OK !from what I read online Sony always disabled the 1 of the core on their 8 core cell processor!at 90nm I could understand the potential gain vs heat was not great!but now at 45 nm!it would be a safe gamble to offer the option to turn it on or off to gamer!I heard the new ps3 can enable it?any did it?does ff14 support it!I'm asking because I feel the ps3might actually be a better option.can user add xdr ram?any know if the ps3 use the os timer or hardware timer.this is important since ms haven't figured it out yet.this being made by IBM might be a better alternative if user can user the cell timer!
Funny that your just now picking up on this, and the PS3 has only been out since... Nov 2006.
Get a Freescale T4240. It's a 64-bit PPC 12 core/24-thread on 28nm at 1.8Ghz.
Sure, it's made for embedded applications, but if you were sitting around waiting on the PS3 to change process nodes (for some ungodly reason), then why not consider an embedded CPU for your presumably evil schemes to enslave humanity?
The Cell in the PS3 is... still a PS3 no matter what process node it's on. They won't make it any faster than the original, because then games wouldn't perform equally on older and newer hardware.
They shift process nodes for reasons of economics, not for performance.