I'm not that far in (level 7 and some change) so starting over isn't too bad, but never-the-less, it's something I'm curious about. I rolled on a Japanese server as it was the only one I could get into, and now I'm wondering if SE is going to let us transfer over to NA/EU servers when (and if) the server issues get fixed.
Let's clarify real quick...
None of you HAD to roll on a JP server.
And to be fair... using the auto-translate, a JP server might actually be better in the long run.
That being said, I'm pretty sure they're not going to (but I've been wrong before, I'll likely be wrong again) as SE tends to feel similarly (that no one FORCED you to roll JPN, you chose to because you wanted to play).
That being said... why not just create a new toon? I'm sure stuff you learned can be helpful. It's not like you're level 50...
im very happy on my JP server and will stay there. But the auto translate sucks unless they add verbs. At least based on what i used and read about, Its just a bunch of set phrases, so you cant really talk freely to the jappies without verb translations.
But at least in a dungeon you can say things like "WATCH YOUR AGGRO".... you dummy tank.
I wouldn't count on getting a free server transfer. SE has already said that they'll be giving everyone free time back once the server issues have been addressed. Any time that's been spend building a character on your current server is going to be refunded, so you can start over again.
Offering free server transfers would be a massive undertaking, and wouldn't be worth the investment of time and money.
Of course, I could be wrong. We'll see soon enough.
in beta we was able to transfer 1.0 characters to diffreant servers why would this be any diffreant
Safehouse Gaming up and running at: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnKd0Hk85CQ_N04Ae7v5zZg
I think it would be an incredible sign of goodwill to offer a limited opportunity, one time only free transfer.
But not until the server situation is fixed, and has been proven stable. Even if the downtime tonight completely and totally fixes everything (which it won't), the transfers would still be a couple of weeks out.
I don't think they are obligated to offer that though.