The theory is digital downloads may be back starting tomorrow?
Have myself and at least two, it not more friends ready to say heck with it and try this one out. Long time till anything else is out so why not. At best we stumble into a longtime home, at worst we have some fun for awhile.
I haven't heard that or I'd have been shouting from the rooftops so everyone knew.
It's a really good game. Long lasting? Too soon to tell. If it's like FFXI though it'll have some stamina (provided it finds the support).
Mystery Bounty
Did you buy it and register your cd key while the digital download is unavailable?
This may stray a little bit from the topic, but I'll try not to create a topic just to ask this:
Have players been having problems related to NAT3, in the PS3 version?
I'm just about buying the game, but then I remembered of this issue. My current router is awful and doesn't get to NAT2. I'll get a new one soon... but for now I'm stuck with NAT3. So, if the game is too heavily affected by NAT3, I will only buy it after I get the new router.
Does anyone know? Have you heard complaints about players having connectivity issues that might be related to NAT3?
Thank you.
And again not to hijack the thread but would you think checking out FFXI worth it compared to FFXIV. I doubt i'd play it as long as i plan on playing FFXIV but there is a two week trial i've been thinking about checking out, kinda curious as to what i missed.