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Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Edit: I also find it amusing that so many of you like this game, yet ever time I come to these forums I see the same people patrolling them. If the game is so good then WHY ARE ON THESE FORUMS AND NOT PLAYING IT!?...
Easy: Because we work, and we cant play at work but we can read and write in forums. (like right now )
The user and all related content has been deleted.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
what did you make it to lvl 10? even if you went all the way to 50 you must have skipped dialouge, there is a perpetual 3 way war between factions of the same country, who are all at war with the neighboring country, and everyone is at war with primals, how fucking stupid are you? - weak amount of other quests (that are all generic/simplistic/boring)
yea typical quests suck, thats why there are leves, fates, trials, guildhests, dungeons, raids. sorry is that not enough lvl options for you? again your dumb as hell - battlecraft leves/hests are ultra boring
leves, yea cuz its a basic form of daily questing, guildhests? again you skip dialouge and speed run through it, guildhests open every few lvls and offer a side mission in a dungeon setting and after lvl 10 guildhest, which is a tutorial it is never kill xyz and do abc. i question your intelligence moreso with every problem you list. - fate grinding is the weakest/lamest content to ever exist in MMORPGs (no challenge, no danger, pure zerg (except for the very rare 1 offs that do a variety of KO attacks))
fate grinding is an alternate form of leveling and yes it is faster, but go ahead grind fates to 50, you havent unlock a single raid/dungeon and your no better off than a lvl 15 just getting into story quest line and your a lvl 50 class, and lvl zero job. good god did you get a 12 on your ACT? - hunting log is a neato idea but is mostly just another xp welfare giveaway
the game is not meant to be rushed through, the hunting log is an incentive to explore differnt areas, use deductive reasoning please. - instance bosses rock but instances are packed with tedious trash that diminish the dungeon experience
uhhh no shit, what other game is different, and also depending on the dungeon you clear mini bosses ect, seperate challenges and side quests if you chose to do them, your talking about speed runs. - gathering is mindless and tedious to the max - let's run in a circle tapping nodes for hours, shall we? this is compelling (the mechanics of gathering are actually cool - it's just the insane repetition that sucks)
hmmm so lets say wow/gw2 the 2 biggest mmos besides ffxiv, you go to your map and see all the gathering locations, and them you point/click, in this game you have to actually discover gathering locations. you also have the oportunity to do quests/leves for gathering to aid leveling and escape the monotomy of grinding gathering points, no other game has that. - crafting system is cool enough but leveling crafting is monotonous tedium - mobs don't drop loot (other than crafting junk) - all loot is thoroughly generic - the list of quality of life problems (weakly implemented or lacking features common to most good MMORPGs) is huge (horrible bank interface, horrible inventory interface, no stats tooltip compare, no gear preview, no wardrobe/appearance control - those kinds of things that have been well documented) - too much zoning/loading, small weak zones with zero exploration value
again, what did you make it to? lvl 15?
- too many loading screends for cutscenes
some cutscenes suck yes, and this is the only point that i will semi agree with you, and ever then its semi agreeing. yes there are a shit ton of cutscenes, but those for boss/dungeon/main quests/class quests are fun to watch and have voice overs and are a fuck ton better then just clicking through dialouge. the airship cutscenes, which i doubt your even high enough lvl to have seen, suck balls.
- not a seamless world in any way
a seamless world... well no shit its zoned out. - influence of outdated consoles impacts what should be a premium PC game too much
are you high? wtf does that even mean? yea they added lower gfx options for outdated pc's, so? - horrible launch
horrible launch? LMFAO, they had so many ppl buy the game some ppl drove 4 hours just to find a copy of the game and others on reddit had to have someone buy it in a different country and ship it to them. you call a horrible launching COMPLETELY SELLING OUT OF PHYSICAL AND DIGITAL COPIES OF THE GAME IN THE FIRST DAY??
halo/cod has never done this and no fucking wonder servers were crowding when everyone wants to play 1/2 servers out of the 20 some, yea a few servers with high population had log in ques while the rest had nobody on them. and they fixed this in the first 2 weeks.
i seriously think that your common sense is that of my highschool gf who though that if i stuck it in her ass she wasnt a slut.
- continued tech problems and an engine that can't handle the content (go do odin, for ex, svala)
an engine that cant handle it? maybe you should get off dial up and get rid of the radeon .5gb 4xxx gfx card and the 2.0 ghz processor. sucks your homeless and play at the library but maybe you should join the work force. then you'll have money enough to buy the 200 dollar gfx card to run this game in high settins with zero delay whatsoever.
- plague of gil spammers coupled with guilds selling content to losers (who probably buy gil to pay to have the game played for them)
um what other game doesnt have this? and you can report them and there is 1 gm on each server at all times, if youd report them and stop being lazy and just blocking them, they get banned pretty fucking quick.
- I despise the 2.5s GCD (more of a personal pref thing than a true problem, I guess)
2.5s cooldown for casters at lvl 1, no buffs, no food, no potions. at lvl 50 with buffs/potions/food, its half that. and besides the endgame is a lot of positioning/target awareness, if the GC was under 1s this game would be easy mode.
Endgame consists of: - grind out relic weapon - some marginally interesting encounters you'll do once (unless you stick around to alt and repeat)
50k for a crafter to make it. if you dont have it, do the quests and stfu, everyone else did. did you expect them to hand it to you? - grinding/exploiting/speed running CM, which is one of the most feeble and lame excuses for a "raid" ever created (which is why people do it and not other content - easy tombstones). Boring. Waste of time. If this is your idea of good
grinding CM? so you can get the ilvl 55 gear? yea no shit you can speed run it when ppl have ilvl 90 gear from the higher raids. you dont even fucking have to do it. you can skip it and go to a higher lvl raid, CM is the first basic stepping stone into endgame and with the influx of newer players, yea a ton of ppl speed run it to get the gear so they can do the next raid, and so on and so forth - grinding/speed running AK, which is miserable due to excessive amounts of boring trash mobs - but hey, at least it drops some gear!
HEY just what i said to your last problem, everyone is on the next step up. go hit turn 3/4 see how many ppl speed run it BECAUSE NOT A SINGLE SERVER HAS YET TO COMPLETE TURN 5.
- grind ifrit into dust to get your weapon you'll use for a few hours before you finish relic
then dont fucking do it pussy, get your relic weapon. good god. - maybe, once in a great while, doing any of the other endgamish content even though they're not efficient - and that's all that really matters, isn't it? Being efficient, taking the easiest road to the fastest gear - must get yours - must win the race.
do i have to answer this? this is the worst post ive ever read on here but the most fun ive had answering because it proves that youve never played the game past scion, and are a wow nerd raging that ppl are leaving. the developer of this game wants to have more DOW/DOM(disciples of war, disciples of magic) i doubt you knew what those stood for because you obviously havent played the game
well he wants more DOW/DOM classes than were in ff11, which was 22/23? right now theres 8. expect massive content updates, hell look at 2.1, not even an expansion and releasing arena pvp(1 form of the planned 3 forms of pvp) new raids, new dungeons, housing. seriously kid. before you troll post learn your shit.
One big problem. I see so many people defending this game: "Oh the world is alive with the birds etc.." And the guys proving them wrong: "The birds are just piped in music, and the NPCS just stand there", and then the fan bois: "Oh no, but you see it is a Final Fantasy titles, and the NPCS are there like in all mmorpts. So it is legit"....
All I have to say is this to you diaper loaders: SUPER NINTENDO Final Fantasy FRANCHISE HAS NPC'S THAT MOVE AND WALK! YUP! - I am sorry but the old nintendo cartridge game is more alive than this sorry excuse of a game. They even have REAL BIRDS in the nintendo versions. Any one remember FF6 with the house that had the pigeons flying around it and the sounds they make? They even had dogs running around that bark... *sigh* It is sad this generation that opens brain and let's consumer dihareah unload in it. That about sums up this game. Diahreah in a box. Enjoy.
The user and all related content has been deleted.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
The user and all related content has been deleted.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, without restating everything all over again that others have said, I respectfully disagree with the OP. I am glad to have played this game so I can make an informed decision for myself. I have a differing opinion, I enjoy this game and will sub and continue to play this game myself.
Yeah, it's unfortunate the MMO genre isn't for everyone. If you can't stand grind, lots of questing, and other repetitive tasks you most likely won't like any MMO. These games (use to) require a lot of patience to obtain items.
That's just a bad aspect of the genre due to developer laziness. GW2 definitely took great steps out of that direction, although it definitely has its fair share of repetition....
What players need is more procedurally generated content. How about procedurally generated jumping puzzles? PvP arenas? How about SPvP as leveling progression? It's ridiculous how many options are on the table, but how stagnant MMOs have been.
It's understandable that the more fun stuff is too costly. There's a reason why there are so few jumping puzzles in relation to other content, like renown hearts, or even personal story quests that were trivial to make (outside of the art).
Even WoW had some VERY great quests in Cataclysm, but they were very few in comparison to the tedious ones.
TSW has some great quests as well, but for every good one there are 10 kill X/retrieve Y ones.
I think MMOs will leave the repetition mire eventually and graduate to single-player goodness... just give them another 20 years.
Edit: I also find it amusing that so many of you like this game, yet ever time I come to these forums I see the same people patrolling them. If the game is so good then WHY ARE ON THESE FORUMS AND NOT PLAYING IT!?...
Maybe they have a stake in it .... *hint* *hint*
If it wasn't for the one gripe I have about this game. I'd say in my personal opinion it's perfect. I've already discussed the flaw that I have with this game already and I'll say it again. It's the difficulty and the difficulty Yoshi "promised/promising" it's not really hard at all and please don't mention the fact that no one has defeated Coil - 5. My guild is one of the few who's actually on Coil - 5 and I'll say this right now, it's damn near impossible to beat.
For what reason do you ask?
Well It's not that they made it hard, truly the first 5 bosses are incredibly easy and have some pretty straight forward mechanics. The issue lies with what Yoshi - P "forgetting" to mention to the customer base and that there's an entire 24 man raid missing from the game at the moment.
Yeah, that's right, the only reason very few people will be able to "complete" Coil 5 is due to the fact that very few can obtain the proper gear to complete the final turn. Fortunately for casual players, you all will have plenty of time to goof off until November. By the time that November rolls around we'll have the Crystal Tower. Unfortunately for the player-base who has already made it through the first 4 turns, we'll most likely be geared out and waiting for the next 6 months. Because the extreme modes and Crystal Tower are pre-coil content.
So in actuality this games raiding is actually quite easy and I'm quite disappointed in Yoshi - P and the developer team for misleading their customers in the belief that the content was going to be quite hard.
For your basic WoW'er / I want it now / instant gratification MMO'er, it's quite hard and they've probably already left
It's no where near FFXI hard, but it's still harder than most current "gen" MMO's out there (this can be witnessed with pretty much 80% of the dungeon PUGs), if they made it any harder, it would be bleeding players like no tomorrow.
Fortunately this game does hold better ground as far as "difficulty" when comparing it to WoW content. I do have to admit our guilds first time through the fights did take roughly 1-8 hours at most to complete. I'm sorry, however I come from the old gaming era where many people didn't always win. Not everyone needs to be a winner and it's okay that there's someone who'll always be better than you.
It's always good to have content that's incredibly hard for you to beat. It gives the customer something to come back for. If people continue to follow the easy instant gratification formula like WOW as example; you're going to fail. Dark Souls is a prime example of a game in which is increasingly difficult. Not only is it difficult but Dark Souls 2 has already been touted to be much harder. We don't want trivial content, we want to be challenged.
I too am from the "old" era and i wholeheartedly agree with the challenge aspect. Also loved Dark Souls to bits and am anxiously waiting for 2! gladly this time around it's not a crappy port which needs community fixes to make even playable
But you need to look at this from the company point of view, they're there to make profit, not to drive "casuals" away, you think FFXIV would be operating more than 2 months if it was as challenging and hard as DS? Hell no.
Fortunately that's what's great about companies like Blizzard and Square-Enix. They don't need the casual customers money in comparison to companies like EA who are spending their investors money. Companies like EA have deadlines to make a profit off of their share holders investments.
Companies like Blizzard and Square-Enix are using money out of their own pockets to produce these games. Which allows them to keep their games P2P unlike EA for example. Also, your point doesn't quite hold up to par when it's compared to their older MMO; FFXI. It's a significantly harder MMO in comparison to all modern day MMOs, yet it doesn't need to cater to the casual market to be successful.
I'm fine with the difficulty being in between FFXI and Wow. It'll at least give the more casual crowd a chance at the game while retaining the difficulty for the more hardcore players. However, my stance on gaming is that, "Not everyone has to be a winner." So I personally would like see incredibly hard content. I'm here to achieve insanely hard tasks; not run several dungeons 60 times before getting the 2nd-3rd best set of gear within the game.
Unfortunately as of right now, the content is only hard because SE didn't add all of the proper raids. Once Crystal Tower is implemented into the game in 2.1 Bahamuts Coil will be no harder that simply running your standard raid.
I don't know what you smoke, but Blizzard has been making quite a lot of changes since TBC to accomodate casuals, hell the whole game has been dumbed down so much it makes Diablo III look complex
I plan to stick with the game until something new comes out like EQN or ESO. To me this is just a bridge game.
I never played a "perfect" game and this one has its own unique flaws. It's a bit grindy but aren't most Asian mmos? The 2.5 GCD is a bit nuts. The world is tiny but on the up side people are everywhere.
I love the graphics and animations. The main story line quest is intriguing. I like the class system. I having enough fun to keep me interested for the time being.
Seriously cannot wait for the free period to be over so that people will move on with their lives.
It's pretty sad that theres several users that repeated come back into the forums to QQ about the game, and lo and behold, a week later they have another thread. And again, and again, and again. Jokes on them for wasting their time A) playing a game they obviously don't like and Taking the time to post in a forum about it over and over, despite still playing. Hypocricy
Will be here for the long haul. Classes that matter, a hard core trinity system that gets people to playing together, dungeons that are well designed and fun, lots of content coming out soon and already enough to show they put though into end game and a class system thats a lot of fun. In my 14 years of MMOing there has only been a couple of MMOs got me this excited and I play them each for many years, EQ1, DAoC and WoW. This game is quality.
Seriously cannot wait for the free period to be over so that people will move on with their lives.
It's pretty sad that theres several users that repeated come back into the forums to QQ about the game, and lo and behold, a week later they have another thread. And again, and again, and again. Jokes on them for wasting their time A) playing a game they obviously don't like and Taking the time to post in a forum about it over and over, despite still playing. Hypocricy
Yes, every time is the same.
New game comes out and the nolifers get to max level in a week or two and starts derping that they are bored.
Over and over. For every game. Free month over will mean less packed servers and less morons in general
While I agree with some of the OPs points, I disagree with his overall assessment of the game. I find FFXIV to be mainly what I was looking for in an RPG, not perfect, but the closest I'm going to find. The massive negativity from OP tells me that he knew he wasn't going to enjoy it from the start.
Currently playing - FF14ARR Previous games - SWG, World of Warcraft, ShadowBane, Warhammer, Age of Conan, Darkfall, Planetside Asheron's Call, Everquest, Everquest 2, Too many.
Originally posted by Nanfoodle Will be here for the long haul. Classes that matter, a hard core trinity system that gets people to playing together, dungeons that are well designed and fun, lots of content coming out soon and already enough to show they put though into end game and a class system thats a lot of fun. In my 14 years of MMOing there has only been a couple of MMOs got me this excited and I play them each for many years, EQ1, DAoC and WoW. This game is quality.
This ^
Currently playing SWTOR and it's MUCH better than it was at launch.
The user and all related content has been deleted.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
The user and all related content has been deleted.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Easy: Because we work, and we cant play at work but we can read and write in forums. (like right now )
OP dont like MMORPG, that all.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
- weak story quest(s) (main and class)
what did you make it to lvl 10? even if you went all the way to 50 you must have skipped dialouge, there is a perpetual 3 way war between factions of the same country, who are all at war with the neighboring country, and everyone is at war with primals, how fucking stupid are you?
- weak amount of other quests (that are all generic/simplistic/boring)
yea typical quests suck, thats why there are leves, fates, trials, guildhests, dungeons, raids. sorry is that not enough lvl options for you? again your dumb as hell
- battlecraft leves/hests are ultra boring
leves, yea cuz its a basic form of daily questing, guildhests? again you skip dialouge and speed run through it, guildhests open every few lvls and offer a side mission in a dungeon setting and after lvl 10 guildhest, which is a tutorial it is never kill xyz and do abc. i question your intelligence moreso with every problem you list.
- fate grinding is the weakest/lamest content to ever exist in MMORPGs (no challenge, no danger, pure zerg (except for the very rare 1 offs that do a variety of KO attacks))
fate grinding is an alternate form of leveling and yes it is faster, but go ahead grind fates to 50, you havent unlock a single raid/dungeon and your no better off than a lvl 15 just getting into story quest line and your a lvl 50 class, and lvl zero job. good god did you get a 12 on your ACT?
- hunting log is a neato idea but is mostly just another xp welfare giveaway
the game is not meant to be rushed through, the hunting log is an incentive to explore differnt areas, use deductive reasoning please.
- instance bosses rock but instances are packed with tedious trash that diminish the dungeon experience
uhhh no shit, what other game is different, and also depending on the dungeon you clear mini bosses ect, seperate challenges and side quests if you chose to do them, your talking about speed runs.
- gathering is mindless and tedious to the max - let's run in a circle tapping nodes for hours, shall we? this is compelling (the mechanics of gathering are actually cool - it's just the insane repetition that sucks)
hmmm so lets say wow/gw2 the 2 biggest mmos besides ffxiv, you go to your map and see all the gathering locations, and them you point/click, in this game you have to actually discover gathering locations. you also have the oportunity to do quests/leves for gathering to aid leveling and escape the monotomy of grinding gathering points, no other game has that.
- crafting system is cool enough but leveling crafting is monotonous tedium
- mobs don't drop loot (other than crafting junk) - all loot is thoroughly generic
- the list of quality of life problems (weakly implemented or lacking features common to most good MMORPGs) is huge (horrible bank interface, horrible inventory interface, no stats tooltip compare, no gear preview, no wardrobe/appearance control - those kinds of things that have been well documented)
- too much zoning/loading, small weak zones with zero exploration value
again, what did you make it to? lvl 15?
- too many loading screends for cutscenes
some cutscenes suck yes, and this is the only point that i will semi agree with you, and ever then its semi agreeing. yes there are a shit ton of cutscenes, but those for boss/dungeon/main quests/class quests are fun to watch and have voice overs and are a fuck ton better then just clicking through dialouge. the airship cutscenes, which i doubt your even high enough lvl to have seen, suck balls.
- not a seamless world in any way
a seamless world... well no shit its zoned out.
- influence of outdated consoles impacts what should be a premium PC game too much
are you high? wtf does that even mean? yea they added lower gfx options for outdated pc's, so?
- horrible launch
horrible launch? LMFAO, they had so many ppl buy the game some ppl drove 4 hours just to find a copy of the game and others on reddit had to have someone buy it in a different country and ship it to them. you call a horrible launching COMPLETELY SELLING OUT OF PHYSICAL AND DIGITAL COPIES OF THE GAME IN THE FIRST DAY??
halo/cod has never done this and no fucking wonder servers were crowding when everyone wants to play 1/2 servers out of the 20 some, yea a few servers with high population had log in ques while the rest had nobody on them. and they fixed this in the first 2 weeks.
i seriously think that your common sense is that of my highschool gf who though that if i stuck it in her ass she wasnt a slut.
- continued tech problems and an engine that can't handle the content (go do odin, for ex, svala)
an engine that cant handle it? maybe you should get off dial up and get rid of the radeon .5gb 4xxx gfx card and the 2.0 ghz processor. sucks your homeless and play at the library but maybe you should join the work force. then you'll have money enough to buy the 200 dollar gfx card to run this game in high settins with zero delay whatsoever.
- plague of gil spammers coupled with guilds selling content to losers (who probably buy gil to pay to have the game played for them)
um what other game doesnt have this? and you can report them and there is 1 gm on each server at all times, if youd report them and stop being lazy and just blocking them, they get banned pretty fucking quick.
- I despise the 2.5s GCD (more of a personal pref thing than a true problem, I guess)
2.5s cooldown for casters at lvl 1, no buffs, no food, no potions. at lvl 50 with buffs/potions/food, its half that. and besides the endgame is a lot of positioning/target awareness, if the GC was under 1s this game would be easy mode.
Endgame consists of:
- grind out relic weapon - some marginally interesting encounters you'll do once (unless you stick around to alt and repeat)
50k for a crafter to make it. if you dont have it, do the quests and stfu, everyone else did. did you expect them to hand it to you?
- grinding/exploiting/speed running CM, which is one of the most feeble and lame excuses for a "raid" ever created (which is why people do it and not other content - easy tombstones). Boring. Waste of time. If this is your idea of good
grinding CM? so you can get the ilvl 55 gear? yea no shit you can speed run it when ppl have ilvl 90 gear from the higher raids. you dont even fucking have to do it. you can skip it and go to a higher lvl raid, CM is the first basic stepping stone into endgame and with the influx of newer players, yea a ton of ppl speed run it to get the gear so they can do the next raid, and so on and so forth
- grinding/speed running AK, which is miserable due to excessive amounts of boring trash mobs - but hey, at least it drops some gear!
HEY just what i said to your last problem, everyone is on the next step up. go hit turn 3/4 see how many ppl speed run it BECAUSE NOT A SINGLE SERVER HAS YET TO COMPLETE TURN 5.
- grind ifrit into dust to get your weapon you'll use for a few hours before you finish relic
then dont fucking do it pussy, get your relic weapon. good god.
- maybe, once in a great while, doing any of the other endgamish content even though they're not efficient - and that's all that really matters, isn't it? Being efficient, taking the easiest road to the fastest gear - must get yours - must win the race.
do i have to answer this? this is the worst post ive ever read on here but the most fun ive had answering because it proves that youve never played the game past scion, and are a wow nerd raging that ppl are leaving. the developer of this game wants to have more DOW/DOM(disciples of war, disciples of magic) i doubt you knew what those stood for because you obviously havent played the game
well he wants more DOW/DOM classes than were in ff11, which was 22/23? right now theres 8. expect massive content updates, hell look at 2.1, not even an expansion and releasing arena pvp(1 form of the planned 3 forms of pvp) new raids, new dungeons, housing. seriously kid. before you troll post learn your shit.
One big problem. I see so many people defending this game: "Oh the world is alive with the birds etc.." And the guys proving them wrong: "The birds are just piped in music, and the NPCS just stand there", and then the fan bois: "Oh no, but you see it is a Final Fantasy titles, and the NPCS are there like in all mmorpts. So it is legit"....
All I have to say is this to you diaper loaders: SUPER NINTENDO Final Fantasy FRANCHISE HAS NPC'S THAT MOVE AND WALK! YUP! - I am sorry but the old nintendo cartridge game is more alive than this sorry excuse of a game. They even have REAL BIRDS in the nintendo versions. Any one remember FF6 with the house that had the pigeons flying around it and the sounds they make? They even had dogs running around that bark... *sigh* It is sad this generation that opens brain and let's consumer dihareah unload in it. That about sums up this game. Diahreah in a box. Enjoy.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
That's just a bad aspect of the genre due to developer laziness. GW2 definitely took great steps out of that direction, although it definitely has its fair share of repetition....
What players need is more procedurally generated content. How about procedurally generated jumping puzzles? PvP arenas? How about SPvP as leveling progression? It's ridiculous how many options are on the table, but how stagnant MMOs have been.
It's understandable that the more fun stuff is too costly. There's a reason why there are so few jumping puzzles in relation to other content, like renown hearts, or even personal story quests that were trivial to make (outside of the art).
Even WoW had some VERY great quests in Cataclysm, but they were very few in comparison to the tedious ones.
TSW has some great quests as well, but for every good one there are 10 kill X/retrieve Y ones.
I think MMOs will leave the repetition mire eventually and graduate to single-player goodness... just give them another 20 years.
I don't know what you smoke, but Blizzard has been making quite a lot of changes since TBC to accomodate casuals, hell the whole game has been dumbed down so much it makes Diablo III look complex
I never played a "perfect" game and this one has its own unique flaws. It's a bit grindy but aren't most Asian mmos? The 2.5 GCD is a bit nuts. The world is tiny but on the up side people are everywhere.
I love the graphics and animations. The main story line quest is intriguing. I like the class system. I having enough fun to keep me interested for the time being.
K bai.
Seriously cannot wait for the free period to be over so that people will move on with their lives.
It's pretty sad that theres several users that repeated come back into the forums to QQ about the game, and lo and behold, a week later they have another thread. And again, and again, and again. Jokes on them for wasting their time A) playing a game they obviously don't like and Taking the time to post in a forum about it over and over, despite still playing. Hypocricy
Yes, every time is the same.
New game comes out and the nolifers get to max level in a week or two and starts derping that they are bored.
Over and over. For every game. Free month over will mean less packed servers and less morons in general
How I felt.
Currently playing - FF14ARR
Previous games - SWG, World of Warcraft, ShadowBane, Warhammer, Age of Conan, Darkfall, Planetside Asheron's Call, Everquest, Everquest 2, Too many.
This ^
Currently playing SWTOR and it's MUCH better than it was at launch.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
its just funny to me that when the game came out and I raged about how bad it is this site put a temapary ban on me.
the joke is the game grew on me a little and I subscribed for a month just to finish.
if any of the AAA mmo games that's coming was out very view people would have played this.
what aaa mmos?
Actually OP got it all just right. But as they say when love is blind ... :-))