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1015...can't log in.
This is after the end of their "emergency maintenance".
SE can't seem to get this right. This is to be due to inability. Yea, people can tell me that I have no idea how complex this can be. And you know what, you're right. I don't know how complex this can be.
But SE should have professionals with the ability to do this. As a working professional i'm sure the developers at SE can't do my job. They would have no idea how to solve for policies and risk analysis. They should know what they are doing.
[mod edit]
fixed! (thanks)
First PC Game: Pool of Radiance July 10th, 1990. First MMO: Everquest April 23, 1999
You still missed a couple. And at least they have the balls to pull down the game. Yes, they messed something up. Big men don't make mistakes, is that it? Better than Neverwinter who KNEW about an issue for DAYS, didn't pull it, and then only after community outrage did an 8 hr rollback... so yea. Now is it perfect? No. Is it better than others? Yep. It's all in how you want to look at this afterall.
Let's be honest, this is not a new was a game that failed so bad they had to take it down and re-launch. That said, the server downtime, piled up by people that couldn't even buy the game until today...that's pretty bad. They had two chances to get it right. The game play is fine, the execution is shameful.
"You're either with us or against us"
GW2 did the same. WoW was worse. But they get a pass? Neverwinter had Cat-astrophe. AC was just... broke. AoC had no end game. SWG had serious connection issues.
Since no game has ever done what SE has done, I'm willing to give them a pass. It was better than just allowing the garbage that was 1.0 wallow in itself.
They FIXED their product. Isn't that what we should HOPE for from all these disappointing games? (Tera, Earthrise, etc) We should be applauding them for taking the hit to try to correct a LARGE mistake instead of beating them over their heads with it. Otherwise, what other company would be willing to do so in the future?
Yks kysymys...
Kuin sä tollalailla heittaat, kerro miks sä viljelet vihaa..
Etsä tiedä et se saastuttaa, sun sielusi sisäpihaa?
Mistä johtuu negistely, onks sun elämäs noin synkkää?
Everyone in this thread who is bitching has a right to be angry. But I get a laugh out of people who look at those who are raging and think. the game is dying on the vine. If someone is here raging because the game is offline, it means they still want to play. The game isn't going to fail. When they pull the game down for hrs at a time during prime time and no one bitches. Then we can worry.
Does Finnish have the same guttural noises that German has? I imagine it would because that and Russian mixed is what I imagine Finnish would use. Just curious as the google translate of that is kind of an interesting quote:
"One question ...
As the SA Law heittaat batteries, please tillest Why did you hate ..
Can not you know that you do not defile your soul courtyard?
Why is negistely, 'Is your lives around dark?"
The earthquake happened half a year after the game's launch.... but aside from that, definitely.
The guy over exaggerated a bit yes but i don't think anyone here would disagree that once free month is over there will be sharp decline in population. The issues with game (end game specially) go beyond just emergency maintenance and log in errors. If people disagree i think they learned nothing from past P2P MMOS where once free month is over..servers begin to empty out.
I don't think there are no guttural noises at all like in german. It is a very pure language in that respect.
There's a lot of slang and finnish is completely different to english (and german, and russian) so you'll not understand a thing haha.
"One question...
"why you hating like that, tell me why you cultivating hatred...
Don't you know, it pollutes the courtyard of your soul?
What's up with being so negative, is your life that miserable?"
What a load of BS, they never blamed it on that, Tanaka-san took the responsibility for what happend with the game, Yoshida took it on him to fix it, they were very transparent and apoligetic about the whole thing, if you're gonna write shit like this atleast do your research.......
Amusing just how bad a troll you are, servers went down when they took them down to prepare for ARR, datacenters were never an issue and never played a part in any of it, now go back under your bridge.
reasons given for maintenance is too congested, too many ppl playing which is really showing ffxiv is extremely popular right now.
anyone will also has problems if the crowd keep coming in even though u keep expanding yr shop.
Now Im reminded of why I rarely come to this site, and why I dont really get along with most MMO players (at least the majority that are represented here).
Are we really this dysfunctional?
On the topic, I wanna play as much/more than anyone right now. It was my RDO yesterday and didnt get to play, now its night here in Australia and I logged on for like 30 minutes and got kicked off. Sucks man, nothing anyone can do though.
That's better. Thanks. I'm unfamiliar with northern Europe. I spent a majority of my time down near Slovenia/Czech/Greece/Turkey (basically anything on the Med). I plan to rectify it at some point.
To be fair to folks saying this isn't a new game and therefore Square shouldn't be having these issues, there is a LOT different than there are things that stayed the same. It's an entirely new engine, and most of the world areas were completely remapped. It was a project that did FAR more than just rewrite the content and rework classes. They recoded the whole damn game, so for all intents and purposes, it's a new game.
That said, I don't disagree with maintenance being annoying, but at least they're commited to making the necessary fixes. They've proven at least that much.
If people are really going to continue to go bat s**t crazy anytime the servers are down during NA prime time just leave the game right now. As a NA player who has played FFXI for years that time will almost always be the same for maintenance and updates so if you can't handle not being able to play 1 day then save yourself angry posts in the future and leave the game.
I really dislike the duty finder I was just in game I couldn't get a party for a dungeon within even 15 minutes of waiting I wasted 15 minutes of my life because I have to so called be social and find 5 people to run a dungeon with that is required to get auction house use and can't solo it.
In fact I have a few friends right now if I could change my server or freely login to any server when playing I could play with my friends from the clan but can't cuz we are on different servers it is lame they should get rid of servers and allow players to choose any server they want to join to play in like an instance.