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Gold sellers are the bane of many a game's existence. Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is not exempt either. But in our latest FFXIV column, we take a look at the proactive steps that Square Enix is taking in that regard. Check it out and then leave your reactions in the comments.
367,700,000,000. That is a big number. No it is not the US budget deficit. This is the amount of Gil that was removed from the mean streets of Eorzea in one of the largest coordinated stings ever launched by the SEPD. (Square Enix Police Department).
Read more of Rob Lashley's Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Money, It’s a Drag.
..... That's a tough one.
On one hand It's like the RL where if you buy a stolen car and don't know it your SOL.
On the other hand if your a high level crafter and spend 10,000 gil making a +5 sword of Winboat, you sell it for 50,000 only to find out the money was bought. Then your really screwed. Not only do you lose the item(because it's on a banned acount now) you also lose your inital investment. It's not like RL where you can check the title. It's all just bits.......
I don't know. It' would be an interesing debate.
I think it sent a clear message to both gil sellers and buyers. I have already seen an improvement on my server. Less spammers and more stable market prices are two things Ive noticed this week. I hope it continues to get better because the game's economy is quite provocative.
On my server (US Balmung) the amount of spam lately has already significantly diminished.
So I definetely see improvements.
And Yeah. It sucks they took RMT gil away from innocent People that did not know.
But in the end, however it sucks for the innocent caught in the middle, it's for the best of the game and it's future!
It's a tough decision, but if they left the gil in the game in the hands of the innocent, it would hurt the economy in the long run with artificially inflated prices due to RMT.
And really, the game is only short of 2 months old since re-launch. So plenty time Ahead to make Money again. Especially as Level 50 crafter.
I don't like that even the innocent players are losing gil, but I think it is probably the correct decision. It defeats the purpose to just ban the RMT accounts and let the gil stay in the economy.
It makes perfect sense that they have to withhold content that is primarily a gil sink. If they were planning to add it with gil costs in the hundreds and everyone is running around with a million gil it is essentially pointless.
Add the fact that housing in the next patch is supposed to be "expensive". That would've been completely trivialized with 367 billion surplus gil floating around heh.
All gold farmers must die!
I know it sounds simple, but when these assholes interfere with the game's communication mechanics and cause paying customers to be distracted and annoyed during game sessions, they deserve the worst. And, don't argue the fact they need jobs and all that bullshit because they can find other rl options to make money.
SE, keep handing out the harsh penalties and do something about making it easier for us to help you rid your game of these clowns.
Past couple days have been much better, players and SE are doing their part. I might get a tell once every two hours at minimum from RMT but it has significantly improved.
Make sure to report the person along with blacklisting and we will win.
a nice little macro to blaclists spammers that send tells.
/blist add <r>
it help a lot but it does suck when guys that spent hours crafting to lose out because they sold there stuf to a guy that bought gold. This is a wrong sulotion.
Some dude in Hawkers was whining about that two nights ago. Yet he admitted to selling lvl 50 rings for upwards of 1.3 mil each. Greed comes around in many ways.
It is very encouraging that SE are being so proactive on the whole RMT issue, that both parties are punished, buyers and sellers is imo, wholly justified. It is a shame people get caught up in the middle, but it should in the end result in a 'readjustment' of market prices, to a more reasonable level, and if a few people lose a few thousand gil due to them selling stuff for 50,000 when it only cost them 5k to make it, then, hey, thats how the cookie crumbles, and with that kind of profit margin a single sale pays for at least 8 failed ones, and still makes profit
though far be it from me to suggest that people might be over pricing themselves into that situation in the first place!
It's not a perfect solution but it is also not the wrong solution either. It's not 100% accurate, But it is the best solution.
It's no different that real life. counterfeit money, when it's discovered, is removed from circulation. Unfortunately, it means that if the person who was trying to spend it, obtained it through other legitimate transactions, they still lose. It is not reimbursed.
it's a clear message but I don't agree with penalizing players selling items to other players
how is a player supposed to know they are selling an item to someone w "tainted" coin ?
EQ2 fan sites
i am a crafter on my server and for me to make high level gear i either have to spend hours leveling up all crafteing and gathering classes or i have to buy mats from the auction house. High level mats cost about 3 to 5k per so for me to make most stuff and i was to buy it it would cost about 20 or 30 k to make . So i put it on the auction house for 50k to try make some profit so i can level up my profesion and i get gil taken of me for so called greed. That is wrong but if i put it on for 1 million and it sold then yeah that is stupid and they deserve to get in trouble.
Free market...a reasonable price is what people are willing to pay for it.It's nor the crafter's fault they did or used RMT bought money to do so.That argument is very flawed.
But I agree doing what they did is still better than doing nothing even if a few innocents get inconvenienced a long the way,but those that are have every right to complain.
I really only read this thread because of the Pink Floyd reference int he title though 8P.
Eh, it's quite easy. You are accepting a payment that is grossly overinflated in the current economy vs. the effort. No legit player would throw his money away like that if he had gotten rich using legit means.
In this stage of the game it's quite obvious to see who the gil buyers are.
If you try to sell items at obsene prices, you darn well know where it's coming from. Sorry.
Free market...a reasonable price is what people are willing to pay for it.It's nor the crafter's fault they did or used RMT bought money to do so.That argument is very flawed.
But I agree doing what they did is still better than doing nothing even if a few innocents get inconvenienced a long the way,but those that are have every right to complain.
I really only read this thread because of the Pink Floyd reference int he title though 8P.
The game is barely a month old. It is a known issue that gil fountains are scarce. Its a known issue that gol sellers were using a duping exploit. You put something up for a million+ gil, your'e selling exclusively to people who RMT'd their money. If this game was a year or more out, it would be less cut and dry. But 367 billion gil from a month old game with more gil sinks than fountains? And you put it up for prices that only a gil buyer could afford? Sorry but thats the risk you took and it didnt pay off in the end.
This contradicts itself if you think about it. The game is only a month old. There are "no gil fountains" (debatable), but how do MOST people make gil? Leveling up. And when do they they level up? When they first get the game. The first month of the game has thousands of people earning 200-300k gil just by questing. It's later in the game that the supposed lack of gil fountains hurts people, once they blow that 200-300k. What do they typically spend that gil on? Pretty much the only things to spend gil on: teleporting, repairs, consumables, and crafted gear.
Apply all that knowledge, and it makes sense how 600ish people out of millions could amass a lot of gil by focusing purely on crafting and gathering.
Yeah I'm currently afraid of making a lot of gil because of all the rumors.
One other thing, bots which tp on gathering nodes. They're making gathering classes totally useless. I look up on my log what to gather for some gil and every item on the market is dirt cheap, sometimes even HQ ones. So I just buy them instead of gathering them by myself.
On the plus side I didn't see any teleporting bot today or even spammers in town. I guess SE is doing something about it.
Not really since we are not talking about a handful of players cornering a market. we're taking about thousands of players paying over a million gil for a single item.
There are a lot of posts in here that are seemingly from people who have not played the game.
This is the problem.
Leveling via story quest will net you about 300k gil. After that, FFXIV's version of daily quests (leves) are what will give you money. If you are turning the ones that yield the most gil, you will get about 2k gil per turn in, and you get about 6 per day (maybe?).
A full evening of dungeons will give you a full repair bill, which in dungeon point gear will cost about 2k average, depending on armor type. But if you spend all your time doing dungeons you will not get the income required to repair.
Now here comes the bannable offenses and the "innocents" affected.
People were reporting selling certain items for very inflated prices. By inflated I mean that it was typically a ring or some piece of gear that usually sells on the market for 10k and is constantly being undercut, but somebody posted and sold one for over 1 million. That should raise some eyebrows.
So, there are not enough gil generating activities to support over 300 BILLION gil being spent on otherwise useless items. And I would be shocked if SE didn't trace the transactions back to someone who used some gil duping technique that only the RMTers knew about, and then remove that gil.
They must have had a threshold of how far removed from the RMT the gil went because every single player was likely to end up with a piece of duped gil.
I can fly higher than an aeroplane.
And I have the voice of a thousand hurricanes.
Hurt - Wars
That is not accurate. Thousands of people weren't suspended and had their accounts returned. SE gave us this number, it was 568 accounts. Many more accounts were banned out-right because they were actually found guilty of RMT-activity, but these 568 accounts were found innocent and still had their gil /100.
Less than 600 people out of millions are being targeted for gil removal. I'm not saying all the gil they received was legit, obviously people bought gil and then bought at least some their stuff. But assuming that thousands of people are dealing with this is not accurate, because we have been told otherwise. This is a relatively small group of people who worked harder at making gil than most, while most people focused on combat-class leveling and then spending their gil on gearing up. It's not a difficult concept. And it's not unreasonable to assume that at least some of those people earned a lot of their gil legitimately and don't deserve to be blanket punished with everyone else.
That is not accurate. Thousands of people weren't suspended and had their accounts returned. SE gave us this number, it was 568 accounts. Many more accounts were banned out-right because they were actually found guilty of RMT-activity, but these 568 accounts were found innocent and still had their gil /100.
Less than 600 people out of millions are being targeted for gil removal. I'm not saying all the gil they received was legit, obviously people bought gil and then bought at least some their stuff. But assuming that thousands of people are dealing with this is not accurate, because we have been told otherwise. This is a relatively small group of people who worked harder at making gil than most, while most people focused on combat-class leveling and then spending their gil on gearing up. It's not a difficult concept. And it's not unreasonable to assume that at least some of those people earned a lot of their gil legitimately and don't deserve to be blanket punished with everyone else.
Its on their website.