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After seeing all the negative threads here i thought i would come in here and defend the best MMO since FFXI.
Many players reaching end-game like myself can be turned off immediately with doing a fail PUG group, no matter how skilled knowlegable the group may seem, it will fail everytime compared to a group of friends or good guild.
One example is the Garuda Hard Mode Fight. In a Pug if you do not have at least 3k HP, you almost always die to Garuda's ultimate. In my guild when we farm this though I never take more than 1500damage.
So you can see how frustrating it is to have Garuda in farm mode but then join an equivalently geared PUG group that kicks me for not having enough HP....
Endgame is solid right now, not many are there or are prepared for it yet (binding coil) which is fantastic seeing how in most MMOs the endgame is exhausted quickly. Sure there are only 2 dungeons to farm, but looking at the patch notes and SE's schedule vs history schedules, they will be releasing 2-3 more per patch. My only fuss is the seemingly high latency for harder boss fights.
Why the need to defend? Do you feel that the game is so bad, it has to be defended?
Elitism is in every mmo, it is not a problem exclusive to this particular game, no need to excuse it.
Two dungeons to farm and a promise of more in near future can't be really called "solid" can it? Why not be at least honest about it.
No matter how cynical you become, its never enough to keep up - Lily Tomlin
How do you not have 3k HP? If you dont, you are undergeared PERIOD. This isnt a skill based game its a gear based game. So you had 7 FC members carry you through it in your I assume original AF gear, and you expect a PUG to do the same when they are in full DL? You sir are the baddie people complain about
Any graphical, audio, or gameplay restrictions not seen in other mmos but found in FFXIV can be blamed on one thing.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Again you were carried by your FC. Because if you were geared you would have over 3k HP.
Any graphical, audio, or gameplay restrictions not seen in other mmos but found in FFXIV can be blamed on one thing.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
The thing is...
FFXIV is attracting a lot of novice mmo players. I cant tell you how many pugs I have been in and the tank didnt know wtf he was doing. I constantly stole agro and we wiped hundreds of times, so much so we couldnt beat the final boss within the time limit. Noobs WILL ruin this for you. I guarantee it.
After a while I just let the tank die and let whoever was doing the most dps tank. It made it a lot easier.
I'll say it again. Noobs will ruin this for you.
But its still a good game.
Thank god for great FCs that care enough about their individual players to make sure they get geared up.
I took the slow road getting to 50. Now MY FC wants to get me through my last set of HM Primals.
I call BS on your bullshit. Unless you are being carried you are not progressing that far. Raid calling or not, you are not properly geared and are dragging your raid down. When they add gear lvl requirements you will be left out in the cold as you wont be in coil.
Any graphical, audio, or gameplay restrictions not seen in other mmos but found in FFXIV can be blamed on one thing.
I support Mtibbs on your BS. You are just wrong. Plain and simple.
The only reason why people note 3,000 hp (really, 3,200 hp is the widely considered "safe zone") is because its an assumption regarding imperfect runs. You can survive as a DPS or Healer with 2,800 HP *if* people are on top of things. No one can be taking incidental damage. You'll also likely need to down Titan prior to the 9-stomp rotation or have a Roused Scholar drop a pre-shield succor with Eos AoE heal - things you likely don't see in PUGs.
I did it with 3,000 HP and it was pretty simple once my FC got the rotations down. Now we sell runs with 1-2 people carried. The fight is easy.
Also, if you think Garuda requires 3,000 HP - LOLWUT!? I did that with straight AF gear, in a pug no less. If you are dying to the phase transition you aren't protecting your rock columns well enough.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Im sure your the super best and can complete all fights with no gear. But why would a pug waste their time finding out, get the gear = to the fight or have your FC deal with it.
Your gonna tell me you have never been in a fail pug group? that's a lot of time for people to waste checking the size of your epeen.
They are not being mean its just saving time as they don't know you or your skill. For every 1 person that can do it with no gear there a 100 people who cannot....
Elitists that aren't the best players are the worst. Bad players are one thing, but a bad player telling others what they are doing wrong really takes the cake. Not calling anyone out, just came across a person like this yesterday and I couldn't get out of that party fast enough.
Good players can have bad days/luck too, but first impressions are important.
To the OP: Don't take it personally if you get kicked for not having higher gear. Usually it shows the lack of confidence that person that did the kicking or calling out has in themselves or their party, but you are doing everyone a favor if you come more than prepared.
Somebody, somewhere has better skills as you have, more experience as you have, is smarter than you, has more friends as you do and can stay online longer. Just pray he's not out to get you.
Finally came back to see how this thread is doing, I stand by everything I said 2 weeks ago, even though now I run Garuda with either my 3.5k HP WHM, or my 3.1k Bard, it doesnt matter. Fail pugs still exist and it is still equally impossible to clear Garuda or higher with the Duty finder.
Well arn't you the "Fonz" of the internet.
Lol, this is why "Endgame" can be so silly. And the irony is there is no sense of community at all. No mention of actually helping these "bad" players learn the content and become better players. There is a chat, does no one talk anymore?
It is just gear, gear, gear. Yes, I understand that is how the devs made the endgame but my lord. "Elite" players are being asshats because it is just a game and in reality, no one cares how cool you are in a video game in real life. Wow, people will take pride in ANYTHING. And yo! You were a noob once too. Get a grip....
And what is wrong with noob players? Yes, the ones that do not want to learn are annoying. However, that is a minority. The majority of new players would love to learn the games, preferably with help from friendly players in the game and not having to google and youtube stuff in what is supposed to be a social and multiplayer game.
I am some what new to MMO games as the first one I played is RIFT. I am a video game vet however and so I learn quickly. Tanking is... interesting in this game and I have even had trouble keeping aggro sometimes. Then you know, aggro is a group thing. No really. DPS and Healers have to watch there output or they can steal aggro and make it hard for the tank to get it back. Have some patience....
It just amazes me how it seems that there is a subset of players that do MMO games like a job. A job they usually have to have the privilege to work at.....
There is a bar for gear, but unlike other games at end game; practice and positioning is far more important. Having relic+1 doesn't make you a good player. Community is learning that now.
Labour the aggro thing... I hate to say it, but blame WoW. No really. Popularizing AoE DPS, AoE heals and taunts that stick mobs to tanks like rubber cement have trivialized the trinity genre of MMOs. Other games followed suit to it over the years because that's what is expected. Many players don't realize what you're talking about because they have never had to watch their aggro really before. While other DPS get off on challenging that tank for threat. That one I'll never understand.
This is actualy false. No other mmorpg player is more ready for ff14 then wow players. They are so used to cone/aoe and they know how to be on the move compared to any other mmorpg player.
If you want to blame someone for ff14 failure most of the time it will not be wow players but ff11 players. Test this ingame and see the truth.
Im a dungeon hore and ill admit this game have some pretty advanced dungeon tactic, it rival raid in smal scale party.
Edit : i did not adress the agro issue so will do it here. Very few games adress this issue at all. So to blame it on wow is stupid and most older mmorpg player will see the issue.
Yes you need to watch your agro but unless you have godly gear this is for the 1st mob only after that as tank i have no problem to let each dps take their own mob. This is not effective as it strain the healer rather then tank. But one thing i hate is trigger happy archer.
There is something about that class since they have high damage without delay. I have met some excellent archer, but tbh it has the highest retard rate. It's mostly becouse they do not understand tank mechanic in this game. So im not to harsh, i can see this.
But to blame it all on wow is stupid, they have agro meter in that game. Again they are the most qualified mmorpg player on the paper. Sure you do have retards, but so did we have in eq1 l2 and every game befor and after.
I don't play the game but I do agree, it sounds like the person is being carried through raiding and got irritated at a pug for kicking them for being undergeared.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.
From my perspective, as one of the top geared players on the server, elitism is thrown around too casually.
It's not elitist when you ask for a high gear party to do a speed run. When you have a Garuda weap and ilevel 60 armor/access, sorry - you don't meet that bar. It's also not elitist to set standards on gear that you personally believe will make the encounter run smoothly.
It's certainly not elitist to require a relic / darklight minimum for Coil (you should have that anyway by the time you get there).
This is why the Duty Finder exists. People that want custom parties should have the ability to define their standards as they wish without having some butthurt noob complain about how they should be included. Where people are outright dicks is when they roll solo in the DF and then start insulting people about how their gear sucks.
On the other hand, when a ilevel 90 pops into AK/WP/CM and asks you to play a specific way you should probably listen to the directions. It's very likely that they know significantly more than you and you should be interested to learn how you can improve.
More often than not, it's the undergeared, selfish, stubborn noobs that throw around the vitriol. Elitism is just their way of fighting back.