The game's language and treatment of women, even down to its politically inclined story, is pure satire and it's glorious in its delivery and message. If you are offended by it then you just need to grow up a bit more to understand it and get past its first few layers of realism. Rockstar has always poked at something current in the news, or in society, and this game is no different. From "Lifeinvader"(facebook) to "Eyefind"(google) it's magical in its execution.
I love consoles, but I hate this game. It's pure stupidity. It's just one wrong thing after another. That's how some folks are though I guess. I would rather play as a cop and fight crime. Despite the fact that I hate it, I played it enough to know it's fun, I just can't get past the immorality.
I played the older GTA's I think combining the fact that I am older now and maturity level has changed drastically and this game of course has pushed the limits yet again. i just couldn't bring myself to play it even though I wanted to. I had to sell it on ebay and get it out of my house.
Anyone feel the same way? or sell it off already?
All respect to you, Sir!
I never got it, because of what you say. I watched a lot of videos and saw many reviews, because it made such a fuzz and I'd love to see the big, immerisve world.
But yes. I would have played it as cop right away. You see, I have no problem with "killing" in games per se. I mean, I play games, and MOST involve killing. But I seriously feel GTA is heading a way I simply can not support. And I am even going so far to say, such a game should not be allowed. I mean, it has TORTURE! That is the "game" we "play" as fun now?
Sorry, but how depraved and rotten must human society have become to play torture as fun? And what are the justifications? Oh, real life has that. Oh yes? Then what will come next? Concentration Camp Nazi medical experiments as game? Because, real life had that? NO. NO WAY. There must be a line somewhere what can be used as entertainment. GTA is a despicable game!
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, OP. You did the right thing and it is a good proof that you are an empathic, ethical person! There should be more people as sensitive and insightful as you, and the world were a better place!
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I love consoles, but I hate this game. It's pure stupidity. It's just one wrong thing after another. That's how some folks are though I guess. I would rather play as a cop and fight crime. Despite the fact that I hate it, I played it enough to know it's fun, I just can't get past the immorality.
I played the older GTA's I think combining the fact that I am older now and maturity level has changed drastically and this game of course has pushed the limits yet again. i just couldn't bring myself to play it even though I wanted to. I had to sell it on ebay and get it out of my house.
Anyone feel the same way? or sell it off already?
All respect to you, Sir!
I never got it, because of what you say. I watched a lot of videos and saw many reviews, because it made such a fuzz and I'd love to see the big, immerisve world.
But yes. I would have played it as cop right away. You see, I have no problem with "killing" in games per se. I mean, I play games, and MOST involve killing. But I seriously feel GTA is heading a way I simply can not support. And I am even going so far to say, such a game should not be allowed. I mean, it has TORTURE! That is the "game" we "play" as fun now?
Sorry, but how depraved and rotten must human society have become to play torture as fun? And what are the justifications? Oh, real life has that. Oh yes? Then what will come next? Concentration Camp Nazi medical experiments as game? Because, real life had that? NO. NO WAY. There must be a line somewhere what can be used as entertainment. GTA is a despicable game!
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, OP. You did the right thing and it is a good proof that you are an empathic, ethical person! There should be more people as sensitive and insightful as you, and the world were a better place!
So basically you didn't play the game. The torture part was followed up by a very astute observation(by a psychopath no less) about how torture is pointless as a method of abstracting information. It was used as a method of social commentary to drive home a point that torture is both morally disgusting and pointless.
In the future I recommend you don't comment on games you haven't played.
I love it for what it is, it does treat women like sex objects, it does let you torture people (for the gov.) to get info, it does let you do drugs, drink and drive, and just stomp on random peoples faces in the middle of the street...
It's GTA! and not "The Sims"...
That doesn't mean we'll all go out and do these things in real life, and if you truly believe that, then you either got a motive or your a complete f'ing nutcase yourself.
Like another poster mentioned above, Rockstar always bring things up from the real world, and if not make fun of then bring attention to, but they also bring up more serious issues, like the sanctioned goverment torture.. and many other things... like racism, or massacres.
In the end, it's just a game.. being immoral in a video game doesn't make you bad person in real life, that should be common sense, appearently not.
I love consoles, but I hate this game. It's pure stupidity. It's just one wrong thing after another. That's how some folks are though I guess. I would rather play as a cop and fight crime. Despite the fact that I hate it, I played it enough to know it's fun, I just can't get past the immorality.
I played the older GTA's I think combining the fact that I am older now and maturity level has changed drastically and this game of course has pushed the limits yet again. i just couldn't bring myself to play it even though I wanted to. I had to sell it on ebay and get it out of my house.
Anyone feel the same way? or sell it off already?
It's just a game, if your own morals start to interfere with what you're doing in a virtual non-existent environment then the problem lies within yourself. The GTA games have always been about being a violent criminal and doing crazy stuff so I don't know what you could have been expecting when you bought the game.
Oddly enough you pretty much can play as a cop, at least in GTA4 and I wouldnt be shocked if GTA5 had this as well or at least eventually for the PC mod community.
All you have to do is no do the storyline, find a cops outfit, get a cop car, and activate the police missions in the car, or even the police station as this video shows with a mod.
On top of that, the PC version of GTA4 has all kinds modding so there are probably more realism mods to add into the mix aside from this police one.
Anyways that solves the police issue if you reallllllly want to play that in this game...really though the game is meant to be a criminal affair, so unless you really want to mod it or do some ingame rp/imagination work to be a cop its probably not worth buying.
As for the maturity level of the player and the game, its like playing a fantasy game and saying this is to silly and childish for me so I am going to play Stock Exchange Simulators.
I don't like the swearing and the way women are treated. I chose to look past it for the 30+ mini games. Its hard being a feminist gamer sometimes heh. I think most of the game design is fantastic. Whether I keep it longterm, don't know yet.
What about the men in the game? they are treated equally bad or even worse. Men never seem to matter though when it comes to acts of violence.[mod edit]
I always loved how absurd these games were, T - revor is by far my favorite. These games are great cause it allows me to be able to do things I can't in real life. I'm surprised that if you're that mature, then why are you still playing video games.
If you only played the campaign missions as fast as you could and you feel you have finished the game this game is not meant for you. The campaign is only about 70% of the game as it is released today. There are so many more side missions to be done if you chose not to do them you have shorted yourself. When multiplayer is released soon campaign will only be about 30% of the game (imho).
I don't like the swearing and the way women are treated. I chose to look past it for the 30+ mini games. Its hard being a feminist gamer sometimes heh. I think most of the game design is fantastic. Whether I keep it longterm, don't know yet.
Im not a feminist, but I see where your coming from. Its to bad this game is such a bad mouth and realistic trash thug lifestyle game that people will look at and want to emulate. The game it self aside from those moral issues is great. But all to often I find myself asking wtf am I even playing this for? I'm all for violence, but this game is to realistic when they have stereo typed like they have. People are going to play this and really relate and then just to continue to escape they will act like thier characters in real life. Sometimes its better off not to give any one any ideas and the real life cultural group this game is tailored for, the ones that can play this without thinking twice, those are the folks you dont want to give any ideas to.
Crazy talk, the story is great... feels like Phelam 123, Heat, Casino, Unusual Suspects, and many more stories wrapped into one. You aren't really thugs but become a necessary evil to combat the darker element's within the gov't.
"The King and the Pawn return to the same box at the end of the game"
OmaliMMO Business CorrespondentMemberUncommonPosts: 1,177
Originally posted by Elikal
Sorry, but how depraved and rotten must human society have become to play torture as fun? And what are the justifications? Oh, real life has that. Oh yes? Then what will come next? Concentration Camp Nazi medical experiments as game? Because, real life had that? NO. NO WAY. There must be a line somewhere what can be used as entertainment. GTA is a despicable game!
The first person to bring up Nazis loses any credibility.
The tragedy is two- fold... the first what a horrible thing to happen to a person, the second was how terrible is it that there was a DEMAND for it.
I would love to see some innovation that adds beauty to life, not add to the huge garbage pile that we already have.
This is my feeling as well. I don't believe these games are going to cause most people to commit crimes. But what I do find sad is that there exists so much demand for such a game. Why?
Throughout history forms of storytelling have come and gone, but by and large these stories are about a hero doing the right thing. Those were our myths. It isn't until relatively recently that we see the anti-hero...a protagonist who may do horrible acts but in the service of some more noble end. The ends justifying the means sort of theme. But with the likes of GTA, all pretense of any morale outcome is gone. The protagonists aren't even anti-heroes. They're something lesser.
I think that the GTA series has been popular primarily due to what you just said, only I have a bit of a different take on it. I think it is because there is such a limited opportunity to play these types of characters. I can't really think of another game where you are truly the bad guy. Some of Bioware's RPG's you could make bad guy type choices, but I can't think of many other's where you are truly a criminal or just all around bad guy. If this was happening in every game being released, I would be more worried about it at a societal level. I'm a very straight laced type of person, follow the rules/laws, I try to treat others the way I want them to treat me, and yet, I love the GTA series. It is just different from most of the other games out there. I don't think I would like gaming much if half the games launched put you in the position of being the bad guy, but I don't mind one every now and then.
Originally posted by nerovipus32 Originally posted by FoomerangI don't like the swearing and the way women are treated. I chose to look past it for the 30+ mini games. Its hard being a feminist gamer sometimes heh. I think most of the game design is fantastic. Whether I keep it longterm, don't know yet.
What about the men in the game? they are treated equally bad or even worse. Men never seem to matter though when it comes to acts of violence. You're a man and a feminist? ok i think i've seen it all now. Yeah I don't care for oppressive behavior towards anyone. But like I said, I have to decide to look past those things or not. I'm not going on some march or anything or writing my sate rep, its just a personal decision. I don't think you are a bad person for not feeling the same way. Im not telling you to act or feel a certain way. I was just sharing my thoughts on the matter nothing more. And yeah feminism reaches far beyond women's rights now, heh.
And I am even going so far to say, such a game should not be allowed. I mean, it has TORTURE! That is the "game" we "play" as fun now?
Sorry, but how depraved and rotten must human society have become to play torture as fun? And what are the justifications? Oh, real life has that. Oh yes? Then what will come next? Concentration Camp Nazi medical experiments as game? Because, real life had that? NO. NO WAY. There must be a line somewhere what can be used as entertainment. GTA is a despicable game!
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, OP. You did the right thing and it is a good proof that you are an empathic, ethical person! There should be more people as sensitive and insightful as you, and the world were a better place!
Every kid at some point of childhood plays cops and robbers, or cowboys and indians. You shoot your friends with a pistol made out of stick, does that mean that you are craving for blood and violence?
I played GTAs when I was young and the only thing I remember from then now is that I struggled to become top gangster in the city. It is just the same form of entertaiment as the one from childhood, only more visual. But who cares, since TV offers more sex and violence with teen ratings, than games with mature. It doesn't change the fact that you just play, and it has no relation to real life.
It is very ignorant to say that killing knights or orcs is any different than what happens in GTA. Because the setting is more familiar? Ridiculous. You are still killing fictional beings and humans, that are part of some fictional story and even more brutaly most of the times. There is no difference. Only if you would be psychotic you would see some relation between what happens in game and in real life, but at this case you might aswell go nuts after watching teletubbies.
Still waiting on that official announcement for a PC release...i refuse to play it on my ps3 after beefing up my PC this past year lol...only use my PS3 for exclusives nowadays xD
I feel your pain. After playing on a gaming rig with max graphic settings, I just can't go back to consoles.
Didn't you know that it has much more mind-altering hoodoo power when you get to be a bad guy killing a good guy? It is much less dangerous when you are a knight slaughtering through characters in a game.
It was proven over, and over that there is no mind-altering or dangers in playing games. It was a myth created by angry parents who tried to make excuses to pull their kids away from computer games, and scientist wanabees who never played a game in their life, made no research at all and tried to use ignorance of others for profit. Pressing mouse and keyboard buttons to kill stylized character is not stimulating enough to influence a sane mind. On the contrary, games are proven to have more calming effects. Even the brutal ones where you are a bad guy, because they allow you to blow off some steam.
The reason people often relate violent video games with violent people is that obviously violent people will want to play those games. It doesn't mean that violent games are driving people to make bad things, and it is proven so. I will ride a fast car, because I like the adrenalin. If I have an accident, can you blame the car, for drawing my attention to it and making me crash? It is as ridiculous with games. And music... death metal doesn't make you kill people. How it works is that if you kill people you will probably listen to death metal, since they sing about your topic at this point, right?...
Start with the link I provided somewere on the first page of this thread and then google some more, you have few years of research to catch up too, seems like you are stuck in the theories from the GTA 3 times. Later people started to realize that school shootings happened before games were invented...
Even if you rip off heads of little babies and piss on them it will have no more effect on you than killing a bad orc. it is just a game. And cartoon babies... with particle piss....
Didn't you know that it has much more mind-altering hoodoo power when you get to be a bad guy killing a good guy? It is much less dangerous when you are a knight slaughtering through characters in a game.
It was proven over, and over that there is no mind-altering or dangers in playing games. It was a myth created by angry parents who tried to make excuses to pull their kids away from computer games, and scientist wanabees who never played a game in their life, made no research at all and tried to use ignorance of others for profit. Pressing mouse and keyboard buttons to kill stylized character is not stimulating enough to influence a sane mind. On the contrary, games are proven to have more calming effects. Even the brutal ones where you are a bad guy, because they allow you to blow off some steam.
The reason people often relate violent video games with violent people is that obviously violent people will want to play those games. It doesn't mean that violent games are driving people to make bad things, and it is proven so. I will ride a fast car, because I like the adrenalin. If I have an accident, can you blame the car, for drawing my attention to it and making me crash? It is as ridiculous with games. And music... death metal doesn't make you kill people. How it works is that if you kill people you will probably listen to death metal, since they sing about your topic at this point, right?...
Start with the link I provided somewere on the first page of this thread and then google some more, you have few years of research to catch up too, seems like you are stuck in the theories from the GTA 3 times. Later people started to realize that school shootings happened before games were invented...
Even if you rip off heads of little babies and piss on them it will have no more effect on you than killing a bad orc. it is just a game. And cartoon babies... with particle piss....
Holy hell man. I used the phrase "mind altering hoodoo." Wasn't that enough to tip the sarcasm meter?
The game is a satire on Western culture. Maybe you're realization of "I need to get this game out of my house" should open your eyes to how shitty our culture can really be.
On the treatment of women in the game... it's completely reflective on how our culture can view women on a massive scale, blown out of proportion so it's obvious to you.
When you turn on the news, you will find that the real world is more and more like GTA every day.
It's not the game's fault, it's ours.
On a less serious note, the game is fun. Turning one hundred pixelpeople to roadkill and then flying off a 300 foot cliff while jumping out of a car to get impaled by rocks is fun for some of us.
If I could quick save in real life, I probably would have jumped out of every plane I've ever been on, because it would be insane and fun. But then you know, quickload.
Soooo some people seem to think games like Mortal Kombat, GTA, and other violent games create violent tendencies and even showcase how depraved our current society is.
Fortunately this is all untrue, in fact its actually the opposite...we have never been more safe and less violent. Go figure lol
There are plenty of sources that point to this, just google it for more sources.
Funny thing is, because news can be reported so quickly now by anyone with a phone and internet connection, plus ubiquitous TV/Internet/Radio media results in alot of people thinking our times are the worst yet...and think its the end of times (like how previous generations assume their time is the end of times). It makes for a barrage of all news compared to "back in the good ol days when you could leave your doors unlocked" that gives the appearance of increased incidents.
Not only that if you think past times were more civilized because their entertainment did not include violent movies and games simulating violence.
Just think of what was entertainment back before this video/videogame media (Alot of this still exists but isnt as prevalent due to media entertainment):
-Animal Fighting (Dogs, Roosters, etc.)
-Blood sports (Gladiatorial events)
-Man vs Animal (Bear wrestling, Bull fighting, etc.)
-Gambling (More likely to lead to violence than gaming)
-Alcohol/Drugs (More likely to lead to violence than gaming)
-Burlesque houses/Prostitution (Not far fetched to imagine involuntary prostitutes and rape in older times and even now)
Boredom overall actually leads to more vandalism, crime, injuries, death and generally violence against others from lack of things to entertain individuals who begin doing very stupid things.
The list can probably go on...
SOOOOoooooo, I am saddned to see how sensitive people are to virtual violence and quick to proclaim things like video games as a major root of "evil" because of its simulations of the realworld...but I can sorta understand for some it may be traumatic to see in such safe and sheltered times.
I love consoles, but I hate this game. It's pure stupidity. It's just one wrong thing after another. That's how some folks are though I guess. I would rather play as a cop and fight crime. Despite the fact that I hate it, I played it enough to know it's fun, I just can't get past the immorality.
I played the older GTA's I think combining the fact that I am older now and maturity level has changed drastically and this game of course has pushed the limits yet again. i just couldn't bring myself to play it even though I wanted to. I had to sell it on ebay and get it out of my house.
Anyone feel the same way? or sell it off already?
All respect to you, Sir!
I never got it, because of what you say. I watched a lot of videos and saw many reviews, because it made such a fuzz and I'd love to see the big, immerisve world.
But yes. I would have played it as cop right away. You see, I have no problem with "killing" in games per se. I mean, I play games, and MOST involve killing. But I seriously feel GTA is heading a way I simply can not support. And I am even going so far to say, such a game should not be allowed. I mean, it has TORTURE! That is the "game" we "play" as fun now?
Sorry, but how depraved and rotten must human society have become to play torture as fun? And what are the justifications? Oh, real life has that. Oh yes? Then what will come next? Concentration Camp Nazi medical experiments as game? Because, real life had that? NO. NO WAY. There must be a line somewhere what can be used as entertainment. GTA is a despicable game!
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, OP. You did the right thing and it is a good proof that you are an empathic, ethical person! There should be more people as sensitive and insightful as you, and the world were a better place!
So basically you didn't play the game. The torture part was followed up by a very astute observation(by a psychopath no less) about how torture is pointless as a method of abstracting information. It was used as a method of social commentary to drive home a point that torture is both morally disgusting and pointless.
In the future I recommend you don't comment on games you haven't played.
That is the singlemost hypocriticial nonsense I have heard.
So you would play a Concentration Camp simulator if Dr. Mengele in the end would say, "oh my, those human experiments didn't really have any viable results..."?
Sorry. But that's just morally depraved. And it doesn't become right just people millions do it. Right remains right, even if it gets out of fashions.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Sorry, but how depraved and rotten must human society have become to play torture as fun? And what are the justifications? Oh, real life has that. Oh yes? Then what will come next? Concentration Camp Nazi medical experiments as game? Because, real life had that? NO. NO WAY. There must be a line somewhere what can be used as entertainment. GTA is a despicable game!
The first person to bring up Nazis loses any credibility.
NO! What happend back then must NEVER be forgotten. It is NEVER invalid. The holocaust is THE warning monument what humans are capable of.
It must NEVER EVER be forgotten and ignored!
It makes me SICK to the stomach to think some people call themselves human who justify torture and see it as "merely a game" after ALL that happened in human history.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I don't like the swearing and the way women are treated. I chose to look past it for the 30+ mini games. Its hard being a feminist gamer sometimes heh. I think most of the game design is fantastic. Whether I keep it longterm, don't know yet.
Im not a feminist, but I see where your coming from. Its to bad this game is such a bad mouth and realistic trash thug lifestyle game that people will look at and want to emulate. The game it self aside from those moral issues is great. But all to often I find myself asking wtf am I even playing this for? I'm all for violence, but this game is to realistic when they have stereo typed like they have. People are going to play this and really relate and then just to continue to escape they will act like thier characters in real life. Sometimes its better off not to give any one any ideas and the real life cultural group this game is tailored for, the ones that can play this without thinking twice, those are the folks you dont want to give any ideas to.
Maybe you are just ignorant, but some people are just not good at understanding things. People always do things based on incentives and risk vs reward. Why would a person growing up in suburbia with a good life become a thug a throw it all away? They don't, especially if they have good enough parents.
The people who are the bad type, are already in a bad environment, and are ready surrounded by, or already wanna be thugs. If anything, for these people, seeing how easy it is to die in gta, they will try to minimise risk with less crime to increase their life span to enjoy whatever reward. A reward like a video game which is very affordable. All they need is a tv, again affordable and paying the extra fees for the electrical bill. They will realise they do not need to be super rich to enjoy their life.
This has to be a troll thread. Seriously, keep your ignorance to yourself. People should not be filling up their heads with your garbage ideas.
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble
All respect to you, Sir!
I never got it, because of what you say. I watched a lot of videos and saw many reviews, because it made such a fuzz and I'd love to see the big, immerisve world.
But yes. I would have played it as cop right away. You see, I have no problem with "killing" in games per se. I mean, I play games, and MOST involve killing. But I seriously feel GTA is heading a way I simply can not support. And I am even going so far to say, such a game should not be allowed. I mean, it has TORTURE! That is the "game" we "play" as fun now?
Sorry, but how depraved and rotten must human society have become to play torture as fun? And what are the justifications? Oh, real life has that. Oh yes? Then what will come next? Concentration Camp Nazi medical experiments as game? Because, real life had that? NO. NO WAY. There must be a line somewhere what can be used as entertainment. GTA is a despicable game!
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, OP. You did the right thing and it is a good proof that you are an empathic, ethical person! There should be more people as sensitive and insightful as you, and the world were a better place!
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
So basically you didn't play the game. The torture part was followed up by a very astute observation(by a psychopath no less) about how torture is pointless as a method of abstracting information. It was used as a method of social commentary to drive home a point that torture is both morally disgusting and pointless.
In the future I recommend you don't comment on games you haven't played.
I love it for what it is, it does treat women like sex objects, it does let you torture people (for the gov.) to get info, it does let you do drugs, drink and drive, and just stomp on random peoples faces in the middle of the street...
It's GTA! and not "The Sims"...
That doesn't mean we'll all go out and do these things in real life, and if you truly believe that, then you either got a motive or your a complete f'ing nutcase yourself.
Like another poster mentioned above, Rockstar always bring things up from the real world, and if not make fun of then bring attention to, but they also bring up more serious issues, like the sanctioned goverment torture.. and many other things... like racism, or massacres.
In the end, it's just a game.. being immoral in a video game doesn't make you bad person in real life, that should be common sense, appearently not.
It's just a game, if your own morals start to interfere with what you're doing in a virtual non-existent environment then the problem lies within yourself. The GTA games have always been about being a violent criminal and doing crazy stuff so I don't know what you could have been expecting when you bought the game.
Oddly enough you pretty much can play as a cop, at least in GTA4 and I wouldnt be shocked if GTA5 had this as well or at least eventually for the PC mod community.
All you have to do is no do the storyline, find a cops outfit, get a cop car, and activate the police missions in the car, or even the police station as this video shows with a mod.
On top of that, the PC version of GTA4 has all kinds modding so there are probably more realism mods to add into the mix aside from this police one.
Anyways that solves the police issue if you reallllllly want to play that in this game...really though the game is meant to be a criminal affair, so unless you really want to mod it or do some ingame rp/imagination work to be a cop its probably not worth buying.
As for the maturity level of the player and the game, its like playing a fantasy game and saying this is to silly and childish for me so I am going to play Stock Exchange Simulators.
What about the men in the game? they are treated equally bad or even worse. Men never seem to matter though when it comes to acts of violence.[mod edit]
Crazy talk, the story is great... feels like Phelam 123, Heat, Casino, Unusual Suspects, and many more stories wrapped into one. You aren't really thugs but become a necessary evil to combat the darker element's within the gov't.
The first person to bring up Nazis loses any credibility.
I think that the GTA series has been popular primarily due to what you just said, only I have a bit of a different take on it. I think it is because there is such a limited opportunity to play these types of characters. I can't really think of another game where you are truly the bad guy. Some of Bioware's RPG's you could make bad guy type choices, but I can't think of many other's where you are truly a criminal or just all around bad guy. If this was happening in every game being released, I would be more worried about it at a societal level. I'm a very straight laced type of person, follow the rules/laws, I try to treat others the way I want them to treat me, and yet, I love the GTA series. It is just different from most of the other games out there. I don't think I would like gaming much if half the games launched put you in the position of being the bad guy, but I don't mind one every now and then.
Yeah I don't care for oppressive behavior towards anyone. But like I said, I have to decide to look past those things or not. I'm not going on some march or anything or writing my sate rep, its just a personal decision. I don't think you are a bad person for not feeling the same way. Im not telling you to act or feel a certain way. I was just sharing my thoughts on the matter nothing more. And yeah feminism reaches far beyond women's rights now, heh.
Every kid at some point of childhood plays cops and robbers, or cowboys and indians. You shoot your friends with a pistol made out of stick, does that mean that you are craving for blood and violence?
I played GTAs when I was young and the only thing I remember from then now is that I struggled to become top gangster in the city. It is just the same form of entertaiment as the one from childhood, only more visual. But who cares, since TV offers more sex and violence with teen ratings, than games with mature. It doesn't change the fact that you just play, and it has no relation to real life.
It is very ignorant to say that killing knights or orcs is any different than what happens in GTA. Because the setting is more familiar? Ridiculous. You are still killing fictional beings and humans, that are part of some fictional story and even more brutaly most of the times. There is no difference. Only if you would be psychotic you would see some relation between what happens in game and in real life, but at this case you might aswell go nuts after watching teletubbies.
I feel your pain. After playing on a gaming rig with max graphic settings, I just can't go back to consoles.
It was proven over, and over that there is no mind-altering or dangers in playing games. It was a myth created by angry parents who tried to make excuses to pull their kids away from computer games, and scientist wanabees who never played a game in their life, made no research at all and tried to use ignorance of others for profit. Pressing mouse and keyboard buttons to kill stylized character is not stimulating enough to influence a sane mind. On the contrary, games are proven to have more calming effects. Even the brutal ones where you are a bad guy, because they allow you to blow off some steam.
The reason people often relate violent video games with violent people is that obviously violent people will want to play those games. It doesn't mean that violent games are driving people to make bad things, and it is proven so. I will ride a fast car, because I like the adrenalin. If I have an accident, can you blame the car, for drawing my attention to it and making me crash? It is as ridiculous with games. And music... death metal doesn't make you kill people. How it works is that if you kill people you will probably listen to death metal, since they sing about your topic at this point, right?...
Start with the link I provided somewere on the first page of this thread and then google some more, you have few years of research to catch up too, seems like you are stuck in the theories from the GTA 3 times. Later people started to realize that school shootings happened before games were invented...
Even if you rip off heads of little babies and piss on them it will have no more effect on you than killing a bad orc. it is just a game. And cartoon babies... with particle piss....
Holy hell man. I used the phrase "mind altering hoodoo." Wasn't that enough to tip the sarcasm meter?
The game is a satire on Western culture. Maybe you're realization of "I need to get this game out of my house" should open your eyes to how shitty our culture can really be.
On the treatment of women in the game... it's completely reflective on how our culture can view women on a massive scale, blown out of proportion so it's obvious to you.
When you turn on the news, you will find that the real world is more and more like GTA every day.
It's not the game's fault, it's ours.
On a less serious note, the game is fun. Turning one hundred pixelpeople to roadkill and then flying off a 300 foot cliff while jumping out of a car to get impaled by rocks is fun for some of us.
If I could quick save in real life, I probably would have jumped out of every plane I've ever been on, because it would be insane and fun. But then you know, quickload.
Soooo some people seem to think games like Mortal Kombat, GTA, and other violent games create violent tendencies and even showcase how depraved our current society is.
Fortunately this is all untrue, in fact its actually the opposite...we have never been more safe and less violent. Go figure lol
Check this video out:
Check out Freakonomics where they suggest several causes lead to violence declines, and even for something more recent.
There are plenty of sources that point to this, just google it for more sources.
Funny thing is, because news can be reported so quickly now by anyone with a phone and internet connection, plus ubiquitous TV/Internet/Radio media results in alot of people thinking our times are the worst yet...and think its the end of times (like how previous generations assume their time is the end of times). It makes for a barrage of all news compared to "back in the good ol days when you could leave your doors unlocked" that gives the appearance of increased incidents.
Not only that if you think past times were more civilized because their entertainment did not include violent movies and games simulating violence.
Just think of what was entertainment back before this video/videogame media (Alot of this still exists but isnt as prevalent due to media entertainment):
-Animal Fighting (Dogs, Roosters, etc.)
-Blood sports (Gladiatorial events)
-Man vs Animal (Bear wrestling, Bull fighting, etc.)
-Gambling (More likely to lead to violence than gaming)
-Alcohol/Drugs (More likely to lead to violence than gaming)
-Burlesque houses/Prostitution (Not far fetched to imagine involuntary prostitutes and rape in older times and even now)
Boredom overall actually leads to more vandalism, crime, injuries, death and generally violence against others from lack of things to entertain individuals who begin doing very stupid things.
The list can probably go on...
SOOOOoooooo, I am saddned to see how sensitive people are to virtual violence and quick to proclaim things like video games as a major root of "evil" because of its simulations of the realworld...but I can sorta understand for some it may be traumatic to see in such safe and sheltered times.
That is the singlemost hypocriticial nonsense I have heard.
So you would play a Concentration Camp simulator if Dr. Mengele in the end would say, "oh my, those human experiments didn't really have any viable results..."?
Sorry. But that's just morally depraved. And it doesn't become right just people millions do it. Right remains right, even if it gets out of fashions.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
NO! What happend back then must NEVER be forgotten. It is NEVER invalid. The holocaust is THE warning monument what humans are capable of.
It must NEVER EVER be forgotten and ignored!
It makes me SICK to the stomach to think some people call themselves human who justify torture and see it as "merely a game" after ALL that happened in human history.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Maybe you are just ignorant, but some people are just not good at understanding things. People always do things based on incentives and risk vs reward. Why would a person growing up in suburbia with a good life become a thug a throw it all away? They don't, especially if they have good enough parents.
The people who are the bad type, are already in a bad environment, and are ready surrounded by, or already wanna be thugs. If anything, for these people, seeing how easy it is to die in gta, they will try to minimise risk with less crime to increase their life span to enjoy whatever reward. A reward like a video game which is very affordable. All they need is a tv, again affordable and paying the extra fees for the electrical bill. They will realise they do not need to be super rich to enjoy their life.
This has to be a troll thread. Seriously, keep your ignorance to yourself. People should not be filling up their heads with your garbage ideas.
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble
read OP's post before leaving a post.
just and idea