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I've never been this excited for a game.
This is beyond a AAA production, trust me when I say that. Everything you ever wanted at a high standard of production quality.
I've been following this game for a long time now, watching almost every new video posted on YouTube and none of them give it justice. For once, the game is better than the videos.
I'm so f'ing thrilled, I can hardly stand it.
I've just been running around for the past few hours like a kid at Christmas exploring this beautiful, massive, open world and marveling at the quality of everything.
Are you playing NA beta? How are you playing? I would love to play this -_+
And enjoy it man I can't wait to dive into this one :P
Go there anyone can play it
I am really tempted to use this but
Is it legit? Is the site trustworthy?
Also, I am assuming the game and GUI will be in Korean? How can we do shit then?
Yeah its legal site some of the guild had been playing it a while and yes its all in Korean.But what they told me most quests r pick x amount etc etc and they say that got used to a bit over time.
I'm just a level 4 nub. I can't stop exploring, it's so beautiful.
I doubt I'll get very far in the game because everything is in Korean and I'm totally confused. They also don't have a mouse invert option in the Korean version so I'm both dizzy and confused.
But the game is superb.
Well that sucks. Even if it's just pick X type quests, i really won't be able to enjoy it like that. I googled and some people were doing some English patches conversion but the project was abandoned
That's why I haven't tried it im from the uk and can only just speak English so no chance of understanding Korean lol
What is kinda pissing me off is Trion's attitude. I mean c'mon, some publisher already converted it to Russian and there are also outdated English conversion patches but still after over 9 months (i think), they still haven't been able to show shit about the game. If they don't release it before Wildstar or very close to it, i might not even give it a try.
Same goes for Blade and Soul, dunno what they do there.
I watched one of the videos that are linked in that thread the OP linked. The first impression I got that way really isn't positive at all. At least the start of the game (which the OP praises so much) looks so very dull and boring to me. Exclamation marks for quests, combat system with global cooldown...
Though I guess it is no secret that the real strength of ArcheAge is the freedom and the mass of opportunities it offers aside from combat. That stuff only opens up at a later stage anyway.
ArcheAge, Black Desert and Bless videos InporylemQQ Youtube
Internet is not social.
ArcheAge, Black Desert and Bless videos InporylemQQ Youtube
Good point, I was just trying to make you crack a smile
hope you did, if not i am a failure sniff
Why am I not downlaoding, now that I can... Hmmm I think it's the mere thought of questing for levels Maybe I will do it before I go to bed...
After a month, without a vpn, you will be flagged for re-verification. If the numbers don't match your account gets banned.
Buying an account is illegal, plain & simple. Sorry but just the facts
Not true.
ArcheAge, Black Desert and Bless videos InporylemQQ Youtube