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What pace would you say the combat in this game is most similar too?
How well would/does the game work if you play with a constant duo or trio?
Am so tempted to click BUY on this one, hah. Have tanked and tanked and right now playing SWToR again after a year+ away from it. But the call of something NEW is so hard to resist.
--Custom Rig: Pyraxis---
NZXT Phantom 410 Case
Intel Core i5-4690 Processor - Quad Core, 6MB Smart Cache, 3.5GHz
Asus Sabertooth Z87 Motherboard
Asus GeForce GTX 760 Video Card - 2GB GDDR5, PCI-Express 3.0
Kingston HyperX Fury Blue 16GB
You need to move out of the red before it disappears, not before the animation goes of. I see lots of people moving after the red disppears but prior to the animation, and then they bitch because they get hit.
Of course, if you do have bad latency your going to have a bad time.
At higher levels the pacing is solid, its even kinda frantic if your a healer. At low levels its pretty slow an tedious.
My buddy says tanking is harder in this game, healers and DPS generate more threat than most MMOs. He also occasionally bitches about the GCD length and how punishing it can be as a tank when your trying to grab adds. Having said that, he seems to enjoy it because it actually is a bit more challenging,
I generally stop whatever I'm doing and start moving as soon as I see the red, buuuuttt....Methinks my step above 56k isn't really cutting it as much as I'd like it to. I think the best I can get is like....150KB a second and that's if I'm lucky.....I hate living in the sticks
--Custom Rig: Pyraxis---
NZXT Phantom 410 Case
Intel Core i5-4690 Processor - Quad Core, 6MB Smart Cache, 3.5GHz
Asus Sabertooth Z87 Motherboard
Asus GeForce GTX 760 Video Card - 2GB GDDR5, PCI-Express 3.0
Kingston HyperX Fury Blue 16GB
Another thing is to not step just barely over the line. Take another couple of steps if possible.
I think some of the 'hit areas' have a it a splash effect.
The area being farther than the outlines of the 'red' are showing. Not by a lot but just enough.
Oh I make bloody sure to run to the other side of the room like a chicken with it's head cut off.
--Custom Rig: Pyraxis---
NZXT Phantom 410 Case
Intel Core i5-4690 Processor - Quad Core, 6MB Smart Cache, 3.5GHz
Asus Sabertooth Z87 Motherboard
Asus GeForce GTX 760 Video Card - 2GB GDDR5, PCI-Express 3.0
Kingston HyperX Fury Blue 16GB
Yeah maybe your rig/connection then. I know if I am just over the line I am like ...WTH....and the healers get pissed at me (sometimes). If I cross the line and keep going I'm usually OK.
Some fights (in dungeons at least) also have AoE followups which I have had to ask about. Knowing I'm fully past the 'red zone' and still getting hit. When I ask someone will mention an AoE that I lost in the color/graphics. (Or I notice that everyone in the group took a sudden dip in HP)
Nah, it's not my rig it's my connection. Rig runs fine, never dropped below 50 FPS.....It's a bit of a beast, aged slightly but runs fine and I give her the regular maintenance she deserves. I actually went through it earlier on Lodestone because I had dropped my line in a Ifrit fight and felt like an impotent ponce. Here:
Where I live that's not really an option, I already pay nigh 200 a month for the WISP I use. There are no cable lines here or DSL lines as it would not be feasible for Bell to lay them, and Bell owns all the infastructure in Canada. How can I explain this....Um...there is one person per 10 kilometers in Canada's rural areas? Or less....So companies see it as a waste of money to lay vast networks that would require maintenance for hardly any income.
My county even petitioned for service in the internet and they denied us, saying it would not be worth the longterm investment. Living in Southern Ontario has it's perks, but it also has some frustrating bits too....To put this into perspective more... I spend my summers on my hands and knees planting tobacco fields, walking their lengs for miles and the same goes for sweet potates and apple orchards. That's the kind of place this is :-/
--Custom Rig: Pyraxis---
NZXT Phantom 410 Case
Intel Core i5-4690 Processor - Quad Core, 6MB Smart Cache, 3.5GHz
Asus Sabertooth Z87 Motherboard
Asus GeForce GTX 760 Video Card - 2GB GDDR5, PCI-Express 3.0
Kingston HyperX Fury Blue 16GB
Ouch mate. But I know what you mean. My starting origin was a farm too. 20 minutes to get anywhere and that was usually not exactly 'mainstream'.
I feel for you but high kudos for what you do...for continuing to do it.
Heheh, it's just the family business...I live in Canada's Iowa XD I intend to up and leave soon enough, I had saved up but poured my money into student debts from my horrid degree... *glares at the thing upon his wall* Die in a fire you abominable paper!
--Custom Rig: Pyraxis---
NZXT Phantom 410 Case
Intel Core i5-4690 Processor - Quad Core, 6MB Smart Cache, 3.5GHz
Asus Sabertooth Z87 Motherboard
Asus GeForce GTX 760 Video Card - 2GB GDDR5, PCI-Express 3.0
Kingston HyperX Fury Blue 16GB
Okay let me explain this to you as combat is actually very good in this game.
For starters, this game is not an action MMO, so no acrobatics, no flipping or what not. Instead it is much like a reactive turn based system. In short, when fighting a monster it feels like a combat sequence from final fantasy 10 or 12 (the single player games).
Now, people tend to think this is slow paced. It is not, it allows you enough time to think logically and tactically but people are used to other MMO's so all they do is spam their combat buttons over and over again but get annoyed at a global cool down not ONCE thinking as to why it's there.
The monsters have telegraphed attacks, the animations of combat are amazing that the combat looks slick and fluid. As to how well you would do with a constant duo/trio... you would do fine. If you are all playing DPS then you will be in for a long wait with Dungeons. To make you aware also, dungeons are 4 man not 5 like most other MMO's.
Tanking in this game is actually very easy, but you have to play tactically. I see loads of people bitching about bad tanks and so forth, which is because people are trying to play this like another MMO and not as the MMO that it is! As a MT in SWTOR raiding (a good while ago) I will honestly say that tank in Final Fantasy looks and feels much better.
Also just so you have an idea of how the combat works, check out this dungeon video
easy is the word.
Easy = Dull. Maybe boring on occasion.
I like grind killing (from many years in L2) but in this ...not so much.
So as DPS I queue for a dungeon especially when I am story line locked and wait. Fate grinding? No combat 'skill' at all. tab and shoot. I usually use my AoEs just to tap the max number (for multi mob fights)
Combat is slow really. I believe the global cool down timer is 2.5 seconds. The problem I have is that it is so 'mushy' rather than being 'crisp'. AS an example you can start walking 2/3rds before a cast finishes. The red aoe circles show how things where half a second or so ago. You can compensate but it does not result in a particularly satisfying combat experience (for me at least).
I think it's probably due to server load and netcode. Some of the stuff that should be done on the client and confirmed by server doesn't appear to start until it gets a handshake. I am in the EU but play other games hosted on east coast USA servers without these issues. Not sure where they host but it is USA I believe. In short combat is not particularly satisfying in its own right (for me at least).
This is true which is why the combat is somewhat frustrating when the tells that you are reacting too where actually telegraphed by the server up to (and peak times sometimes above) half a second ago.
I do like the boss fights and dungeons and agree with the guy above about fates.
The thing is, time within the game is what you make it. Because this game has a holy trinity you should know, as a DPS from prior MMO experience (I assume you have some) you are going to wait to get into a dungeon via duty finder. DPS just out number tanks and healers by a large margin.
This is nothing to do with tanks or healers being hard or boring, it is more to do with people liking to solo (so they normally pick high damage roles) or they just don't like the responsibility. A LOT of people I know are put off from having that kinda bag where you are essentially in charge of making the dungeon run smoothly.
If you are 'Fate grinding' as you wait to get into a dungeon because you are story locked, then you are not really playing the game in truth. Here are things to help you, and I mean this in honest.
1) BE SOCIAL!!!!!! Christ! if it's taking you a long time to get into a dungeon, you form a pug group. You will be surprised how much quicker you get into a dungeon if you have but a single healer or tank in your party. Actively look for one! If you are in a company, especially a level up company get a member to join you. I help tank pretty much for a lot of my DPS in my company when they've struggled to get a group. I have done Copperbell so many times, to which I do not mind it's a fun dungeon. Be proactive! You do remember you are playing an MMO right? Part of that requires you to be somewhat social?
If you can't be that then you will NEVER get through stuff like Brayflox or Titan not to even mention the elite primals and raiding!
2) Levemetes, these are your bread and butter. They also offer a lot of variety to them. Pick them up! you have an allowance, so use it!
3) Once you join a duty finder as a role, you can switch to other roles and play. Your registered role is the one that is taken into account. Go do some crafting or gathering or something. Utilize your time.
4) FATES are there of course for you to delve into.
5) Do your normal questing, just because you are story locked for a dungeon it does not mean you have to hang around that area. Explore the world, do the quests you have missed, do the quests in other areas that are your level range. Be proactive!
You strike me as the kinda person who says "This is what I want to do, and I want to do it now". But, you are just not helping yourself.
As a tank I get into dungeons straight away, as a DPS maybe 5-10 mins depending on how quick I can get a healer or tank in my party.
Why make it harder for yourself?
I feel like copying your post and using it every time someone says how come I cant do a triple back flip, fly across the room then double tap spam. "I is so bordz with cobmatz,"
Apparently there are allot of people out there that think the next MMO has to be exactly like the last one they played.
Thanks for responses, I am watching the video now a bit and will finish later after some errands. But doesn't look bad, does look slower than some but the way some people were talking I had this picture of really slowwwwwwwww, lol.
Still resisting for now but I may have to try it out especially since I tend to play tanks most. Though may not work since I love Monks most of any class and they are purely dps in this game from what I can tell.
As a note I've played no FF games other than Final Fantasy Tactics. I hate hate hate being given premade for me characters. In Tactics I only had to deal with the one stupid twerp in my party and the rest I got to make.
Thought of another question.
Are there any spec trees or ways to build yourself with variation? Stats, backgrounds, whatever else. Or if you are a given class is every other member of your class exactly the same as you are?
Video did show it is slower than average but that isn't necessarily a bad thing to me.
Nope skills are pretty straight forward and you get new skills as you level. Only variation comes through new jobs.