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I have a few questions that seem to be only partially answered.
1. Can I buy the game via digital download? If yes, Is it the official site? If not, what site do you recommend?
2. I had trouble with my FF11 experience. I bought the game and running through the play online and FF account page and codes and emails and verifications and all that became such a headache. Contacted them and they said "I never had an account or they can't help me". I gave up. Can someone help me with maybe a 3-5 step guide to make sure i am setting it up in order? I am not the only one having this trouble, so I wasn't afraid to ask for help no matter how stupid it made me look.
3. Am I able to make a new character tonight or tomorrow or asap?
4. I read that the server issues were fixed, sorta. How true is that?
any other info would be greatly appreciative.
I know the game is great. I love the graphics and I love FF lore and characters, spells, travel, lands et.
1 - You cannot buy it digitally via Square Enix, but I'm sure websites like Greenmangaming are still selling it. Best bet would be get next day delivery from Amazon, or just purchase it from a store.
2 - FFXIV cannot be compared to the hassle that was FFXI's registration. It's now pretty much your standard MMO registration, very simple.
3 - Yes! You can make new characters on most servers, some have new character creation lock outs, but the new servers implemented on Wednesday and some of the older not as populated ones still accept new characters.
4 - The server issues are 90% fixed, for example I logged in today at peak times without any trouble, first time this has happened for me since launch. But I have had one occasion today were I had to wait in a queue of 30, which does down extremely slowly as no one logs off and there is no afk kicking system in place currently.
The game is great! It doesn't really have anything innovative or new, but it doesn't to. Everything it does is fun, and thats all that matters. A great MMO experience! Something I haven't been able to say in a long time. It's so addictive!
Hope this helped.
Thumbs up. I will check around for the Digital Download thanks bud (highfive)
yea theres a few servers that are well over the cap atm
there are still queue (small tho 20 or less on the new server!but I suspect come week-end it will be longer!
there is people everywhere!surprisingly gaming is smooth !nobody wait for quest and if you press h to know a bit where to go if you get lost and don't feel like going to the city you started to ask! press h is awesome!
make sure to lock you bar at bottom (window)I had it unlocked so it disappear lock it and let it visible other wise if it trigger while you game crash will occur! aside from this?nothing much!they have a system implement 1 out of every 3 try or so work ,so don't spam you wont get in faster!it is very smooth for server so packed!but they still will need to add one server where it is overcrowded!
1. I used official site no problem
2. The pre-order/early access was a mess with one code too many. SE is still subpar with this, but worlds better than play online or even ffxiv 1.0
3. yes
4. i think the game is going to have issues for a while still, but things are significantly better. the instance/duty finder server was getting cranky tonight though. The servers have a *massive* amount of people on them, so primetime may get sketchy for the near future.
However, 1017 seems to be significantly reduced in the worst cases, and gone in many cases. Definitely a big step in the right direction, but they have a ways to go yet.