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I'm a european player stuck on Balmung and looking for people to play with. Anyone out here european? Or maybe you play off hours?
A little about me; Not rushing to 50. Everything is being leveled. I'll get there when I get there! Currently battle-classes ranged 32-35, crafting 32-40 and min/bot 34.
I sometimes do fates, but I really don't enjoy it. I prefer dungeons. When I enter one for the first time I make sure my gear is up to par.
Duty-finder bothers me - not because new people need guiding (that's fine!), but because people enter without any concern to their gear and sometimes even knowledge of their class actions/skills.
Currently in a small 5-member rank 5 FC with 4 americans. Really nice people, but we're rarely online at the same times.
If you can identify - throw me a tell or friend request ingame (Umya Yen). I have invite access to the FC, or maybe there's already a group I could fit in with.
Please note that I don't check in on these forums that often.
There are plenty of EU People on Balmung tho. And I often face a short Queue to get into the server during EU primetime.
Plenty of People about during Our playtimes for sure.