But it's really good so far, from what I've played it's rather enjoyable.
That said I don't quite understand the people whining and crying and saying they're gunna quit cause they can't play....
I mean they've said they aren't charging us until servers are running at optimal capacity. And they've said they'll be issuing free days as a reward for loyalty right? So...I don't see where the flaccid flapping sphincters are coming from....
I mean it's going to be still here in a couple of days, and weeks, and apparently more accessible. And you'll have not lost anything, in fact you can do productive life things till then...You paid for the CD and the key, you got that, and your subs aren't being charged yet....So what's the deal? Why the complaining...You bought the CD, and it was given...And they intend to give you in earnest your days you've missed that come with the reg key...
Is this that entitlement first world thing I keep hearing about? Must be nice....
Also, they do say that craving and desire make the thing that more sweeter when you finally achieve it. So just wait and it'll go from pretty alright to nerdgasmic?
ENTITLEMENT? Are you kidding me? Entitlement is when you expect something for nothing, we ****ing paid for this game and would like to actually play it. What planet do you people come from with this entitlement crap? I am really tiring of people like you. We paid, we want to use it, end of story. Why this is so hard to get is beyond me.
Thank you! The sense of entitlement from most of these people crying about "wasted time" and "there's no excuse for these problems" obviously are people who've never had any real responsibility in their life. If they had, they'd cut SE a modicum of slack, but as it stands, they all sound like puerile little brats screaming because they didn't get their way. SE is working on it, and sorry kiddos, it does take time to install new servers and optimize the software to increase capacity. This isn't just plug and play stuff you order from Amazon. If you'd ever worked a difficult job in your life, you'd know that sometimes you get your ass kicked. If you never got your ass kicked at work, then your job is a cakewalk or you're lucky.
Also, it's a game, and the level of drama raised over it is shameful. It's a game! There are so many things in your life that should be more important. So your weekend didn't turn out the way you wanted it to. Watch a movie. Go on a walk. Deal with it like an adult instead of spamming insults towards SE and trying to stop others from playing this game. Fact is that we're just now entering the 2nd week of release of what will probably be the most popular MMO we've seen in a long time, judging by the numbers and the skyrocketing demand. Also, having played the game plenty, I can say that it's a VERY well made game. Maybe some people don't like the game personally, but it's still obviously very good and polished.
Another "sense of entitlement" person. Maybe you should worry less about and educate yourself on what that actually means. Stating people expecting a working product they pay for as a sign they have never had responsibility is equally as ignorant. I ran a business for 20 years, I NEVER ONCE did not deliver what I advertised. If something happened that made it 1% less than what they paid for I would immediately compensate my customers in some way. Still there were consequences to that because some people would still take their business elsewhere.
Telling people there are other things to do is a simpleton argument. How about you go to a restaurant, order your food and pay up front then when it does not come for 4 hours the manager can ask you "why are you complaining? Why not snack on some pretzels?" You can get them across the street at the 7-11."
People and their entitlements....how dare you demand a restaurant bring you food you order? How dare you demand your car runs after a mechanic fixes it!
But it's really good so far, from what I've played it's rather enjoyable.
That said I don't quite understand the people whining and crying and saying they're gunna quit cause they can't play....
I mean they've said they aren't charging us until servers are running at optimal capacity. And they've said they'll be issuing free days as a reward for loyalty right? So...I don't see where the flaccid flapping sphincters are coming from....
I mean it's going to be still here in a couple of days, and weeks, and apparently more accessible. And you'll have not lost anything, in fact you can do productive life things till then...You paid for the CD and the key, you got that, and your subs aren't being charged yet....So what's the deal? Why the complaining...You bought the CD, and it was given...And they intend to give you in earnest your days you've missed that come with the reg key...
Is this that entitlement first world thing I keep hearing about? Must be nice....
Also, they do say that craving and desire make the thing that more sweeter when you finally achieve it. So just wait and it'll go from pretty alright to nerdgasmic?
Lol...um, how about because when you pay for something that you are suppose to get at a certain time, you'd like to get it...lol.
[mod edit]
Im assuming your being sarcastic since they are not charging you any of your 30 day game time from the box sale.
Actually no, you are kinda off track with this. The classic entitled kid, does nothing to earn what they feel they deserve. People who paid for the game, and were told they would be able to play, can't, pretty simple really.
Don't agree with someone else's reaction? Slap a buzzword label on them, trivialize their concerns, hyperbolize their statements, and emphasize how much more reasoned and considered your own contrasting opinion is. It's the Tao of today's Internet Forums.
Fact is, beneath the whining, people have credible reasons for being disappointed that they can't access the game they paid for (often well in advance) and may not be able to play for an unknown period of time. How is that shocking to anyone? SE has done the right thing for its customers by giving free time but that doesn't excuse or mitigate the fact that people who paid to play the game simply can't. Can't log in, can't create a character. I've been through some rough launches (SWTOR's insane queues come to mind as the most recent) but never one where people couldn't even create a character! So, their gripes are legitimate. (Insert random service-related analogy here)
And first world problems? This is an internet forum dedicated to picking apart the minutia of MMO gaming. We routinely have discussions about the relative merit of having to pay $15/month for entertainment or how exploitative it is having to pay for luxuries like bag space and fancy mounts in F2P games. It's safe to say that any notion of putting things in perspective has long, long since fled the scene.
People have unrealistic expectations. Anyone who has played a single mmorpg launch knows its going to be chaos. I even made a thread predicting the chaos 1 hour before early access launch. Just because its a problem in the past doesnt mean its going to get fixed my magical technology in the future. Aging and cancer is a problem in the past and its still a problem now. Any company in their right mind isnt going to put up servers for 3 million people if their initial estimate is for 500k. Sure technology has made huge strides in this day in age, but not everything is possible. If MMO launches have been a problem for the past decade, chances are this one isn't going to be any different. Phone battery life has been a problem for forever yet my stupid iphone dies after 12 hours of use. Get real.
So, using your own analogies people should just shrug their shoulders when it comes to problems that have existed forever and have had no progress made on them? People who think that it might be nice if that whole cancer thing got cured should just suck it up and get real instead of saying, "Y'know, it would nice if we had some better medicines and treatment for it?"
Anyhow, snark aside, nobody is expecting a flawless launch. The rough edges are going to be there-- the maintenance, the hotfixes, the outages, all that. The point is that there are elements of this particular launch that wholly miss the mark and perform even less than our curbed expectations. In fifty states and a half dozen nations there are people writing scripts, putting rubber bands on controllers, and wearing out their forefingers clicking "0" for hours and have done so for days while still being unable to play. Having a problem with that doesn't make someone a whiner. If we really want to get real about it, we'd look to SE's extension of Early Access and offer to extend a week of free game time as a tacit admission that they know what's happening is far beyond the pale for a MMO launch in 2013.
1) You are missing the analogy. People should expect that some problems are tough and won't get fixed over night. You can expect some improvements or no improvements at all, but you should be wary of the person proclaiming "they found the miracle drug" that fixes everything right away.
2) Its not performing less than our expectations. Not if you have realistic expectations. blah blah blah rubber bandsm controllers blah blah, i dont care what ridiculous method theyre trying to do to log into the game: the bottom line is that a large amount of people cant play the game for the first week of launch. This is definitely not an improbable possibility of an MMO launch.
Most memorable games: AoC(Tryanny PvP), RIFT, GW, GW2, Ragnarok Online, Aion, FFXI, FFXIV, Secret World, League of Legends (Silver II rank)
But it's really good so far, from what I've played it's rather enjoyable.
That said I don't quite understand the people whining and crying and saying they're gunna quit cause they can't play....
I mean they've said they aren't charging us until servers are running at optimal capacity. And they've said they'll be issuing free days as a reward for loyalty right? So...I don't see where the flaccid flapping sphincters are coming from....
I mean it's going to be still here in a couple of days, and weeks, and apparently more accessible. And you'll have not lost anything, in fact you can do productive life things till then...You paid for the CD and the key, you got that, and your subs aren't being charged yet....So what's the deal? Why the complaining...You bought the CD, and it was given...And they intend to give you in earnest your days you've missed that come with the reg key...
Is this that entitlement first world thing I keep hearing about? Must be nice....
Also, they do say that craving and desire make the thing that more sweeter when you finally achieve it. So just wait and it'll go from pretty alright to nerdgasmic?
Lol...um, how about because when you pay for something that you are suppose to get at a certain time, you'd like to get it...lol.
[mod edit]
Im assuming your being sarcastic since they are not charging you any of your 30 day game time from the box sale.
Actually no, you are kinda off track with this. The classic entitled kid, does nothing to earn what they feel they deserve. People who paid for the game, and were told they would be able to play, can't, pretty simple really.
Seriously!People pre-ordered the game parting with their money in good faith to start playing at a promised specific time and date.There is nothing entitled to expecting what you paid for and were promised in exchange for your currency.
This was a bad launch even in comparison to most other MMORPGs and even SE has acknowledged and apologized for it.I applaud that they are compensating those patient enough to wait it out but it doesn't excuse the launch.
If consumers don't expect a higher standard and demand it from MMO companies then launches will never improve and will in fact get worse.No other genre of game or industry get's this much leeway from consumers.It was understandable when the genre was in it's infancy and pioneering phase but not 9+ years on with plenty of examples and experience to draw upon.
But it's really good so far, from what I've played it's rather enjoyable.
That said I don't quite understand the people whining and crying and saying they're gunna quit cause they can't play....
I mean they've said they aren't charging us until servers are running at optimal capacity. And they've said they'll be issuing free days as a reward for loyalty right? So...I don't see where the flaccid flapping sphincters are coming from....
I mean it's going to be still here in a couple of days, and weeks, and apparently more accessible. And you'll have not lost anything, in fact you can do productive life things till then...You paid for the CD and the key, you got that, and your subs aren't being charged yet....So what's the deal? Why the complaining...You bought the CD, and it was given...And they intend to give you in earnest your days you've missed that come with the reg key...
Is this that entitlement first world thing I keep hearing about? Must be nice....
Also, they do say that craving and desire make the thing that more sweeter when you finally achieve it. So just wait and it'll go from pretty alright to nerdgasmic?
Lol...um, how about because when you pay for something that you are suppose to get at a certain time, you'd like to get it...lol.
[mod edit]
Im assuming your being sarcastic since they are not charging you any of your 30 day game time from the box sale.
Actually no, you are kinda off track with this. The classic entitled kid, does nothing to earn what they feel they deserve. People who paid for the game, and were told they would be able to play, can't, pretty simple really.
Seriously!People pre-ordered the game parting with their money in good faith to start playing at a promised specific time and date.There is nothing entitled to expecting what you paid for and were promised in exchange for your currency.
This was a bad launch even in comparison to most other MMORPGs and even SE has acknowledged and apologized for it.I applaud that they are compensating those patient enough to wait it out but it doesn't excuse the launch.
If consumers don't expect a higher standard and demand it from MMO companies then launches will never improve and will in fact get worse.No other genre of game or industry get's this much leeway from consumers.It was understandable when the genre was in it's infancy and pioneering phase but not 9+ years on with plenty of examples and experience to draw upon.
I just don't understand why people who are inherently sensitive to a rough mmorpg launch continue to preorder and then rage when issues arise. Issues always happen at launch.
For the lot of people raging that too many people want to play and they had to wait a week for the fix....unless this is your first mmo...why on earth did you bother buying a mmorpg at launch.
You can sit there and expect perfection all you want...but getting mad and acting like a child over something that is not only a cheap game (really if $30 is your life savings I wouldn't be gaming at all) but also something that is synonymous with large mmo launches....this stuff does happen.
Having the game be good, and tons of people wanting to play it, will compound the issue, as we have seen here.
So my point is simple. Why are you here at a mmorpg launch if you expect to pay your $30 and receive perfection? Why not do the intelligent thing and wait a week and see if you are going to get exactly what you expect?
Is this so hard to do? If you are so sensitive to the issues seen here...just wait a week...youll live and spare yourself all the stress over your princely sum of $30 (for which they are giving you free game time for due to the issues mind you)
But it's really good so far, from what I've played it's rather enjoyable.
That said I don't quite understand the people whining and crying and saying they're gunna quit cause they can't play....
I mean they've said they aren't charging us until servers are running at optimal capacity. And they've said they'll be issuing free days as a reward for loyalty right? So...I don't see where the flaccid flapping sphincters are coming from....
I mean it's going to be still here in a couple of days, and weeks, and apparently more accessible. And you'll have not lost anything, in fact you can do productive life things till then...You paid for the CD and the key, you got that, and your subs aren't being charged yet....So what's the deal? Why the complaining...You bought the CD, and it was given...And they intend to give you in earnest your days you've missed that come with the reg key...
Is this that entitlement first world thing I keep hearing about? Must be nice....
Also, they do say that craving and desire make the thing that more sweeter when you finally achieve it. So just wait and it'll go from pretty alright to nerdgasmic?
Lol...um, how about because when you pay for something that you are suppose to get at a certain time, you'd like to get it...lol.
[mod edit]
Im assuming your being sarcastic since they are not charging you any of your 30 day game time from the box sale.
Actually no, you are kinda off track with this. The classic entitled kid, does nothing to earn what they feel they deserve. People who paid for the game, and were told they would be able to play, can't, pretty simple really.
Seriously!People pre-ordered the game parting with their money in good faith to start playing at a promised specific time and date.There is nothing entitled to expecting what you paid for and were promised in exchange for your currency.
This was a bad launch even in comparison to most other MMORPGs and even SE has acknowledged and apologized for it.I applaud that they are compensating those patient enough to wait it out but it doesn't excuse the launch.
If consumers don't expect a higher standard and demand it from MMO companies then launches will never improve and will in fact get worse.No other genre of game or industry get's this much leeway from consumers.It was understandable when the genre was in it's infancy and pioneering phase but not 9+ years on with plenty of examples and experience to draw upon.
I just don't understand why people who are inherently sensitive to a rough mmorpg launch continue to preorder and then rage when issues arise. Issues always happen at launch. Issues are acceptable but many can't even play the game at all so I can see why they are upset.
For the lot of people raging that too many people want to play and they had to wait a week for the fix....unless this is your first mmo...why on earth did you bother buying a mmorpg at launch. Maybe they wanted to show their support. I certainly do when a game launches and I usually get to play what I purchased
You can sit there and expect perfection all you want...but getting mad and acting like a child over something that is not only a cheap game (really if $30 is your life savings I wouldn't be gaming at all) but also something that is synonymous with large mmo launches....this stuff does happen. A lot of personal attack and insinuations here. I don't think people complaining on these forums are expecting perfection but we are not talking about the ah not working properly or a quest being bugged. Also bringing up the price has little to do with the topic except to attempt to downplay the issue by way of attacking posters who feel they aren't getting their money's worth.
Having the game be good, and tons of people wanting to play it, will compound the issue, as we have seen here. Subjective comment and the game being good or bad has little merit when the main complaint is that people can't play at all. Not preparing for the stresses of the high volume of players does not fall on the consumer.
So my point is simple. Why are you here at a mmorpg launch if you expect to pay your $30 and receive perfection? Why not do the intelligent thing and wait a week and see if you are going to get exactly what you expect? No MMORPG is perfect at launch. If people pay for a game and they can't play it within the first week then they have the right as the consumer to complain regardless of time-frame. I agree that a week may make a difference so they can fix the issue but I reserve the right to think negatively if I can't even play the game because they failed to institute a friggen que timer.
Is this so hard to do? If you are so sensitive to the issues seen here...just wait a week...youll live and spare yourself all the stress over your princely sum of $30 (for which they are giving you free game time for due to the issues mind you) Free time means zilch if you can't access the game during the free time period, is it so hard to understand that this is going to upset people? You once again throw out the price to make your point sound more valid than someone who is not happy. BTW, I bought the game the first time so I haven't had to even pay that but it still doesn't take away my right to be upset over the fact that I can't play. I am not upset really, but I can understand the complaints.
But it's really good so far, from what I've played it's rather enjoyable.
That said I don't quite understand the people whining and crying and saying they're gunna quit cause they can't play....
I mean they've said they aren't charging us until servers are running at optimal capacity. And they've said they'll be issuing free days as a reward for loyalty right? So...I don't see where the flaccid flapping sphincters are coming from....
I mean it's going to be still here in a couple of days, and weeks, and apparently more accessible. And you'll have not lost anything, in fact you can do productive life things till then...You paid for the CD and the key, you got that, and your subs aren't being charged yet....So what's the deal? Why the complaining...You bought the CD, and it was given...And they intend to give you in earnest your days you've missed that come with the reg key...
Is this that entitlement first world thing I keep hearing about? Must be nice....
Also, they do say that craving and desire make the thing that more sweeter when you finally achieve it. So just wait and it'll go from pretty alright to nerdgasmic?
Lol...um, how about because when you pay for something that you are suppose to get at a certain time, you'd like to get it...lol.
[mod edit]
Im assuming your being sarcastic since they are not charging you any of your 30 day game time from the box sale.
Actually no, you are kinda off track with this. The classic entitled kid, does nothing to earn what they feel they deserve. People who paid for the game, and were told they would be able to play, can't, pretty simple really.
Seriously!People pre-ordered the game parting with their money in good faith to start playing at a promised specific time and date.There is nothing entitled to expecting what you paid for and were promised in exchange for your currency.
This was a bad launch even in comparison to most other MMORPGs and even SE has acknowledged and apologized for it.I applaud that they are compensating those patient enough to wait it out but it doesn't excuse the launch.
If consumers don't expect a higher standard and demand it from MMO companies then launches will never improve and will in fact get worse.No other genre of game or industry get's this much leeway from consumers.It was understandable when the genre was in it's infancy and pioneering phase but not 9+ years on with plenty of examples and experience to draw upon.
I just don't understand why people who are inherently sensitive to a rough mmorpg launch continue to preorder and then rage when issues arise. Issues always happen at launch.
For the lot of people raging that too many people want to play and they had to wait a week for the fix....unless this is your first mmo...why on earth did you bother buying a mmorpg at launch.
You can sit there and expect perfection all you want...but getting mad and acting like a child over something that is not only a cheap game (really if $30 is your life savings I wouldn't be gaming at all) but also something that is synonymous with large mmo launches....this stuff does happen.
Having the game be good, and tons of people wanting to play it, will compound the issue, as we have seen here.
So my point is simple. Why are you here at a mmorpg launch if you expect to pay your $30 and receive perfection? Why not do the intelligent thing and wait a week and see if you are going to get exactly what you expect?
Is this so hard to do? If you are so sensitive to the issues seen here...just wait a week...youll live and spare yourself all the stress over your princely sum of $30 (for which they are giving you free game time for due to the issues mind you)
The only people acting childish and hurling insults are those defending the launch.
Also I'm not singling out FFXIV what I said goes for all MMO launches.
Again if you keep making excuses for companies and lambasting anyone who expects more in this day and age you'll never get any improvements.
It also doesn't matter what the amount a purchase is an agreement and that agreement wasn't a launch window of 1-2 weeks it was a specified date.The breach of agreement is on their part.
Furthermore I have no problem waiting for things to improve but I'm not going to wail at an insult those who feel that breach of agreement warrants a refund and want to exercise that choice.
I don't fanboi out for any game and hold all of them up for scrutiny.
But it's really good so far, from what I've played it's rather enjoyable.
That said I don't quite understand the people whining and crying and saying they're gunna quit cause they can't play....
I mean they've said they aren't charging us until servers are running at optimal capacity. And they've said they'll be issuing free days as a reward for loyalty right? So...I don't see where the flaccid flapping sphincters are coming from....
I mean it's going to be still here in a couple of days, and weeks, and apparently more accessible. And you'll have not lost anything, in fact you can do productive life things till then...You paid for the CD and the key, you got that, and your subs aren't being charged yet....So what's the deal? Why the complaining...You bought the CD, and it was given...And they intend to give you in earnest your days you've missed that come with the reg key...
Is this that entitlement first world thing I keep hearing about? Must be nice....
Also, they do say that craving and desire make the thing that more sweeter when you finally achieve it. So just wait and it'll go from pretty alright to nerdgasmic?
Lol...um, how about because when you pay for something that you are suppose to get at a certain time, you'd like to get it...lol.
[mod edit]
Im assuming your being sarcastic since they are not charging you any of your 30 day game time from the box sale.
Actually no, you are kinda off track with this. The classic entitled kid, does nothing to earn what they feel they deserve. People who paid for the game, and were told they would be able to play, can't, pretty simple really.
Seriously!People pre-ordered the game parting with their money in good faith to start playing at a promised specific time and date.There is nothing entitled to expecting what you paid for and were promised in exchange for your currency.
This was a bad launch even in comparison to most other MMORPGs and even SE has acknowledged and apologized for it.I applaud that they are compensating those patient enough to wait it out but it doesn't excuse the launch.
If consumers don't expect a higher standard and demand it from MMO companies then launches will never improve and will in fact get worse.No other genre of game or industry get's this much leeway from consumers.It was understandable when the genre was in it's infancy and pioneering phase but not 9+ years on with plenty of examples and experience to draw upon.
I just don't understand why people who are inherently sensitive to a rough mmorpg launch continue to preorder and then rage when issues arise. Issues always happen at launch.
For the lot of people raging that too many people want to play and they had to wait a week for the fix....unless this is your first mmo...why on earth did you bother buying a mmorpg at launch.
You can sit there and expect perfection all you want...but getting mad and acting like a child over something that is not only a cheap game (really if $30 is your life savings I wouldn't be gaming at all) but also something that is synonymous with large mmo launches....this stuff does happen.
Having the game be good, and tons of people wanting to play it, will compound the issue, as we have seen here.
So my point is simple. Why are you here at a mmorpg launch if you expect to pay your $30 and receive perfection? Why not do the intelligent thing and wait a week and see if you are going to get exactly what you expect?
Is this so hard to do? If you are so sensitive to the issues seen here...just wait a week...youll live and spare yourself all the stress over your princely sum of $30 (for which they are giving you free game time for due to the issues mind you)
The only people acting childish and hurling insults are those defending the launch.
Also I'm not singling out FFXIV what I said goes for all MMO launches.
Again if you keep making excuses for companies and lambasting anyone who expects more in this day and age you'll never get any improvements.
It also doesn't matter what the amount a purchase is an agreement and that agreement wasn't a launch window of 1-2 weeks it was a specified date.The breach of agreement is on their part.
Furthermore I have no problem waiting for things to improve but I'm not going to wail at an insult those who feel that breach of agreement warrants a refund and want to exercise that choice.
I don't fanboi out for any game and hold all of them up for scrutiny.
So the people crying for a refund and getting angry are the mature ones, and those telling them to calm down and explaining to them that they are getting free game time and new severs soon are immature. Got it.
Also, the term fanboi has been bastartized to mean "likes the game" in that sense yes im a fanboi. I like the game. Which is why im on a forum about the game talking about the game. Why are you here?
Its easy to say "oh well they should just stop making launches with issues" but it shows how little you know about what goes into a launch. If it was easy to do...every game would have a smooth launch. Even the games that are well prepared have issues. Its the nature of the business...as such...if you are in the camp of people who get upset when things don't go smooth...why on earth are you preordering mmorpgs and jumping in at launch? Makes no sense to me.
1) You are missing the analogy. People should expect that some problems are tough and won't get fixed over night. You can expect some improvements or no improvements at all, but you should be wary of the person proclaiming "they found the miracle drug" that fixes everything right away.
2) Its not performing less than our expectations. Not if you have realistic expectations. blah blah blah rubber bandsm controllers blah blah, i dont care what ridiculous method theyre trying to do to log into the game: the bottom line is that a large amount of people cant play the game for the first week of launch. This is definitely not an improbable possibility of an MMO launch.
The point is that yes, it certainly is performing less than expectations and worse than any launch in recent memory. Why would anybody spend a dime on the game if their expectation is that they wouldn't be able to play at all? Or not be able roll on a server with their friends? Or try to log in over and over and over with no indication of whether it would ever work? Did GW2 or SWTOR or The Secret World have to suspend digital sales because they couldn't handle the amount of players that wanted to play the game? What MMO in the past five years disabled the ability for players to create characters across a whole regions servers because they were too full? What other MMO launch has people deciding they'd better not log out ever because if they do they might not ever get back on? How is any of that within the realm of reasonable expectation for an MMO launch?
In the past few years I've never witnessed an MMO launch where I wasn't able to at least log in, create some characters, and play a bunch during the first week. For two days straight that's been the case every time I've tried. Not even a long queue to sit in while I do housecleaning. City of Heroes lagged to all hell, there was the crazy week of letting players in by order of pre-order (and excessive queues for SWTOR), and Neverwinter had plenty of downtimes early on. But SE sets a new low in a number of ways. The intimation that this is somehow business as usual for MMO launches is flatly disingenuous in my opinion and is borne out by the wide criticism its gotten from players and journalists alike.
But it's really good so far, from what I've played it's rather enjoyable.
That said I don't quite understand the people whining and crying and saying they're gunna quit cause they can't play....
I mean they've said they aren't charging us until servers are running at optimal capacity. And they've said they'll be issuing free days as a reward for loyalty right? So...I don't see where the flaccid flapping sphincters are coming from....
I mean it's going to be still here in a couple of days, and weeks, and apparently more accessible. And you'll have not lost anything, in fact you can do productive life things till then...You paid for the CD and the key, you got that, and your subs aren't being charged yet....So what's the deal? Why the complaining...You bought the CD, and it was given...And they intend to give you in earnest your days you've missed that come with the reg key...
Is this that entitlement first world thing I keep hearing about? Must be nice....
Also, they do say that craving and desire make the thing that more sweeter when you finally achieve it. So just wait and it'll go from pretty alright to nerdgasmic?
Lol...um, how about because when you pay for something that you are suppose to get at a certain time, you'd like to get it...lol.
[mod edit]
Im assuming your being sarcastic since they are not charging you any of your 30 day game time from the box sale.
Actually no, you are kinda off track with this. The classic entitled kid, does nothing to earn what they feel they deserve. People who paid for the game, and were told they would be able to play, can't, pretty simple really.
Seriously!People pre-ordered the game parting with their money in good faith to start playing at a promised specific time and date.There is nothing entitled to expecting what you paid for and were promised in exchange for your currency.
This was a bad launch even in comparison to most other MMORPGs and even SE has acknowledged and apologized for it.I applaud that they are compensating those patient enough to wait it out but it doesn't excuse the launch.
If consumers don't expect a higher standard and demand it from MMO companies then launches will never improve and will in fact get worse.No other genre of game or industry get's this much leeway from consumers.It was understandable when the genre was in it's infancy and pioneering phase but not 9+ years on with plenty of examples and experience to draw upon.
I just don't understand why people who are inherently sensitive to a rough mmorpg launch continue to preorder and then rage when issues arise. Issues always happen at launch.
For the lot of people raging that too many people want to play and they had to wait a week for the fix....unless this is your first mmo...why on earth did you bother buying a mmorpg at launch.
You can sit there and expect perfection all you want...but getting mad and acting like a child over something that is not only a cheap game (really if $30 is your life savings I wouldn't be gaming at all) but also something that is synonymous with large mmo launches....this stuff does happen.
Having the game be good, and tons of people wanting to play it, will compound the issue, as we have seen here.
So my point is simple. Why are you here at a mmorpg launch if you expect to pay your $30 and receive perfection? Why not do the intelligent thing and wait a week and see if you are going to get exactly what you expect?
Is this so hard to do? If you are so sensitive to the issues seen here...just wait a week...youll live and spare yourself all the stress over your princely sum of $30 (for which they are giving you free game time for due to the issues mind you)
The only people acting childish and hurling insults are those defending the launch.
Also I'm not singling out FFXIV what I said goes for all MMO launches.
Again if you keep making excuses for companies and lambasting anyone who expects more in this day and age you'll never get any improvements.
It also doesn't matter what the amount a purchase is an agreement and that agreement wasn't a launch window of 1-2 weeks it was a specified date.The breach of agreement is on their part.
Furthermore I have no problem waiting for things to improve but I'm not going to wail at an insult those who feel that breach of agreement warrants a refund and want to exercise that choice.
I don't fanboi out for any game and hold all of them up for scrutiny.
So the people crying for a refund and getting angry are the mature ones, and those telling them to calm down and explaining to them that they are getting free game time and new severs soon are immature. Got it.
Also, the term fanboi has been bastartized to mean "likes the game" in that sense yes im a fanboi. I like the game. Which is why im on a forum about the game talking about the game. Why are you here?
Its easy to say "oh well they should just stop making launches with issues" but it shows how little you know about what goes into a launch. If it was easy to do...every game would have a smooth launch. Even the games that are well prepared have issues. Its the nature of the business...as such...if you are in the camp of people who get upset when things don't go smooth...why on earth are you preordering mmorpgs and jumping in at launch? Makes no sense to me.
1) Assuming all people who want a refund are doing so out of rage and anger or stupidity is childish.
2) This is an open forum and people are free to vent their frustrations here if they wish,though I venture that a large number of those doing so won't actually pursue a refund.
3) You don't calm people down by insulting then and talking down to them.
4) People have every right to be upset over any launch that goes badly when they've put money down.Yes every launch has unforeseen problems but many in recent memory have learned from the past and prepared and minimized them a lot better.
5) Stop lumping people into your 2 categories when there is a range of them and stop trying to lump me in there too just because I don't agree that you,the OP and others should try to censor people by shaming and belittling those who don't have your point of view.
Please correctly me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, people did not buy a product, but a service. "Buying" the game does not make you its owner, you just get a permission to use, in other words, play it. Now back to the topic. Imagine you go and rent a car, but you cannot drive it because the fuel is not available to you right now. Even though, you are not charged for the fuel that you cannot obtain, the fact that you have rented a car that cannot be used is in some way troublesome.
Now, I find it a bit silly that some people think they should be telling me what to do while I cannot use the service I paid for. I mean, who are they to tell me how I should spend my time? However, that's my opinion.
I do not think anyone expects a perfect launch from any game, but most people expect a good one. Why? Because again most of these people do not know how the game developing works. They pay those who do and expect the latter ones to deliver and offer them a service that is working as advertised. Sure, some of you are saying that we should understand the situation the developers are in, I do understand, but do I care? No. Why should I? I gave them my money, that's all I'm concerned about.
Moreover, what was said in this thread refers more to a single person and a single person alone. Now, imagine I'm in a guild or a community. However, the game as it is now, does not allow me to play with my guildmates. Where is the fun in that? Even, waiting for the problem to be fixed, does not entirely solve my issue. By the time I get to play normally, the other guildies may be already half way to the end game and instead of playing with most of your guild, you end up playing with another few unlucky ones. Granted, FF ARR, works a bit different due to its class system, but in the essence it is still the same.
Also have to look at the oppiste end, if they started with to many servers, people would start complaining about lack of population in "said amount of months. either way , the games great imo....when you can get in, im willing to bear with the server issues. I usually do something else and try again later, patience is a virtue much lost these days
Originally posted by zaylin Also have to look at the oppiste end if they started with to many servers, people would start complaining about lack of population in "said amount of months. either way , the games great imo....when you can get in, im willing to bear with the server issues. I usually do something else and try again later, patience is a virtue much lost these days
And a que coupled with an afk kick time limit would have fixed a lot of the issues with not being able to get in. Poor decision making is not justified by explaining how it could be worse. It should tell you something when people are discussing stuff that disappoints us the least rather than discussing the issues at hand and playing it off like it's our patience that is the problem.
Its easy to launch an mmo. They played it too safe and did not over invest into having enough servers to not incur a greater loss.
They can know from beta testing and pre orders how to handle the situation.
I think its intentional by the company to make it seem like it was more of a historic event. This is how mentally deluded the mmo devs have come when they want to 'entertain' their customers. You want meaningless gear grinds of mediocre content and be treated like donkeys pulling a cart with the illusory carrot then why act surprised. Look deep down, you might realise you like to be treated like a work mule, but out of principle complain to pretend you have some kind of power to your twisted addiction of meaningless gear grinds.
Thanks to you, we have repetitive content with easy quest mechanics or meaningless story.
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble
Originally posted by zaylin Also have to look at the oppiste end if they started with to many servers, people would start complaining about lack of population in "said amount of months. either way , the games great imo....when you can get in, im willing to bear with the server issues. I usually do something else and try again later, patience is a virtue much lost these days
And a que coupled with an afk kick time limit would have fixed a lot of the issues with not being able to get in. Poor decision making is not justified by explaining how it could be worse. It should tell you something when people are discussing stuff that disappoints us the least rather than discussing the issues at hand and playing it off like it's our patience that is the problem.
I do agree with the afk kicker,and Qe. but really we dont work for SE so we can only make assumptions as to what happend exactly and why it is the way it was, there could be 100s of reasons. But in the end I think its how they company handles the situation
But it's really good so far, from what I've played it's rather enjoyable.
That said I don't quite understand the people whining and crying and saying they're gunna quit cause they can't play....
I mean they've said they aren't charging us until servers are running at optimal capacity. And they've said they'll be issuing free days as a reward for loyalty right? So...I don't see where the flaccid flapping sphincters are coming from....
I mean it's going to be still here in a couple of days, and weeks, and apparently more accessible. And you'll have not lost anything, in fact you can do productive life things till then...You paid for the CD and the key, you got that, and your subs aren't being charged yet....So what's the deal? Why the complaining...You bought the CD, and it was given...And they intend to give you in earnest your days you've missed that come with the reg key...
Is this that entitlement first world thing I keep hearing about? Must be nice....
Also, they do say that craving and desire make the thing that more sweeter when you finally achieve it. So just wait and it'll go from pretty alright to nerdgasmic?
If it took me weeks to successfully pay my rent what would the apartment do? If my performance at work was as spotty as FFXIV's launch record would they keep me around? Wold you expect them to?
It's not entitlements it's professionalism and respecting your customers. Even if they make this right it's a black eye as it should be on them. I'm not one screaming end of world or anything over this but I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for a service to launch in a state that is usable.
Personally I get tired of hearing white knights defending large corporations for being to lazy or cheap to ensure a smooth launch of the game. It's not rocket science and plenty of non game services do it all the time because they value their customer experience. I guess game developers decided years ago that it just didn't matter as we would keep coming back for more time and time again no matter how poor the experience they made.
Well I can agree that it is frustrating to some small degree. You are still being refunded your time lost and can play at a later time when the game has become more stable. The only cost is patience....
So I can understand that frustration and annoyance, it is rather bothersome to have your cake and for some reason it is behind a glass window. Yes?
It doesn't bother me all that much, I really don't have the time to play so the fact I've gotten to log in and get to 25 has been nice inbetween shifts.....But I guess if it is that big a deal I'd recommend a refund. Because more than likely the slight grind later on would deter you if this wait does, so you'd be better off saving money and never wasting time.
And before you think I actually want to white knight this game, whilst I was actually just suggesting patience without much harm to yourself......financially or mentally or any such.....
This game has terribly dull combat that puts me to sleep, and that is not easy. I'm a soulless public servant who works at a front desk appeasing the needs of the whiny and oppulent.
There is a very limited map with far too many invisible walls and limits upon your motion, 90% of the game might as well be painted on backdrops which is sad cause it looks like it could be interesting with all the ruins and the such.
The story is alright.....for a Final Fantasy Game...(which I really don't hold high in narrative regard.))
The community is quite, unengaging, and lifeless.....Then again that's just life for ya, it's like working at an office really. Except that the coffee intern is a White Mage, that doesn't speak the same language as you.
Also yeah, there are side quests in the three cities and their surrounding zones....but you can only do them with one class so it's best to set them aside for a class with a guild in that city, so you can tag them when doing the class quests. Other than that there's going to be A LOT of grinding....
All these things are negative qualities, that make this game sorta lackluster or even average. However, I still advise simply waiting a few more days and trying it when the hustle and bustle blow through. It happens with every game. And now that they've added servers, there will be a bunch of ghost towns when everyone packs up and leaves in boredom.
--Custom Rig: Pyraxis--- NZXT Phantom 410 Case Intel Core i5-4690 Processor - Quad Core, 6MB Smart Cache, 3.5GHz Asus Sabertooth Z87 Motherboard Asus GeForce GTX 760 Video Card - 2GB GDDR5, PCI-Express 3.0 Kingston HyperX Fury Blue 16GB
About the crying that mmo launces are the end of the world. There is a simple fix for that, wait a few days / weeks untill stuff like that is fixed.
There all your rage and frustration solved !!!! Never ever again do you have to make endless posts about fail launches !!!
Each and every mmo i played past 15 years had some sort of trouble, be it to few servers or disconnection or plain bugs that makes you frustrated. its that simple, if you buy an mmo expect this stuff to happen period.
ENTITLEMENT? Are you kidding me? Entitlement is when you expect something for nothing, we ****ing paid for this game and would like to actually play it. What planet do you people come from with this entitlement crap? I am really tiring of people like you. We paid, we want to use it, end of story. Why this is so hard to get is beyond me.
Another "sense of entitlement" person. Maybe you should worry less about and educate yourself on what that actually means. Stating people expecting a working product they pay for as a sign they have never had responsibility is equally as ignorant. I ran a business for 20 years, I NEVER ONCE did not deliver what I advertised. If something happened that made it 1% less than what they paid for I would immediately compensate my customers in some way. Still there were consequences to that because some people would still take their business elsewhere.
Telling people there are other things to do is a simpleton argument. How about you go to a restaurant, order your food and pay up front then when it does not come for 4 hours the manager can ask you "why are you complaining? Why not snack on some pretzels?" You can get them across the street at the 7-11."
People and their entitlements....how dare you demand a restaurant bring you food you order? How dare you demand your car runs after a mechanic fixes it!
Actually no, you are kinda off track with this. The classic entitled kid, does nothing to earn what they feel they deserve. People who paid for the game, and were told they would be able to play, can't, pretty simple really.
1) You are missing the analogy. People should expect that some problems are tough and won't get fixed over night. You can expect some improvements or no improvements at all, but you should be wary of the person proclaiming "they found the miracle drug" that fixes everything right away.
2) Its not performing less than our expectations. Not if you have realistic expectations. blah blah blah rubber bandsm controllers blah blah, i dont care what ridiculous method theyre trying to do to log into the game: the bottom line is that a large amount of people cant play the game for the first week of launch. This is definitely not an improbable possibility of an MMO launch.
Most memorable games: AoC(Tryanny PvP), RIFT, GW, GW2, Ragnarok Online, Aion, FFXI, FFXIV, Secret World, League of Legends (Silver II rank)
Seriously!People pre-ordered the game parting with their money in good faith to start playing at a promised specific time and date.There is nothing entitled to expecting what you paid for and were promised in exchange for your currency.
This was a bad launch even in comparison to most other MMORPGs and even SE has acknowledged and apologized for it.I applaud that they are compensating those patient enough to wait it out but it doesn't excuse the launch.
If consumers don't expect a higher standard and demand it from MMO companies then launches will never improve and will in fact get worse.No other genre of game or industry get's this much leeway from consumers.It was understandable when the genre was in it's infancy and pioneering phase but not 9+ years on with plenty of examples and experience to draw upon.
I just don't understand why people who are inherently sensitive to a rough mmorpg launch continue to preorder and then rage when issues arise. Issues always happen at launch.
For the lot of people raging that too many people want to play and they had to wait a week for the fix....unless this is your first mmo...why on earth did you bother buying a mmorpg at launch.
You can sit there and expect perfection all you want...but getting mad and acting like a child over something that is not only a cheap game (really if $30 is your life savings I wouldn't be gaming at all) but also something that is synonymous with large mmo launches....this stuff does happen.
Having the game be good, and tons of people wanting to play it, will compound the issue, as we have seen here.
So my point is simple. Why are you here at a mmorpg launch if you expect to pay your $30 and receive perfection? Why not do the intelligent thing and wait a week and see if you are going to get exactly what you expect?
Is this so hard to do? If you are so sensitive to the issues seen here...just wait a week...youll live and spare yourself all the stress over your princely sum of $30 (for which they are giving you free game time for due to the issues mind you)
RIP Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan and Paul Gray.
The only people acting childish and hurling insults are those defending the launch.
Also I'm not singling out FFXIV what I said goes for all MMO launches.
Again if you keep making excuses for companies and lambasting anyone who expects more in this day and age you'll never get any improvements.
It also doesn't matter what the amount a purchase is an agreement and that agreement wasn't a launch window of 1-2 weeks it was a specified date.The breach of agreement is on their part.
Furthermore I have no problem waiting for things to improve but I'm not going to wail at an insult those who feel that breach of agreement warrants a refund and want to exercise that choice.
I don't fanboi out for any game and hold all of them up for scrutiny.
So the people crying for a refund and getting angry are the mature ones, and those telling them to calm down and explaining to them that they are getting free game time and new severs soon are immature. Got it.
Also, the term fanboi has been bastartized to mean "likes the game" in that sense yes im a fanboi. I like the game. Which is why im on a forum about the game talking about the game. Why are you here?
Its easy to say "oh well they should just stop making launches with issues" but it shows how little you know about what goes into a launch. If it was easy to do...every game would have a smooth launch. Even the games that are well prepared have issues. Its the nature of the business...as such...if you are in the camp of people who get upset when things don't go smooth...why on earth are you preordering mmorpgs and jumping in at launch? Makes no sense to me.
The point is that yes, it certainly is performing less than expectations and worse than any launch in recent memory. Why would anybody spend a dime on the game if their expectation is that they wouldn't be able to play at all? Or not be able roll on a server with their friends? Or try to log in over and over and over with no indication of whether it would ever work? Did GW2 or SWTOR or The Secret World have to suspend digital sales because they couldn't handle the amount of players that wanted to play the game? What MMO in the past five years disabled the ability for players to create characters across a whole regions servers because they were too full? What other MMO launch has people deciding they'd better not log out ever because if they do they might not ever get back on? How is any of that within the realm of reasonable expectation for an MMO launch?
In the past few years I've never witnessed an MMO launch where I wasn't able to at least log in, create some characters, and play a bunch during the first week. For two days straight that's been the case every time I've tried. Not even a long queue to sit in while I do housecleaning. City of Heroes lagged to all hell, there was the crazy week of letting players in by order of pre-order (and excessive queues for SWTOR), and Neverwinter had plenty of downtimes early on. But SE sets a new low in a number of ways. The intimation that this is somehow business as usual for MMO launches is flatly disingenuous in my opinion and is borne out by the wide criticism its gotten from players and journalists alike.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
1) Assuming all people who want a refund are doing so out of rage and anger or stupidity is childish.
2) This is an open forum and people are free to vent their frustrations here if they wish,though I venture that a large number of those doing so won't actually pursue a refund.
3) You don't calm people down by insulting then and talking down to them.
4) People have every right to be upset over any launch that goes badly when they've put money down.Yes every launch has unforeseen problems but many in recent memory have learned from the past and prepared and minimized them a lot better.
5) Stop lumping people into your 2 categories when there is a range of them and stop trying to lump me in there too just because I don't agree that you,the OP and others should try to censor people by shaming and belittling those who don't have your point of view.
Please correctly me if I'm wrong, but as I understand it, people did not buy a product, but a service. "Buying" the game does not make you its owner, you just get a permission to use, in other words, play it. Now back to the topic. Imagine you go and rent a car, but you cannot drive it because the fuel is not available to you right now. Even though, you are not charged for the fuel that you cannot obtain, the fact that you have rented a car that cannot be used is in some way troublesome.
Now, I find it a bit silly that some people think they should be telling me what to do while I cannot use the service I paid for. I mean, who are they to tell me how I should spend my time? However, that's my opinion.
I do not think anyone expects a perfect launch from any game, but most people expect a good one. Why? Because again most of these people do not know how the game developing works. They pay those who do and expect the latter ones to deliver and offer them a service that is working as advertised. Sure, some of you are saying that we should understand the situation the developers are in, I do understand, but do I care? No. Why should I? I gave them my money, that's all I'm concerned about.
Moreover, what was said in this thread refers more to a single person and a single person alone. Now, imagine I'm in a guild or a community. However, the game as it is now, does not allow me to play with my guildmates. Where is the fun in that? Even, waiting for the problem to be fixed, does not entirely solve my issue. By the time I get to play normally, the other guildies may be already half way to the end game and instead of playing with most of your guild, you end up playing with another few unlucky ones. Granted, FF ARR, works a bit different due to its class system, but in the essence it is still the same.
And a que coupled with an afk kick time limit would have fixed a lot of the issues with not being able to get in. Poor decision making is not justified by explaining how it could be worse. It should tell you something when people are discussing stuff that disappoints us the least rather than discussing the issues at hand and playing it off like it's our patience that is the problem.
RIP Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan and Paul Gray.
Its easy to launch an mmo. They played it too safe and did not over invest into having enough servers to not incur a greater loss.
They can know from beta testing and pre orders how to handle the situation.
I think its intentional by the company to make it seem like it was more of a historic event. This is how mentally deluded the mmo devs have come when they want to 'entertain' their customers. You want meaningless gear grinds of mediocre content and be treated like donkeys pulling a cart with the illusory carrot then why act surprised. Look deep down, you might realise you like to be treated like a work mule, but out of principle complain to pretend you have some kind of power to your twisted addiction of meaningless gear grinds.
Thanks to you, we have repetitive content with easy quest mechanics or meaningless story.
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble
I do agree with the afk kicker,and Qe. but really we dont work for SE so we can only make assumptions as to what happend exactly and why it is the way it was, there could be 100s of reasons. But in the end I think its how they company handles the situation
If it took me weeks to successfully pay my rent what would the apartment do? If my performance at work was as spotty as FFXIV's launch record would they keep me around? Wold you expect them to?
It's not entitlements it's professionalism and respecting your customers. Even if they make this right it's a black eye as it should be on them. I'm not one screaming end of world or anything over this but I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for a service to launch in a state that is usable.
Personally I get tired of hearing white knights defending large corporations for being to lazy or cheap to ensure a smooth launch of the game. It's not rocket science and plenty of non game services do it all the time because they value their customer experience. I guess game developers decided years ago that it just didn't matter as we would keep coming back for more time and time again no matter how poor the experience they made.
Well I can agree that it is frustrating to some small degree. You are still being refunded your time lost and can play at a later time when the game has become more stable. The only cost is patience....
So I can understand that frustration and annoyance, it is rather bothersome to have your cake and for some reason it is behind a glass window. Yes?
It doesn't bother me all that much, I really don't have the time to play so the fact I've gotten to log in and get to 25 has been nice inbetween shifts.....But I guess if it is that big a deal I'd recommend a refund. Because more than likely the slight grind later on would deter you if this wait does, so you'd be better off saving money and never wasting time.
And before you think I actually want to white knight this game, whilst I was actually just suggesting patience without much harm to yourself......financially or mentally or any such.....
This game has terribly dull combat that puts me to sleep, and that is not easy. I'm a soulless public servant who works at a front desk appeasing the needs of the whiny and oppulent.
There is a very limited map with far too many invisible walls and limits upon your motion, 90% of the game might as well be painted on backdrops which is sad cause it looks like it could be interesting with all the ruins and the such.
The story is alright.....for a Final Fantasy Game...(which I really don't hold high in narrative regard.))
The community is quite, unengaging, and lifeless.....Then again that's just life for ya, it's like working at an office really. Except that the coffee intern is a White Mage, that doesn't speak the same language as you.
Also yeah, there are side quests in the three cities and their surrounding zones....but you can only do them with one class so it's best to set them aside for a class with a guild in that city, so you can tag them when doing the class quests. Other than that there's going to be A LOT of grinding....
All these things are negative qualities, that make this game sorta lackluster or even average. However, I still advise simply waiting a few more days and trying it when the hustle and bustle blow through. It happens with every game. And now that they've added servers, there will be a bunch of ghost towns when everyone packs up and leaves in boredom.
--Custom Rig: Pyraxis---
NZXT Phantom 410 Case
Intel Core i5-4690 Processor - Quad Core, 6MB Smart Cache, 3.5GHz
Asus Sabertooth Z87 Motherboard
Asus GeForce GTX 760 Video Card - 2GB GDDR5, PCI-Express 3.0
Kingston HyperX Fury Blue 16GB
About the crying that mmo launces are the end of the world.
There is a simple fix for that, wait a few days / weeks untill stuff like that is fixed.
There all your rage and frustration solved !!!!
Never ever again do you have to make endless posts about fail launches !!!
Each and every mmo i played past 15 years had some sort of trouble, be it to few servers or disconnection or plain bugs that makes you frustrated.
its that simple, if you buy an mmo expect this stuff to happen period.
Love the game, its a straight 9.0 overal for me.