I'll do you the favor and forgo the wall of text. Here is what VG is about in one sentence:
"A small,
drama-free guild that caters to the over 30 crowd."
That's it. Apply here:
Vicious-geezers.comOh you want a bit more info? Really? Like what? Our illustrious history? You really
care that our members know what an Atari 2600 is? Is it true that we only accept blue hairs and
wheelchairs? Alright .... alright enough snarkiness, here are some additional details that you
need to make a reasonably informed decision:
- The overall goal of the guild is to establish a good group of friends that enjoy MMO's togethor. Regardless of what game we are playing, a typical Geezer is here for the long haul. MMO's are our (R R?) hobby and we approach them with a certain degree of 'seriousness'.
- We currently use Ventrilo for our voice chat software. Vent is not considered to be a family friendly zone. Headset and PTT key is 'required'.
- We do not use DKP. I figure if a bunch of 45 year olds are going to argue about a piece of loot - they probably have no business being in this guild.
- It's true. We are drama-free. ( I saw that.. you rolled your eyes!) Yea, it's a true story. Drama = guild boot. Period. Full stop.
- All members are encouraged to take initiative, embrace the guild, use our forums and Ventrilo and to think of others before themselves.
Ok, before this turns into a wall of text (that no one reads) like those 'other' guilds I'm going to sign off now.
Thanks for your time,
Hope to see you in game!
Few questions if I could.
When you say serious, is that in "you need to put in 20 hours a week and 10 extra hours raiding" kind of serious? Or "lets not be stupid" serious?
Reason I ask is I'd love to find a mature guild/FC, but the main #1 reason I play MMO's and games is to have fun.
And are there still active people on during west coast hours? I guess not that it really matters for me as it a friendly solo game.
But as you probably figured out Im 3 hours difference, although I do have weekends off.
Im just so burnt out on guilds/FC in MMOs that are run and populated by people whos Ritalin ran out, are jacked on MT Dew Code Red, and/or their moms prescription drugs, and have serious lack of social skills.
I mean Im okay with acting crazy and dumb to have some fun. But these people do it nonstop, and I seriously think 99% of them arnt acting.
"I understand that if I hear any more words come pouring out of your **** mouth, Ill have to eat every fucking chicken in this room."
Hi Hokie,
We definitely fall into the "the let's not be stupid" level of seriousness. Honestly, the vast majority of our vets have been there and done that and just have no desire to stay up to 3 am on a work night just to down a boss.
The 3 hour time difference is probably a deal breaker, our prime time is 7 to 11pm EST. We are gaming when you are still at work. :P As for weekends, we do not regularly schedule activities (except for drunken Friday night raiding). Sat/Sun are designated spouse nights. That doesn't mean things may not happen, it's just that weekends are more 'let's see who's on now' and get something going type of deal. Of course, you could always throw something up on the schedule and see what sort of response you get.
Well Im off of work at 5pm my time. 15-30 min commute. That puts me in the middle of the prime. If you dont mind a "tag along" in FC chat I wouldnt mind rerolling.
Ive never been big into raiding, love PvP with a passion, but I what I really want is to play with a like minded group of mature individuals.
I you prefer to be a more focused FC and not have a casual hanging around I totally understand. But trust me when I say- a few hours a day with a mature group is better than 4-5 hours a day with Ritalin kids.
So if you'll have me I have no problem switching servers. No pressure on the FC to level or run me thru anything btw.
The game is fun solo but I'd prefer something more.
"I understand that if I hear any more words come pouring out of your **** mouth, Ill have to eat every fucking chicken in this room."
Throw in a quick application through the website if you don't mind. Our website is our goto spot for all guild happenings, so you'll have to join up eventually anyway. I'll then email our vent info and password so that we can have a chat - just want to make sure we're the right guild for you and vice-versa.
Looking forward to meeting you,
Shameless bump.
Building up our Free Company rather nicely. I'm definitely encouraging our members to
try and take the scenic route on their respective journeys.
We're at 35 active players and I would like to bring that number up to 50. I figure 50 actives should be a healthy population - big enough to do all content as a guild and maintain good camaraderie - yet not too big to be unwieldy.
Yes, everyone has to jump through application / interview process - just doing our due diligence.
Thanks for your time,
We are closing in on end game and will probably start to see the majority of the guild ready in the next few weeks. If you are new and looking for a mature, serious (but not hardcore) guild then look no further. We are SERIOUSLY looking for people with END GAME aspirations for FFXIV. We are a multi-game guild and those members who enjoy the environment have been around for years experiencing everything the games we play have to offer.
Interested?? Drop an application!!!