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Useless Guilds should not exist. In every mmo we play, we see hundreds of Guilds.
To many people are trying to make Guilds. They spam low level players with invites, most often without any chat because they are spamming the invites to twenty people. Guilds like this are no better than using open chat. Then people complain their game is non social. Don't get me wrong many mmos are not real mmos, in fact more are solo games than community driven. But the ones that are should only have strong guilds.
Finely we have a true mmo called FF14, it's been a long time coming but we finely have one. In FF14 the open world is easy, but Dungeons are hard....The way I see it open world is prep work for the group content. PEOPLE ARE NOW COMPLAINING THAT DUNGEON FINDER GROUPS ARE NOT WORKING WELL. That's because they are solo players looking for the World of Warcraft easy mode crap. They like the run fast and don't talk method, so they can still be solo players.
The way I see it you have two choices to find a strong guild :
1) Research on the net for a good guild before joining a server.
2) Observe your surroundings, spend a few hours taking notice in major cities and small outpost for quantity first. I say quantity first because you need others in the same level range. Then target a few players and ask some questions.
The first questin is "do you have voice chat" then "does everyone use it". The next question is "are people really playing together ". Now this could be tricky....People will say yes. You really need to scrutinize this by asking more questions. Ask for details such as how often do you guys run Haukk Manor, be specific and you can get a real feel of bull crap. I think by now you get my point.
As you are narrowing down your choice, ask more players, don't take ones word for it..Remember, get a feel of bull crap. Resist a smooth talker, be nice but ask more players.
FF14 will come down to community survival as you get higher level. This is what makes it an mmo !!
Don't feel obligated to a crap guild that you feel sorry for. No matter how nice the GM is, some guilds should have never existed in the first place,
Added 9/8/2013
Hardcore to join a professional Guild ?....NOT AT ALL !!!!
My Guild, and I'm sure most PROFESSIONAL GUILDS are not about hardcore but more like family.
No one is expecting you to do everything guild related. We have 500 members with 250 on at any given time. You see our guild in all cities and out post. As I run by I hit them with a heal and others do the same as a way to say hi.
Of the 250 online, I would say 25 are on voice chat, and some pop in now and then just to ask game questions. Our Guild leaders WILL BEND OVER BACKWARDS and spend hours helping new players getting their game and account working, even if they don't know them.
A large part of your first character story line is that you have to run dungeons ( I know that could suck for the solo player types ) However it must be done in order to survive and unlock the game. I'm playing a healer so I have no problem getting groups using the duty finder BUT DPS classes are having trouble. This is were a good guild shines, many will re run dungeons to help guild members out.
Now, something cool :
I'll admit, playing a healer as my first class I was intimidated that I would screw up. I ran my first four dungeons using the duty finder to play with strangers. Well, later I would run the same dungeons with my guild only to find out that they ran them slow, pausing to explain things to whoever they were helping ......No Judging what's so ever !
At times if your using voice chat, players would tell real life stories or joke around and slowly just by lessoning in, players would get comfortable and begin to talk, you really feel like family after a few days of not saying anything ....But still voice is optional.
I love FF14 as an mmo.....But not having a good professional guild, I'm not sure I would last more than a few months. After your first character and its story line quest, I could tell that the game would become repetitive. This is where a good family guild changes everything !
Adding to it all, Dungeons get hard at level 28. NO WAY AROUND IT. You will have to use team work to survive. Sure this could be done with strangers using the duty finder and typing. But they just keep getting harder.
So my advice is get your family early. I'm stressing the word FAMILY not hard core. FF14 is an mmo, a real mmo. You will not like the game without one. If your totally a solo player you will not like this game after you had done all the mechanics say two months down the road with out a family.
This post has a major point !.....And that is:.... soon people will be saying that the game becomes boring. What they don't know is that ff14 is built like an mmo, its built for community !
I'll end with this :
I'm not here to promote my guild, I'm not an officer, in fact I mostly just in the back round for now. If you would like to know my guild send me a PM, but you would have to be on my server...So,do have fun whatever you decide
"EVE is likely the best MMORPG that you've never really understood or played" - Kyleran
Sorry, I fixed it fast, its ok now
i think mmo devs need to implement alliance system where you and I can merge our guilds as one alliance. We still have our own guild names but we are allied so the roster merges within the guild window, each member with its respective guild name on the list. (something similar to the linkshells but between guilds).
Right now you surf any forum looking for a nice guild to join and you see more guilds than actual players per server.... is not even funny. I personally dont like leading guilds so im happy as a regular member, not officer, not nothing else... just a member that helps the guild any way i can. But the only guild ive ever found that i could call home i found it in WoW not too long ago but now ill be subbing to XIV so that wow guild wont see me for a long time....sigh...
EDIT: Jade Dynasty (from PWE) has that alliance system between guilds i mentioned.... someone else could do it much better.
A lot of what you wrote is also a matter of preference. What you are speaking of relates more to hard core guilds. I'd much prefer a casual guild that is in it for the fun. Casual, easy-going, in it for the fun factor. I can do without the drama and the politics that go hand in hand with these hard core "min-maxing" guilds. I'll refrain from criticizing those guilds that are in it for the min-maxing, but its just not for me. I have a job. I don't need to come home to a game to put in some more work, and by association deal with the same stresses and BS of a job. If that's what you call fun, have at it, but not all of us want that headache.
I'd also prefer a guild that did not have voice chat. Voice chat is not relaxing to me. Relaxing to me is playing the game, in the comfort of my home, listening to music. The only voice I want to hear, is my girlfriend's, not dozens of people and the drama, politics, and cliquish mentally that comes with it. Long and short of it is, guild compositions are a matter of preference. Your preference, as you so eloquently stated in your post, is one of many, and that is why we have so many guilds. Whether they are good or bad is highly subjective.
I added to my original post because people are mistaking the word PROFESSIONAL GUILDs with HARD CORE.
Better Guilds are not about giving you life up for a game.
FF14 is a real mmo......MMOs are about community....Two months down the road solo players will say "this game is boring".
Well far from it !