogs, and playing a little WarThunder.
You still feel this way, now that it is Friday and DL sales have NOT resumed?
Yeah me neither. I'll give it till the end of the day. If they don't have DL sales up by then, I'm out.
Sorry SE, not that you care if 1 player walks away.
I'm not sure if you realize how silly this sounds.
made me laugh as well. there have been plenty of opportunity ,to both test out the game in beta, and buy it pre release. you can only really blame yourself.
I've played from phase 4 to now, yesterday (thursday) was the first time I've ever been able to log in and out multiple times and use the duty finder multiple times without ever getting errors, being kicked out of the game, unable to login etc. Stuff actually worked the way it was supposed to.
They're getting there it seems. I'm assuming they have a few more changes they want to make before they expose the servers to even more players (by selling more digital copies).
I'm going to buy it once the digital sales resume. I'm assuming they will not resume sales until the server issues have been mostly addressed.
I'm hearing too many good things about this game not to buy it. But I'm glad I didn't pre-order. Instead of spending the Weekend trying to log on, I spent the weekend watching football, walking my dogs, and playing a little WarThunder.
You still feel this way, now that it is Friday and DL sales have NOT resumed?
Yeah me neither. I'll give it till the end of the day. If they don't have DL sales up by then, I'm out.
Sorry SE, not that you care if 1 player walks away.
I'm not sure if you realize how silly this sounds.
made me laugh as well. there have been plenty of opportunity ,to both test out the game in beta, and buy it pre release. you can only really blame yourself.
First you can buy the game... just not from SE but I do agree stopping sales was a really poor idea. I don't agree about the beta stuff, I personally don't like to play beta MMOs because I hate to get involved with something that's going to get wiped. I know we've been accustomed to expecting a MMO to have issues on launch, but in reality we should expect a game and a service that's a retail product to work.
Oh I remember WoW all too well. However, your last statement sums it all up pretty well, I think. Are we seriously still having server issues at launch? IMO, if you launch a game that requires a subscription to play, you better damn well be ready to handle the load. Sorry, FFARR isn't WoW and they can't treat their users like they are disposable, only WoW gets to do that!
Fact of the matter is that if your infrastructure is so bad that you've got to literally stop selling your game because you haven't accounted for the possibility that you might actually be successful, then I think that the people have every right to bitch about it, if not for the simple fact that we're talking about a problem that has existed for a DECADE!!! If you've got to start with more servers and then merge them later, that's fine, but you should never look as unprepared as Square. Sorry.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
Well you right, they were to damn careful on their approach to the possible number of players, and yes it did hurt them a lot, I'm not defending them nor I'm cursing them, I just think its a pretty normal human mistake.
Humans only believe it will happen when it happens. They prefered to play safe and got overwhelmed.
But I'm glad there are still people who can write decent posts besides the normal bitching.
Happy gaming for you all.
The only BS on these forums are from people like you who think just because this is a game it is okay to get shit service. If this were a car maintenance shop, an internet provider, a restaurant, or any multitude of other services you would be calling the better business bureau over paying for something and not receiving what you paid for.
Vast majority are not having issues you say? Prove it. Anecdotal evidence ftl.
Just because you accept mediocrity and would let this company crap in your bed if it meant you would be able to play this game don't expect others to. We are here to vent, why are you here? What purpose do you have here? If you can play the game go play it, why spend time reading about us bitching?
The service hasn't been great, no one is accepting it, SE is certainly aware of the negativity and is trying to make it up to angry players by giving away more free time.
It's good to vent frustrations, but it really doesn't do much good here on - it just seems like whining / bitching.
Yes, you can't post in their general forums until you "level up" a bit, but that is to avoid too much UNCONSTRUCTIVE criticism/feedback from the loudest most ignorant and reactionary voices.
Want to help?
Add to existing threads. Post constructive feedback - you did X then Y at this time in this way on this platform and Z happened, provide data, facts...
Screaming like a child only makes you look stupid.
If you are capable of voicing your experiences on the official forums, do so in a way that actually helps SE make positive steps forward.
I don't think anyone who isn't lying to themselves is happy about the service issues and/or interuptions, but SOME of us understand that screaming about it on a 3rd party forum doesn't do anything but turn people away from an otherwise great game - and make the screamer look like an immature child.
Except I think that the whole premise of the thread WAS to turn people away from it Just sayin'
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
Ganstabruv- Thunderous Scholar
Whats yours:
<iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameBorder="0" height="140" width="204">Put your gamertag here too.</iframe>
I hope I'm not jumping the gun here, but, I have had NO, that's ZERO issues logging in since 9/4.
People are still not able to create characters on some servers though. That can be tough.
Ditto - not even a queue for me.
So far no issues, I tested log in at primetime got right in, no queue even. Looks like SE has fixed the issues regarding login at least on my server Malboro. While I was pissed it took them almost two weeks to correct the problem, when you include early access, thing seem to be running smoothly so far. If they maintain this then I will admit some of my early criticism might have been a bit harsh. So no real reason to stay away now.
I have had no issues since they did the big maintenance, I have logged in and out throughout the day both on EU and NA prime times. Not a single issue, I did get in a queue once with 10 people in it and was in the game playing within 30 seconds of the queue.
Personally, I found the login issue frustrating, but, not screaming bloody murder over it. Just was patient and I knew they would fix it. Some people seem to be really hurt about it, but in honest I kinda expected it from my experience with othr rocky launches of MMO's I have played.
So, yes please, i'll take all the free time they wish to throw my way.
You still feel this way, now that it is Friday and DL sales have NOT resumed?
Yeah me neither. I'll give it till the end of the day. If they don't have DL sales up by then, I'm out.
Sorry SE, not that you care if 1 player walks away.
I disagree. The game has done remarkably well considering the amount of concurrent use it has had to cope with. Their system was designed to operate with a specific load (amount of people) and anything in excess of that has been handled appropriately.
Them not knowing what they are doing would be them not denying people entry at login. It would be continuing to sell the game even though they have too many players already. It would be letting people into a laggy server rife with exploits like duping due to the obscene load placed on the databases and bad coding. The game would not only be unplayable but the few that are able to actually do anything are probably exploiting things that are going wrong due to the intense load. And that's if things go well! If things took a turn for the worse you're talking about them having to do roll-backs because the situation gets so out of hand, if they care about it enough mind you.
The RMT issue the game has I think has also been handled rather well. They are communicating both how many accounts they have banned and how much Gil they have frozen in the process. The fact that they have done as much as they have with the anti-RMT so far tells me that they planned for it to happen and had good and proper processes in place ready to deal with it. If they hadn't thought it through then you would either not be hearing about them banning these accounts at all or else you would have people bitching about being banned falsely because the process for dealing with it was poorly thought out.
You sound angry, and that's fine, but you need to think things through and take a step back. It's not ideal, no. They underestimated how many people would be interested in the game given the previous disaster they had. They have had safeguards in place to stop that from possibly hurting those who *are* getting to play while working on resolving the problem as best they can.
Everyone expects this to be done at an incredible pace but it just can't be, it isn't going to happen no matter how much you bitch about it on forums because you know what would happen if it was as fast as you want it to be? You would be complaining about being banned, or your friends being banned, or having buggy content updates, or having things vanishing from your inventory or being duped or quest completion not being recorded. Take your pick, login issues while the game launches or a completely unstable game at the core. One is relatively easy to fix (although time consuming) and doesn't hurt you while you actually play. The other might just put your progression or character at risk, or if you are unlucky it could cause you to lose your entire account.
I know which one I would pick.
Also I just wanna pick out this part of your post here;
'Square claims to be adding more servers this week and upping the amount of players allowed per server in at one time. That's great. But why wait a week to do it? Don't tell me it takes a week to set this up. That's pure bullshit. Smaller companies with less experience have handled the same issues within a day or two.'
Yes, it does take a week to organise and test this sort of thing before going live. In fact a week is a pretty good turn around time assuming it works and goes to plan. Your rant on this forum not only displays your own ignorance but is disrespectful to the people working on the game who are more than likely working their asses off (12 hour+ shifts are not uncommon at all) and the best you can do is take it to forums and insult them rather than trying to be understanding about it. And people wonder why products always get rushed out without things being done properly...It's because people don't want to be understanding about how long it takes to do things and that sometimes no matter how much you plan it's just not going to go right first time round. People would rather just have it now anyway. They might say otherwise but what people say and how they act are two very different things.
There are spammers in the game already, their easy to block, though they really need to do something about being able to report them in game, which doesnt seem to be possible at the moment, but to block someone, just hit the social button, and select blacklist.
As for staying away from the game, sorry, but im having fun, i ended up on the new server Liche in the end, the other servers are just too populated, maybe once things have settled down i'll be able to play my other toons, but for the moment, i'm able to get in and play which is great. SE are still working on improving things, but i guess its all a sign of just how popular the game really is, i won't say the 'immortal words' its a XXX game killer, because that kind of thing is the kiss of death for any game, but i know which one i prefer
Yeah because you would rather let them continue to sell the game before they are ready to have extra players in the servers.
You would also probably come back onto these forums to bitch about not being able to login after you spent so long trying to find a copy in the first place, wouldn't you? And just to be sure you would make 10 posts about it just like you have about you not being able to find a copy.
I have been on just about every single (that I have tried to play) night since the 24th. Before the Sept. 3 patch, I did have to spam the 0 button to get in, but since the patch, I have gotten in with no issues on Exodus.
I'm not sure if you realize how silly this sounds.
made me laugh as well. there have been plenty of opportunity ,to both test out the game in beta, and buy it pre release. you can only really blame yourself.
I've played from phase 4 to now, yesterday (thursday) was the first time I've ever been able to log in and out multiple times and use the duty finder multiple times without ever getting errors, being kicked out of the game, unable to login etc. Stuff actually worked the way it was supposed to.
They're getting there it seems. I'm assuming they have a few more changes they want to make before they expose the servers to even more players (by selling more digital copies).
First you can buy the game... just not from SE but I do agree stopping sales was a really poor idea. I don't agree about the beta stuff, I personally don't like to play beta MMOs because I hate to get involved with something that's going to get wiped. I know we've been accustomed to expecting a MMO to have issues on launch, but in reality we should expect a game and a service that's a retail product to work.